Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Platinum Games
Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Genre: Third-person shooter
Modes: Single-player
Content Downloads
Release dates:
- NA October 19, 2010
- JP October 21, 2010
- EU October 22, 2010
- BBFC: 15
- PEGI: 18

Achievements and Trophies
51 Trophies, 2 gold, 5 silver, 42 bronze and 1 secret trophy.
Achievements list
Partial Credits
click on names to see the related blog entry:
- Director: Shinji Mikami
- Producer: Atsushi Inaba
- Animator: Takaaki Yamaguchi
- GUI Designer: Takahiro Fujii
- AI Programmer: Noriyuki Otani
- Sound designer: Ippei Shiraki
- Composer: Erina Niwa, Masafumi Takada, Masakazu Sugimori
- Art director and Lead background designer: Naoki Katakai
- Background Designer: Tetsuya Sasano
- Enigne programming/tuning: Hideaki Nakata
- Visual Effects: Takeo Kido
- Character Modeling: Yoshifumi Hattori
Official Sites:
Collector's Edtion
Exclusive to UK retailer Zavvi

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In a near-future world where Russia and the United States vie for ownership of the worlds fast-depleting energy resources, the US has constructed a space station in order to harness energy from the sun. Russian forces capture this space station and divert its harvested solar energy into a blast wave that destroys San Francisco, aiming to force the US into a total and unconditional surrender. In response, the US tasks its armed forces with recapturing the space station before the Russians can annihilate their next target New York...

from left to right:
Sam Gideon: [Age: 36] [Affiliation: DARPA]
As a researcher at DARPA, Sam was in charge of designing the Augmented Reaction Suit (ARS) system. Officially, he accompanies the army to test his battle suit design, but secretly he has been drafted to rescue Professor Candide. Consequently, his hidden agenda leads to constant clashes with the mission's commanding officer, Marine Lt. Col. Robert Burns. Sam is voiced by Gideon Emery in English version.
Lt. Col. Robert Burns: [Age: 48] [Affiliation: Marines / Commanding Officer]
Burns, a decorated war hero who received both the Silver Star and Navy Cross in two of his three military engagements, is the task force commanding officer in the effort to reclaim the space colony under occupation by the Order of the Russian Star. Burns is an endlessly driven commander, continuing to fight in hopes of honoring the soldiers he has lost under his stewardship with victory, despite losing his arm and replacing nearly half his body with bionics.. He is voiced by Steve Blum in English version.
Elena Ivanova: [Age: 27] [Affiliation: DARPA / Mission Coordinator]
Lauded as a prodigy, Elena received a special education as part of a Department of Defense project, and was later assigned to DARPA at the request of Dr. Candide. Her role in the current operations is in providing logistical support to Sam. Her superior analytical abilities and hacking techniques could prove a deciding factor in the final outcome
President Elizabeth Winters: [Age: 56] [Affiliation: President of the United States of America]
America's first female president. Already recognized in financial circles for her extraordinary abilities, expectations were high as Winters assumed the presidency in the midst of a severe global recession. In addition to her fierce obsession with authority, reputation and social status, she has proven time again that she is willing to use anyone or anything, stepping on the backs of rivals where need be, to further her political ascent.
Professor Francois Candide: [Age: 49] [Affiliation: DARPA]
As chief researcher at DARPA, Dr. Candide initially proposed the colony station as well as design the energy system that was later weaponized by the Russian Star. Feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the annihilation of San Francisco, he left a video message for Sam warning him about a mole working from inside the government, before taking it upon himself to try to shut down the energy system personally.
Victor Zaitsev: [Affiliation: Order of the Russian Star]
Principal of the Order of the Russian Star, the faction responsible for overthrowing the Russian Federation via coup d'état. He pilots his own battle suit which easily rivals that of the ARS in terms of abilities, and personally directed the assault on the Providence space colony resulting in the attack that devastated San Francisco. He has now demanded America's unconditional surrender, failing which his next target will be New York.

Bravo Company
A task force consisting of elements of space-based special operations forces, Marines, and the remnants of the forces that were once stationed upon the colony.

You fight various synthetic enemies in this game, the "grunts" of vanquish are called Gorgie (pictured) which are basic enemies, There are several bigger mini bosses, wall bots which turn into a wall for providing cover for others, hovering gun robots, tanks etc. You can find more info on some of these at http://vanquish.sega.jp/, I won't list them here because it can be considered a spoiler to some, well, you probably want to discover them yourself in the game!

Augmented Reaction System Suit - ARS
The Augmented Reaction Suit, or ARS, is a cutting-edge mechanical. It's equipped with a variety of functions, including jet boosters located on the thighs, a reaction time-enhancing mode dubbed "Augmented Reality Mode" and the ability to simultaneously monitor every aspect of the operator's health to make sure they are working in peak condition. What appears to be the helmet's visor is in fact a breathing filter, and the wearer does not "see" directly, but rather, all the information he or she needs is displayed on the helmet's inside, making it incredibly vulnerable to attacks which target the suit's operating system. The suit's power source is a reactor located on its back, which automatically vents when overheated.

B.L.A.D.E. System

Instead of picking up weapons thanks to BLADE, Sam can just scan any weapon he finds and then BLADE can transform to that weapon. BLADE can only save 3 weapons at a time.
There are too many weapons to list here; from MG, HMG, Shotgun to rocket launchers and laser cannons, you can find the nearly full list on the JP official site.

There are two type of grenades: Explosive and EMP, you can switch between the two by pressing left on the d-pad.
TIP: You can shoot your grenades in the air while in AR mode.
Type A

Type B
functions of triggers and shoulder buttons are swapped.
- Picking same weapon will replenish your ammo
- Picking up an upgrade item will upgrade the current weapon and increases it's effectiveness in various ways
- Picking up same weapon when already carrying max ammo will allow you to proceed on the upgrade path for that weapon
- Melee attack depends on your currently equipped weapon, each has its own merits.
- Aiming while evading (LS+ X/A) activates AR.
- Aiming while boosting activates AR.
- While in cover, you can push LS forward and press Square/X to jump. Aiming while jumping activates AR.
- Low health automatically activates AR.
- Melee attacks drain all of your power.
Canceling is skipping of certain animations in action games so you can do things much faster!
- Reload Canceling
Skipping reload animation. As soon as you start reloading you can switch to a different weapon and switch back so you don't have to reload.
- BLADE Canceling
Skipping BLADE System's transforming animation by switching to another weapon while firing a weapon.
- Melee Canceling
Skipping lengthy melee attack's animation. Just use evade (LS+ X/A).
Your performance is evaluated in the end of each level based on your time and other stats:
Mission result
- Total Score
- Mission Time
- Cover Usage
- Distance Traveled
- Munitions Fired
- Deaths penalty
- Confirmed Friendlies KIA
- Wounded Friendlies Assisted
- Confirmed Kills
- Pangloss Statues Destroyed
- Completed Time Bonus
- Death Point Reduction
Difficulty Settings
There are four difficulty settings:
- Casual Auto
- Casual
- Normal
- Hard
- God Hard
God Hard will be unlocked after beating the game.
Challenge Mode
You have to survive waves of enemies and finish fastest as possible for most points. This mode in intended for 'core' players and is quite difficult. You can download the second demo available on JPSN and JLIVE to try this mode. More details about this mode is not available at the moment. The demo will be released on other marketplaces after the game's release date.

More info
The Vanquish Original Soundtrack will be released in Japan on October 27, 2010. Its all the intense music from the game, spread across a wonderful three disc set (63 tracks)
It also features tracks from our awesome collaborators on this project, Masafumi Takada, of The Silver Case, killer7, God Hand, and No More Heroes fame, and Masakazu Sugimori, composer on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (GBA) and Viewtiful Joe (GC) amongst others. At 3990 yen, it is a bit pricey, but once you get great at the game and then start thinking the music was awesome, the soundtrack is the perfect companion!

Pre-odrer DLC:
The Tri-Weapon pack contains a small arsenal of experimental technology, made up of the Boost Machine Gun, Anti-Armor Pistol and Laser Cannon. This triple threat of futuristic weaponry gives players an edge in surviving the frenetic and massive battles onboard the vast space station setting of VANQUISH. The Boost Machine Gun is an early experimental weapon with impressive overall fire power and the speed to dispense rounds similar to that of a heavy machine gun. The Anti-Armor Pistol fires a special penetrative shell and was manufactured to tackle hostile forces with much stronger armor. Finally, the Laser Cannon is a miniaturized space warship laser and is more powerful than any other weapon available for infantry.

Weapons Trailer

Enemies Trailer

Story Trailer

Sam Gideon GC10 Trailer

E310 Gameplay Trailer

ARS Battle Suit Trailer
Game Announcement Trailer

Challenge Mode Demo Part I

Challenge Mode Demo Part 2

E3 2010 Demo
Part I

Part II

Speed Runs/Experts gameplay
Video #1
Video #2

- PLAY UK 9.3
- Gametrailers 9.0
- Gamespot 9.0
- Eurogamer 9.0
- Dengeki 85/85/90/85
- famitsu 9/9/10/9
- Planet Xbox 360 8.9
- 1up B+
- IGN 8.5
- EDGE 8
- Gameinformer 7.75
- G4 6.0
- Destructoid 5

Q1: Which version to get?
A: Face-off
Q2: 60 fps?
A: Is 30 fps.
Q3: How long is this game?
A: 7-8 hours with very high replay value. think of it as an high scoring arcade game.
Read this article to better understand what this game is about
PG forum QA
What was the inspiration behind the style and setting of VANQUISH?
We based things on the Japanese animated series, Casshern. As far as the game goes, we really put an emphasis on speed during the gameplay.
How Important will the Melee combat be in the game? and how many melee moves are there?
We havent made melee the focal point of combat in the game, but it is an effective technique when you close in on an enemy. The focal point of combat in the game is shooting, so the melee attacks are really just to add to the combat repertoire.
Do you think VANQUISH will be able to successfully compete with other shooters on the market without Multiplayer?
Of course, the lack of multiplayer will probably make things difficult on the sales front, but what we have instead is the speedy exhilaration of Vanquishs gameplay, along with the content you can really sink your teeth into. I think it will provide more than enough enjoyment for those who buy the game.
What was your inspiration to make this into a third person shooter and not first person?
I wanted people to really feel the action going on during the game, which means that we needed to show the player on the screen.
Do you think Vanquish represents a sort of attempt at making a very traditionally western genre and infusing it with a style that is centric to Japanese video games?
If that is how people take the game, I am totally fine with that.
-What is your favorite aspect of Vanquish?
I really love the boost system in the game, as well as the English voice for our main character, Sam. It is incredibly cool, and Im hooked on it.
-Will be bosses be solely Shoot and Dodge or will there be pseudo puzzle challenges like environmental hazards?
The bosses are a bit old-school, in that there is a distinct process for defeating them, kind of like exposing their weak points and then firing upon them.
-What was the inspiration for the visual style?
The backgrounds are influenced by a movie called Tristan + Isolde. In the end, the visuals are really the product of the individual tastes of the staff creating them, but I think the graphics in the game are something we can be proud to recommend to people.
Who will be composing the soundtrack for the game?
The soundtrack was mainly composed by our in-house composers; however, ex-Grasshopper Manufacture composer Masafumi Takada was also in on composing some tracks.
∀ Narayan