Baron Aloha
A Shining Example
June 9, 2004... New Line Cinema has asked the team behind the original FINAL DESTINATION to come back and create FINAL DESTINATION 3 -- and what do you know, they said yes.
Writer/director James Wong and writer/producer Glen Morgan were the necessary ingredients for New Line to greenlight the third horror film in the death-comes-a-callin' franchise. No details about what sort of ghastly accident that sets the plot in motion are known, but there have been whispers that a third FINAL DESTINATION may be filmed in 3-D.
Give me a hell yeah on both counts. I was hoping the original creators would come back and now there are rumors that it will be in 3D? Holy shit! I'll be seeing it a dozen times in theatres if true. Can you guys imagine all the body parts and deadly objects that will be flying around?
This series is great. The second one was goofy but it had some truly excellent kills. The writing just wasn't nearly as good as the first movie though. FD3D will probably have better writing now that the original team is back. This is the best movie related news I've heard in months.