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Vegan community thread - Give Peas a Chance

Oh I'm not sure if it is vegan (i imagine it must be) but I am trying a coconut milk based ice cream*. So Delicious brand. It's pretty decent. But not really like ice cream in texture despite how it looks.

*frozen dessert

edit: is certified vegan.


I use a lot of olive oil. In just saying it's not a milk substitute and I don't think it should be your main source of calories.

Also, coconut milk is expensive as fck, at least where I live.
I use a lot of olive oil. In just saying it's not a milk substitute and I don't think it should be your main source of calories.

Also, coconut milk is expensive as fck, at least where I live.

Yeah. What I've been doing sometimes is taking like a cup of milk (160 cals), 2 tbsp peanut butter (190 cals), and then 2 tbsp olive oil (like 200+ calories). Blending it together.

A fuckton of fat I guess, but eh. I could use soy milk I suppose. I lose 60 cals or so.


Beyond beef burgers are so addictive. It's so tasty. I eat amazing cheeseburgers like every day now.

You could trick a meat eater into thinking its beef. It's that close.
Beyond beef burgers are so addictive. It's so tasty. I eat amazing cheeseburgers like every day now.

You could trick a meat eater into thinking its beef. It's that close.

Where are these sold? I checked Kroger but I didn't see it. Or maybe I did. There was some vegan/vegetarian burger thing that was like 5 dollars for one. Decided not to try it.


Where are these sold? I checked Kroger but I didn't see it. Or maybe I did. There was some vegan/vegetarian burger thing that was like 5 dollars for one. Decided not to try it.
I found t at Whole Foods in the tofu/fake meat section. Here's what it looks like.


A little pricey, but worth it. Around $6 for two patties, which I cut up into 3 burgers each.


Humans evolved lactaste persistence though. I don't buy that "only human babies should have dairy". You don't typically evolve a trait unless it had an evolutionary advantage.

Also I'm fairly underweight. I need an easy and cheap source of calories that isn't very filling. Liquid calories aren't as satiating as solid calories. Name me a better source of liquid cals than cow's milk.

Others have mentioned oils but i'd also say nut and seed butters. Smoothies with lots of dates and bananas. Basically any time you refine or process a food you will get more calorie density.


Maybe it's because I'm Asian but I kinda like "bad" tofu. Deep-fried, the skin has a really nice texture and flavor, and the meat tastes good as well. I don't go out of my way to make my tofu get to that point but when it does it's a rare treat.


Yeah you can tell if tofu turned bad. However, I do like smoked tofu and that's a bit harder to tell because it already smells a bit "sour".


Ben & Jerry's is releasing Cherries Garcia and Triple layer coconut bar pints this week. Breyers just released a non dairy option.

The dairy industry is getting wrecked, huh?


Made some really good pastries. The dough was made of some darkwheat flour, coconut flour, rapeseed oil, sugar and baking powder. Poured the dough into an oven pan -> then kind of twirled spoonfuls of orange marmalade into the upper layer of the dough -> threw in not-too-small pieces of dark chocolate and pressed some of it deeper into the dough -> spread a thin layer of soy curd (that I added some sugar into, since it was the unsweetened kind) on top of the chocolate pieces & marmalade -> then mixed some three grain flakes, sugar & margarine together and threw a layer of on top of everything.

End result:

The orange marmalade makes this a bit boring looking. It tastes delicious but plum or strawberry/raspberry marmalade make it a bit more interesting to look at. Orange kind of just drowns into the colour of the dough. The pastry was a bit raw even though I kept it 10+ minutes longer in the oven than what was in the original recipe. Will try if keeping it in the oven even longer helps with the problem, just have to cover it with some greaseproof paper after it's been in the oven for 25-30 minutes to keep the top from burning and to see if maybe the inner parts would cook properly.


Ben & Jerry's is releasing Cherries Garcia and Triple layer coconut bar pints this week. Breyers just released a non dairy option.

The dairy industry is getting wrecked, huh?

You ever have the cherry chocolate chip from Trader Joe's? So good.


What are some good vegan or vegetarian recipes (or recipe books) for a poor college student?
Most vegan cooking is cheap as long as you make shit yourself and don't use tons of some specialty products (i.e. vegan cheeses can be pretty expensive). Making your own falafel, seitan, soy steaks and such make for good protein sources and are super cheap. Add fresh vegetables that don't cost all that much either + some coconut or other veggie creams + spices then serve with rice, couscous, potatoes or similar and you have a delicious and cheap meal.

As for recipes, google is your friend. Whatever you might in the mood of, just google "vegan *food-I'm-graving* recipe" and you'll find all kinds of veganized recipes of almost everything.


Ben & Jerry's is releasing Cherries Garcia and Triple layer coconut bar pints this week. Breyers just released a non dairy option.

The dairy industry is getting wrecked, huh?

Fucking yes.

If you're in the UK there's this place that does INSANE vegan fudge, like legit some of the nicest fudge I've ever eaten and I've only been vegan about 5-6 months. I'll get the link another time.


I really want to get into Ramen and Miso soups, I just love that stuff , as spicy as possible with lot's of vegetables and flavours. I have not made them for myselves yet but I am currently stockig up on sauces and ingredients. Any recommendations? :)


I really want to get into Ramen and Miso soups, I just love that stuff , as spicy as possible with lot's of vegetables and flavours. I have not made them for myselves yet but I am currently stockig up on sauces and ingredients. Any recommendations? :)

It's all about finding the cool asian supermarkets.

All about dat.


You ever have the cherry chocolate chip from Trader Joe's? So good.

No. But that will change tomorrow. Lol. Stoked.

Fucking yes.

If you're in the UK there's this place that does INSANE vegan fudge, like legit some of the nicest fudge I've ever eaten and I've only been vegan about 5-6 months. I'll get the link another time.

I'll keep that in mind next time I visit! Unless I can import the gold.


I'll keep that in mind next time I visit! Unless I can import the gold.

You order it online - I wouldn't be surprised if it's international delivery too. Here's the link, I'm 90% sure that's the right place. On top of this, there's apparently a salted caramel one that is to die for but I couldn't find it on there.

Humans evolved lactaste persistence though. I don't buy that "only human babies should have dairy". You don't typically evolve a trait unless it had an evolutionary advantage.

The bigger issue is the thousands of litres of water and fuel - and the acres of fertile land - it takes to produce a single gallon of cows milk. That's to feed, hydrate and rear cows and transport all their feed as well as the finished goods. Not to mention the hundreds of gallons of methane it produces. It's the absolute least efficient and sustainable drink you can have as well as being the one with the biggest carbon footprint. Literally every sip of cow's milk is a thousand sips of water being poured down the drain. (And water isn't necessarily renewable.) Drop it.

I mean I cook almost everything in olive oil.

When you cook oil it becomes a problem food. It releases some nasty chemicals (aldehydes I think) and turns into fats that are worse for you IIRC.

In this convo we're talking about raw oil which has loads of nutritional benefits that completely disappear the minute you heat it up. Literally every time you have prepared a dish and it's sitting on your counter, drizzle it in vegetable oil or olive oil. You'll feel the difference, it's weird. I wouldn't say it's as "nutritious" as cow's milk but it's an important thing.

Oh and we got this stuff to reduce how much oil we really cook with and it's truly fantastic (click for link):



Not all vegetable oils are bad when heated, in fact most (refined) vegetable oils are perfectly safe & good for basic cooking, especially if you don't exceed smoke point temperatures that can range anywhere from 160*C to almost 300*C with most vegetable oils so many of them can withstand heat even better than animal fats (unrefined flaxseed, sunflower and a few other oils have smoking points only slightly above 100*C and I wouldn't use those in cooking where heating is involved), temperatures that most normal cooking shouldn't have any trouble not exceeding. Stuff like olive oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil, grapeseed oil and such are perfectly safe for heating. Even extra virgin olive oil isn't so totally unusable in cooking as it's made to be (extra virgin olive oil's smoke point can be as low as 160*C, though some higher quality stuff can one above 200*C, so you can heat it up quite a bit without it going bad), though virgin olive oil is better & preferable (smoke point is around 220*C).

Of course when heating anything, some of the nutritional value can be lost, but this idea that no vegetable oils should ever be heated is totally ignorant, alarmist BS not based on facts. I wouldn't be surprised if the misinformation was mostly advocated by the dairy/animal industries, much like the fight against soy.


Made this cake for work yesterday since we were having lunch. I wasn't sure how it would go over with everyone, especially considering how much of a pain making the icing was, but it was all gone by the time I left! They also ate up all of the vegan snickerdoodles I brought in too, but those have always gone fast.


Not all vegetable oils are bad when heated, in fact most (refined) vegetable oils are perfectly safe & good for basic cooking, especially if you don't exceed smoke point temperatures that can range anywhere from 160*C to almost 300*C with most vegetable oils so many of them can withstand heat even better than animal fats (unrefined flaxseed, sunflower and a few other oils have smoking points only slightly above 100*C and I wouldn't use those in cooking where heating is involved), temperatures that most normal cooking shouldn't have any trouble not exceeding. Stuff like olive oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil, grapeseed oil and such are perfectly safe for heating. Even extra virgin olive oil isn't so totally unusable in cooking as it's made to be (extra virgin olive oil's smoke point can be as low as 160*C, though some higher quality stuff can one above 200*C, so you can heat it up quite a bit without it going bad), though virgin olive oil is better & preferable (smoke point is around 220*C).

Of course when heating anything, some of the nutritional value can be lost, but this idea that no vegetable oils should ever be heated is totally ignorant, alarmist BS not based on facts. I wouldn't be surprised if the misinformation was mostly advocated by the dairy/animal industries, much like the fight against soy.

The idea isn't that cooking with the oils is bad, that wasn't my point. Of course it's not "a bad thing", of course cooking often necessitates oil and of course everyone does it. I do it all the time.

Our conversation was about healthy nutritional fluids and when oil was mentioned the guy was like "I cook everything in oil" which wasn't what we meant – oils are (ostensibly) primo nutrition when they're uncooked.

Edit: rereading my post I did go pretty hard on the 'cooked oil is bad' argument. Think it was to hammer home the point. My bad.


Most stuff is safe if you heat it up for a shorter period of time.

That's cool, thanks.
It does pain me how misinformed people are when it comes to vegetable oils. They bought too much into the Paleo psuedo-science.

Yeah after 30 minutes it becomes pretty concentrated with carcinogenics. But 10 minutes all the oils/butters you use are perfectly fine. I cook most of my meat in 10-12 minutes.

As for cow's milk. I agree SomTervo. I should drop it. I didn't realize that many resources went into it. Or more like I didnt think of it.


Oh I'm not sure if it is vegan (i imagine it must be) but I am trying a coconut milk based ice cream*. So Delicious brand. It's pretty decent. But not really like ice cream in texture despite how it looks.

*frozen dessert

edit: is certified vegan.

the coconut stuff never did anything for me. the stuff made with cashew milk on the other hand is amazing in texture and taste. So Delicious makes a bunch of good cashew varieties. definitely try the vanilla. its great.

What are some good vegan or vegetarian recipes (or recipe books) for a poor college student?

the book Vegan on the Cheap is a good primer on how to whip up really cheap and easy meals. it has and insane veggie pepperoni recipe that makes an amazing snack. also, it taught me the glory that is Salsa Rice and Beans. the easiest meal ever.

also, google.

I really want to get into Ramen and Miso soups, I just love that stuff , as spicy as possible with lot's of vegetables and flavours. I have not made them for myselves yet but I am currently stockig up on sauces and ingredients. Any recommendations? :)

ive been whipping up a really nice ramen soup for myself lately pretty easily, adapted it from other recipes ive found around. really havent found a solid recipe to follow, so i just made my own.

saute garlic and ginger and whatever crunchy veg you might want at this point, then add tamari/soy, a splash of toasted sesame oil, miso, garlic chili sauce and broth. next boil the noodles in the broth mixture and add scallions (green onion), and other fast cooking stuff like frozen veg as the last step.

super easy and damn good. i just bought scallions yesterday so i can make a bowl of it this week.


Got Taco Bell tonight. Bean and rice burrito. Everything was going fine until the last bite for some fuckif reason had cheese in it. Now my stomach is on fire.


Uuu, we'll get this oat milk based dark chocolate ice cream into Finnish stores in April/May. That's superb, since oat is so much more environmentally friendly (& can be locally produced here) than alternatives like almond & soy. Will have to support whenever they'll arrive to stores near me.

I was in the mood for soup but I have no stock.

Without really googling I heated some water up to a boil and chucked in some garlic, celery seeds, soy sauce, mushrooms, and onions. I'm now having this abomination simmer on my stove top.

I get the feeling it is going to end up not being any good. I know that isn't a proper way to make broth but like... how do I actually make a quick broth? I just want something I can eat with some udon noodles. And I need something quick.


GTA gaffers I went to apieclypse now in korea town recently, holy shit mind blown!

Got the slayer pizza and a simpsons doughnut, felt like a fat ass but it was worth it


I was in the mood for soup but I have no stock.

Without really googling I heated some water up to a boil and chucked in some garlic, celery seeds, soy sauce, mushrooms, and onions. I'm now having this abomination simmer on my stove top.

I get the feeling it is going to end up not being any good. I know that isn't a proper way to make broth but like... how do I actually make a quick broth? I just want something I can eat with some udon noodles. And I need something quick.

I usually make a broth with garlic ginger and dried shiitake for ramen, add soy or miso after letting it simmer about 2 hours. Tastes great.


Uuu, we'll get this oat milk based dark chocolate ice cream into Finnish stores in April/May. That's superb, since oat is so much more environmentally friendly (& can be locally produced here) than alternatives like almond & soy. Will have to support whenever they'll arrive to stores near me.

That sounds really nice. Oat milk is one of those things I wish I saw more in groceries, although I'm sure you can make it homemade.

Oats in general are amazing.
I got a NutriBullet and started a subscription for Soylent Powder. I'm loving it so far. Sometimes I just have the powder straight up with water in a BlenderBottle, but my favorite thing to do is to blend in large amounts of flax and chia seed. Occasionally I'll indulge with a smoothie by adding Silk Protein Nutmilk, frozen bananas and strawberries and vegan yogurt to it.

Anyway, I'm looking to green it up what I'm going too with some kale. Anyone have any recommendations for hearty vegan smoothies minus soy? I've become a soy boy and I'm trying to cut down (the daily-ish Soylent excluded).

Yes, thank you for the reply! The first smoothie I wanted to recreate was a banana chia one from Tropical Smoothie Cafe in which my favorite taste/texture in it is dates (s/o to that chain for having Beyond Chicken btw). I bought some dates around the time I got the NutriBullet, but I shamefully know nearly nothing about any foods that aren't processed and packaged, so I didn't realized they had pits (I bit hard into one, yikes). Kinda put me off and I just resigned myself to making banana/strawberry/chia/soylent shakes. I gotta stop being apprehensive and lazy and get to my dream smoothie!


Saw these pics of all the new stuff about to come out from the 2017 Vegan fair and thought u guys might like.

I am so down for all the new field roast stuff! Not to mention the Gardein breakfast pockets and Violife Haloumi! Goddamn!!
Saw these pics of all the new stuff about to come out from the 2017 Vegan fair and thought u guys might like.

I am so down for all the new field roast stuff! Not to mention the Gardein breakfast pockets and Violife Haloumi! Goddamn!!

The most exciting to me is haloumi as its one of the things I miss while being vegan. It is a Cypriotic cheese that is made from a mixture of goat, sheep milk and it can be eaten raw or grilled. Gets a smooth texture when grilled. Amazing stuff!


Only thing missing afterwards is Norwegian brown goat cheese.


storafötter;231908900 said:
The most exciting to me is haloumi as its one of the things I miss while being vegan. It is a Cypriotic cheese that is made from a mixture of goat, sheep milk and it can be eaten raw or grilled. Gets a smooth texture when grilled. Amazing stuff!


Only thing missing afterwards is Norwegian brown goat cheese.
Woh that's a game changer - where do you buy the halloumi from?
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