Stupid Charlize Theron cancelled him. Every time a movie without Tom Hardy is released an angel looses his wings.Third Tom Hardy Venom but we can't get another Tom Hardy Mad Max, we are truly forsaken.
The 2nd one was the type of movie that's insulting even if you turn off your brain.
We can't get another Mad Max with Tom but 3 trash Venom movies that insult the human inteligence? Hollywood is like "I got you fam"
It's not even just superhero movies, it's just this soulless banter they think is so witty at every turn in every movie that makes everything look like a joke.I'm tired of Superhero films in general
They really have oversaturated that market when it comes to movies and films. Not just talking about MCU, but DC too
Even if a movie/show that is out that's not Marvel/DC comes out like The Boys, I get turned off (I have watched The Boys and found it boring personally)
It's not even just superhero movies, it's just this soulless banter they think is so witty at every turn in every movie that makes everything look like a joke.
Maybe it might've been funny when Marvel did it in the begining but now it's gotten so stale it's just plain frustrating and annoying. And every movie nowadays from Hollywood seems to follow that idea. It's so tiring and I'm over it.
It's not even just superhero movies, it's just this soulless banter they think is so witty at every turn in every movie that makes everything look like a joke.
Maybe it might've been funny when Marvel did it in the begining but now it's gotten so stale it's just plain frustrating and annoying. And every movie nowadays from Hollywood seems to follow that idea. It's so tiring and I'm over it.
I agree with you that MCU failed once they started spreading themselves so thin and obviously the final nail in the coffin was them going full woke once Endgame was done,MCU worked when they were doing a couple movies a year,now it's oversaturated to the point you can barely keep up with it and no one wants to deal with that shit anymore.The best decision would've been just as you said,a 5 year break till they had the XMen IP and then rethink a new phase focused around that but nope greed took over and they fucked it all up,now it's too late.For me that's not a factor when it comes to Superhero films
I was a huge fan of MCU Phase 1 - 3. Not a fan of MCU Post Phase 3
I disagree with you on the MCU humor when there have been serious movies in the MCU (The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame)
I actually love a wide variety of movies too not just MCU
For me it was the totally unnecessary amount of movies and shows that the MCU Post Phase 3 had. Also they should have done more condensing and putting those heroes that had their own standalone films and shows in other shows/films that involved actual popular characters. I don't mind there being shows but if there's gonna to be shows, it shouldn't be 4 to 6 shows per year. It should be 1 to 2 movies per year and 1 to 2 shows per year. I do admit to loving Loki Season 1 and 2 though
They should have taken a 5 year break from releasing anything and just focused on what they were able to get which is their biggest IP, the X-Men and The Mutants
I have always been a bigger Marvel fan than DC but I will say that James Gunn DCU that Gunn is cooking up has lot of potential to be a proper contender. Which is a good thing. But my issue with Gunn is the guy has turned equally as woke as Feige. Peacemaker Season One had a really agenda pushing part near the end of one of the earlier episodes. But I hated that show regardless. Another thing is that Gunn is connecting everything in the DCU even videogames and that's too much. I would be fine if the movies and shows were connected. But comics and videogames, come on..
But like everything else, I'll wait for the Superhero movies I want to see to come to Streaming/VOD. I'm not going to the theaters, haven't went since December 2022. I personally just feel happier just not going to theater
I even talked to Huge MCU fans like me who aren't as big fans as they used to be who are not happy with the direction that franchise is going. And lot of them are women who loved Phase 1 - 3. It's funny how they chased away lot of their audiences who were female fans with the woke/feminazi stuff
And I remember going to Infinity War and Endgame. Just seeing and hearing the reactions and the clapping was such a fun and great experience for me
There's alot of other issues I have with it especially the wokeness/feminazism with Post Phase 3 stuff. But I don't want to get into my other issues with it since I'm too lazy to type all that. Especially on a cellphone lol. And it would be LONG
Also Phase 1 - 3 had issues too but man Phase 4 and beyond has been way way worse in lot of aspects
But yeah the sooner Hollyweird goes bankrupt the happier I will be
I know mean and petty as fuck but I'm fine with something else rising out of the ashes of Hollywood's Corpse
And my guess is I'll see this in my lifetime. I give Hollywood 10 to 20 years left
Lastly it's been annoying me how Hollywood has been trying to milk Anime and Videogames now. It's totally obvious what they are doing..
I agree with you that MCU failed once they started spreading themselves so thin and obviously the final nail in the coffin was them going full woke once Endgame was done,MCU worked when they were doing a couple movies a year,now it's oversaturated to the point you can barely keep up with it and no one wants to deal with that shit anymore.The best decision would've been just as you said,a 5 year break till they had the XMen IP and then rethink a new phase focused around that but nope greed took over and they fucked it all up,now it's too late.
I'd rather they reboot it all at this point but only after a couple years off.
But overall the whole of Hollywood needs a reboot,we need to start all over cuz it's all rotten with greed and the woke virus.
Yeah it's not only MCU that needs a reboot but the whole of Hollywood. But I'm guessing even if they all changed their tune and started to put out good products, it's too late now
When a fanbase is angry that's when you can make apologies and actually make the changes that are required to make the fanbase happy. When you can do something right away and make sure they don't walk away
But now? Even if they take things back and make the necessary changes the audience that were there aren't there anymore. And even if the fanbase that left know about them changing for the better they won't come back. Apathy is a thing too. Look at X-Men 97. I heard the show is actually good but that hardly anyone is watching it. From what I heard even Anti Woke Youtubers are enjoying the show (I don't know how accurate this is though, correct me if I'm wrong) I hardly watch any of those channels.
There is a bait and switch aspect to it too. Hanna Season 1 on Amazon Prime was fantastic with a attractive female lead and a father figure in a white manly soldier type. Season 2 went full feminazi where even the fights sucked and were not as memorable. I dropped the show during Season 2 by the end of the 2nd Episode
And I think that's what is happening with X-Men 97. People are waiting for the show to be fully finished and than if there's no bait and switch like after Season 1 than people will watch the whole thing. That might sound unfair but these wokies do all these shady tactics and expect people to still watch thier stuff after they changed their tune?
I watched X-Men 97 and I didn't hate the show, I just found it boring. But there is some nostalgia for the fans of the OG cartoon. And it's a Sequel show to the OG. So you have to watch the OG to understand what is going on. I only watched the first season of the OG show when I was a kid. I was surprised that there is some sexy fanservice for the guys though.
For me one of the reasons why I loved Infinity War and Endgame so much is that despite the flaws Phase 1 through 3 had, by the time Infinity War and Endgame came around, the fanservice feels mostly natural and earned. I went on a journey with all those characters starting in 2008 and it culminated in a Finale that to me is in my Top Ten Comicbook Movies of all time.
I hated Spider-Man No Way Home due to feeling the fanservice was mostly shoehorned in the movie. Only one I felt was perfectly natural was the appearance of a certain blind lawyer
As I said before I'm fine with there being shows. I loved Loki and Ms Marvel. I just liked Moon Knight, Hawkeye and Wandavision. But I feel it was too much and there was two certain shows I felt really ruined it for me. Cough cough Falcon and She Hulk cough cough. With the shows, make 1 to 2 shows a year and make sure you know beforehand the character is popular and no wokeness please
And I would say instead of five years make it ten to fifteen years than release a new movie in the MCU and involving a popular character
And another reason why I loved the MCU Phase 1 - 3. The Action Sequences are mostly memorable. There are so many Action Sequences I remember during those phases in comparison to Post Phase 3. The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Avenger Films and Doctor Strange films are the ones that comes to mind the most when it comes to memorable action Sequences
One of my issues with Phase 4 is especially with Thor Love And Thunder
1. They should have gotten a director that is not Taika
2. They ruined my favorite Thor Storyline in the comics.
3. Too much humor, this movie should have been much darker in tone. Especially since the movie dealt with Gorr The God Butcher. They sure did butcher that storyline
4. The CGI was especially bad in some parts in the film
5. I'm fine with Jane Foster Thor but that should have been in another film
But it's too late in general for Hollywood when it comes to rebooting. I was looking at box office worldwide totals for every year before 2020, there was lot of money being made. And when I looked at post 2020, the profits have been significantly less across the board.
I can't see Hollywood lasting, I expect them to be bankrupt in 10 to 20 years. I think the government might try to bail them out but that might not help them at all
All this woke stuff started to appear in 2010 but started to really be pushed around 2013 - 2015 I noticed
I feel exactly the same about everything you said.
Fanservice felt natural by the end of Infinity War and Endgame.Now it feels like shoehorning everything in just for memberberries sake. It's why No way Home didn't feel that satisfying to me,I liked seeing such nostalgic characters come back but it felt wrong for the most part and I just don't like Tom Holland's portrayal of Spiderman, somehow his best appearance is still in Civil War even after getting his own movie 3 times.
My top 3 favourite MCU movies are Winter Soldier,Iron Man and Infinity War.
As for the woke stuff,we are in a timeline where fans are sick of it yet companies keep playing the woke card even though it loses them huge amounts of money...cough Disney cough so it seems at this point the entertainment industries need permanent examples of companies going under because of it to start changing their mentality.
Even then it might not change but until that happens all we can do is speak with our wallets.
I can't believe they're still making these Venom movies. It's going to be another huge flop.
Yeah I haven't watched the second one yet but after this trailer I'm going to rewatch the 1st 2. Yeah it's "endless trash" but at least it's leaning into it.I like the Venom movies, they at least know they're trash and lean into it as opposed to pretending to be super serious, plus after the second movie which was chaotic and all over the place the only way is up right?
Yeah ive enjoyed his battles with spidey in the last couple of movies...........Venom movies don’t pretend to be good the first 15 mins are a flex, Venom is a big guy and always a good fight for spider man.
Top tier cringe