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Video released of Tulsa PD shooting and killing unarmed black man (Up: not guilty)

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i literally just told my brother in the most sincere way that if he ever has any kind of escalating altercation with the police, doesn't matter if the cop is bigger than you or smaller than you, just get on the ground and put your hands on your head and your face on the floor. Fuck pride. My brother is a nearly 6 foot tall black dude and he is muscular... so i told him he just needs to swallow his pride and get on the ground with regards to ANY minute escalation.

The really sad thing is even that might not be enough to save his life.


Maybe my memory has dulled to these events by now, but it's hard to remember a police murder as cut and dry as this one.

- Man's car breaks down (is that right?)
- Police confront him, tell him to get out (he complies)
- All aim guns at him and tell him to get his hands up (he complies)
- He makes no sudden movements and keeps a steady distance
- Without movement, he's tasered (!!!) to the ground
- Without movement, he's shot to death

What? Like, I know the answers to all of these, but what did he possibly do to warrant such a response? What could he have possibly done to avoid death? His car broke down and that's.... signing his death?

I'm a white Australian living on the other side of the world and... this is just frightening. Horrifying. I'm baffled. I simply can't process what might have been going through these cops' minds.
Fucking asshole police officers.

It's a wonder why ANYONE stands for the National Fucking Anthem anymore...

That officer better get charged with 1st degree murder.
Maybe my memory has dulled to these events by now, but it's hard to remember a police murder as cut and dry as this one.

- Man's car breaks down (is that right?)
- Police confront him, tell him to get out (he complies)
- All aim guns at him and tell him to get his hands up (he complies)
- He makes no sudden movements and keeps a steady distance
- Without movement, he's tasered (!!!) to the ground
- Without movement, he's shot to death

What? Like, I know the answers to all of these, but what did he possibly do to warrant such a response? What could he have possibly done to avoid death? His car broke down and that's.... signing his death?

I'm a white Australian living on the other side of the world and... this is just frightening. Horrifying. I'm baffled. I simply can't process what might have been going through these cops' minds.
There was movement; He was walking back toward his car. Whether this was in compliance with what the police were asking or not isn't clear but also is not relevant. He was posing no threat, had his arms raised and his back turned and was incapacitated by taser when he was fatally shot.

Pretty cut and dry.
Wtf… has there been anything on why the hell the cop shot him? I just cannot imagine the rational for these actions. Please say the officers are being trialed for murder.


i literally just told my brother in the most sincere way that if he ever has any kind of escalating altercation with the police, doesn't matter if the cop is bigger than you or smaller than you, just get on the ground and put your hands on your head and your face on the floor. Fuck pride. My brother is a nearly 6 foot tall black dude and he is muscular... so i told him he just needs to swallow his pride and get on the ground with regards to ANY minute escalation.

It really sucks to read this and still think to myself but what if the cop thinks your brother might throw dirt in his eyes and takes his gun? What if he thinks your brother lays down too fast? What if he thinks your brother is tricking him?

Can't really trust that cops will treat you well at all these days.
I'm a white Australian living on the other side of the world and... this is just frightening. Horrifying. I'm baffled. I simply can't process what might have been going through these cops' minds.

"Black dude, oh shit he made a breathing motion, shoot"

Or something to that effect. It honestly doesn't matter what their reasoning was, we all can tell it wasn't justified at all. So the real question is, what creative policing and judicial perversion will they use to get the officer out of jail time.

It's gonna be something absurd, that much is certain.


Wtf… has there been anything on why the hell the cop shot him? I just cannot imagine the rational for these actions. Please say the officers are being trialed for murder.

Yeah there's a ton of info on why she shot him. It's because they've fucking been doing it, and people always justify it.

This instance, they went 1% too far. There is no loose cigarette being sold to justify an execution. Next time they'll throw one at him, record themselves planning it, and try again.

This country has tolerated their behavior to get to this point. They've been untouchable over spurious fears that the American public has lapped up this entire fucking time.

That's why we don't have police gaf chiming in. Not even that this was bad. Just silent. Business as usual. Same with the Devils advocates. Just ignoring this, as there is no out for it. But it didn't just sporadically happen. This is police culture in 2016. Fact is she won't be punished for this. And if she is, it's not because she's a bad cop. But it will be because she didn't trump up a flimsy excuse.


One of the videos even has play by play commentary. "Yeah he's got his hands up for her now alright!"

This cop's coworkers literally express surprise when she shoots the dude. "Whoa!"
You can't see shit in this video. Anyone siding on the side of the black man is an idiot.


You can't see shit in this video. Anyone siding on the side of the black man is an idiot.

Is this like the next step above "I don't see race?" Are black people invisible to you? Is that why you're physically incapable of seeing that he didn't do shit but keep his hands up, remain calm, make no sudden movements, and GET MURDERED?
Even with the helicopter footage, the moment he's shot the man is obscured by the car. Again, you can't see shit in either video.

So what could he have possibly done without a gun or knife on him that made it so 5 cops all equipped with non-lethal weaponry had to shoot him to death after he was already tazed?

At best it was a trigger happy cop that killed an innocent man.
Even with the helicopter footage, the moment he's shot the man is obscured by the car. Again, you can't see shit in either video.

Well, when the police chief is troubled by the shooting, when you can see from the video that the victim is walking with his hands in the air and not charging at the police, and when the only response from the police seems to be that "he looked like a bad dude", and when you know the man was unarmed, I think it's fair to say that if you are not siding with the victim you are a grade A lunatic.


Yep they only see what they want to see. Its kinda crazy at this point. Like do they need to be in that space and time physically to understand and gather what has transpired. I just don't get it anymore.
It's just a throw away alt. But this mindset saturates the usa. Trumps going to win folks. Better start realizing this. Its a close race, with a literal fascist. And on the fence fascists. Shits a wrap. Trump was a no day one. Yet he got the nomination. That says enough.

Nothing changes much from.. just a few decades ago.
Yeah there's a ton of info on why she shot him. It's because they've fucking been doing it, and people always justify it.

This instance, they went 1% too far. There is no loose cigarette being sold to justify an execution. Next time they'll throw one at him, record themselves planning it, and try again.

This country has tolerated their behavior to get to this point. They've been untouchable over spurious fears that the American public has lapped up this entire fucking time.

That's why we don't have police gaf chiming in. Not even that this was bad. Just silent. Business as usual. Same with the Devils advocates. Just ignoring this, as there is no out for it. But it didn't just sporadically happen. This is police culture in 2016. Fact is she won't be punished for this. And if she is, it's not because she's a bad cop. But it will be because she didn't trump up a flimsy excuse.
You're 100% right. Nothing will change. After a bunch of innocent children were gunned down in cold blood at Sandy Hook nothing changed, either (and that's pretty much the best reason to do something about the gun issue). I don't know if it's the people, the politicians, and/or the media, but there is clearly a racial bias issue and no one knows how, or cares to, take the necessary steps to right all of these wrongs.


Looked like maybe he was "waving his hands in the air like he just don't care" as a black once told me they do when riled up by hip hop rap car music; a dangerous situation for those officers.
You're 100% right. Nothing will change. After a bunch of innocent children were gunned down in cold blood at Sandy Hook nothing changed, either (and that's pretty much the best reason to do something about the gun issue). I don't know if it's the people, the politicians, and/or the media, but there is clearly a racial bias issue and no one knows how, or cares to, take the necessary steps to right all of these wrongs.
The thing that I don't get, even people who are stupid and "don't see race" or whatever or don't believe the statistics. Why do they still defend police officers executing anyone regardless of race?

Why are you allowing your own country to regress in to a police state?

the best argument they seem to have is "well white people also get killed by the police"

is that supposed to make anyone feel better?


Sigh... so extremely tired of this shit. Nothing will ever change, no matter how thoroughly disgusting things get. But what really matters is that someone sat/knelt/or raised a fist during the national anthem.


It's just a throw away alt. But this mindset saturates the usa. Trumps going to win folks. Better start realizing this. Its a close race, with a literal fascist. And on the fence fascists. Shits a wrap. Trump was a no day one. Yet he got the nomination. That says enough.

Nothing changes much from.. just a few decades ago.
Honestly this godawful fearmonger has gotten me wanting to be more involved locally in political spaces. I want to push these people in powwr or get the the fuck outta office. I think in predominantly minority areas its possibly do able to get people out of office and be hard on whats included in police union contrat so it make sit easier for these guys to be fired for misconduct.

I wish more people got to see town hall meetings etc or had field trips or assignments to understand govt dealings there is so much apathy and people who are okay with the status quo it drives me nuts. The people with money control a lot of stuff because they don't hace to worry abouy theie next meal or being shot for being brown or black. It just drives me crazy how people act in these citations man.


The thing that I don't get, even people who are stupid and "don't see race" or whatever or don't believe the statistics. Why do they still defend police officers executing anyone regardless of race?

Why are you allowing your own country to regress in to a police state?

the best argument they seem to have is "well white people also get killed by the police"

is that supposed to make anyone feel better?

They are terrorizing Black people. They get off on this shit. They know there are plenty of Blacks in the country too. They'll never make it through them all before they start targeting us Whites. It's nothing but entertainment for them, police state or not.


Even with the helicopter footage, the moment he's shot the man is obscured by the car. Again, you can't see shit in either video.

Dude he was unarmed. And he was already being tased before she shot him (also unnecessary, I'm sure). Why the fuck would they "need" to do that?

To me, he looked like a guy whose car broke down in the middle of the road. To them, he looked like a criminal who deserved to be killed. This is fucked up, and it always has been.
So apparently walking away from a police officer is a threat.

You know, where you remove yourself from their presence. This means you are now a threat to them.

he was walking to his car to get his non-existent gun out to shoot the 4 officers that had guns pointed at him obviously


This is terrible. And to think cameras would dissuade such instances from occurring. What was it like in the era before dash cams and other recording was such common place...
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