Who is Dunkey?
Videogame munkey (Jason Gastrow) is a youtuber that makes various satirical and borderline-surreal videos about games,
captcha and the meaning of life.
What is this thread?
This is the place for all discussions concerning videogame bunkey. New videos will be updated on the first post for quick access,
but head on over to videogame dunkeu's channel for his enormous catalog of masterpieces.
Introductory sample videos:

League videos:
Videogame chunkey also a very extensive playlist of League of Legends videos that he cont...

Oh... I guess he is done with LoL..... OR IS HE?!
Videogame munkey (Jason Gastrow) is a youtuber that makes various satirical and borderline-surreal videos about games,
captcha and the meaning of life.
What is this thread?
This is the place for all discussions concerning videogame bunkey. New videos will be updated on the first post for quick access,
but head on over to videogame dunkeu's channel for his enormous catalog of masterpieces.
Introductory sample videos:

League videos:
Videogame chunkey also a very extensive playlist of League of Legends videos that he cont...

Oh... I guess he is done with LoL..... OR IS HE?!