Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Sex sells, period. Porn won the VHS/beta max wars and even today the vast majority of all money spent on the internet is sex related. Porn makes up the vast majority of internet and also made insane money in the DVD market. There is even adult sites made for Vr headsets. There are even adult suits one can wear in vr with "sensors" being developed right now.
Games have dipped their toes with the subject. Go all the way back to the Atari. The 2600 had a whole line up of "erotic games." Over the years there has been plenty. Leisure suit Larry, BMXXX, Plumbers don't wear ties, The Guy Game, are just a few examples of games trying to enter the market. Some had mild success but no adult oriented game has ever gone mainstream.
It's much less of a taboo subject with Gaming shifting more towards an older audience. Could an adult game be really successful? Porn has been successful on almost every platform known to man. Can it mix with games?
Games have dipped their toes with the subject. Go all the way back to the Atari. The 2600 had a whole line up of "erotic games." Over the years there has been plenty. Leisure suit Larry, BMXXX, Plumbers don't wear ties, The Guy Game, are just a few examples of games trying to enter the market. Some had mild success but no adult oriented game has ever gone mainstream.
It's much less of a taboo subject with Gaming shifting more towards an older audience. Could an adult game be really successful? Porn has been successful on almost every platform known to man. Can it mix with games?