Kobun Heat said:
I don't think any of their strategies are ipso facto bad ideas. They just went about this one in a particularly stupid and transparent way.
You mean is a good idea to lie to people to sell them something?
If thats so, I have a perfect working used car to sell you. It never had a crash that left the chassis slighty deformed - looking perfect, but losing stability at high speeds.
Ask my mechanic. Im not paying him to help the sale! Really!
Seriously, np with marketing people promoting their stuff, as long as THEY MAKE CLEAR THEY ARE PAID TO DO SO.
It may also be illegal. I think here there is - or was - a law forcing all promotional messages to be identifiable as such.
You cant have, for example, in midst of a health care tv program, a paid promotional message suggesting the use of a certain drug, mixed among doctors interviews to fool the audience in thinking it is an unbiased medical recomendation.
There usually was at least a (admittedly too small) "promotional message" line on the screen corner.
In this case the worst that may happen is a waste of 50$, but this kind of behaviour may in other cases lead to more serious damages.
To make clear what I think of this pratice, in general:
What if I paid people to infiltrate hospitals and all kind of places and commuities with terminally ill people - or just with any kind of lighter phisical problem, like poor eyesigh - and fake themselves as having greatly benefitted from my Newly Discovered Medication?
Id become rich, fast, cause many peple want to believe to whatever gives them hope.
And would be a worm well deserving to be jailed for it.
Different degrees of damage, but the principle is the same.