Nothing, it was purely a PS4 conference.
So why are Vita owners supposed to be happy, then? I didn't spend $200 just so I can spend another $400-500 to play games on a portable device.
Nothing, it was purely a PS4 conference.
I'll just use it to video capture for reviews... people watching me play and what not I don't really care about... but being able to capture video is nice as it means i can get all of my own gameplay vids and screenshots for any reviews i want to write.I'm pretty sure if the DualShock 4 has a share button still when or if I finally buy a PS4, I will be opening the controller and disconnecting it.![]()
I didn't spend $200 just so I can spend another $400-500 to play games on a portable device.
So why are Vita owners supposed to be happy, then?
Mercenary is no longer the next Killzone, Shadow Fall is. A really stupid announcement to make if it isn't a launch title, and Sony planned on making Mercenary a big deal.
Glad to impress.
Don't get me wrong, I love Killzone, but that aesthetic they chose didn't seem to fit; the rifle looked way different than most of the weapons in the PS3 Killzone games and if I had only caught the trailer starting at the spot where the player was holding on to the rope, I seriously would have thought "WTF? another Crysis game already?" until the door opened and a Helghan popped out.
I'm sure I'll play it eventually; But I'm not in group 3 from my previous post.
I still can't believe they *LED* the conference off with Knack.
I would've thought some iconic Sony franchise would have been first up. Killzone (even though I'm criticizing it currently), Infamous (sorta, not as identifiable without Cole, as the aesthetic was different/new), or maybe something like Uncharted 4 or LBP3 or something that carries more weight than a new IP (which generated 0 interest for me).
Other than the outfit of your player character I don't think it looked very much like Crysis at all. I'm a huge Killzone fan though (it's my favorite FPS on the PS3) and I thought it looked amazing.
Also you should probably rewatch that Knack trailer once the conference hype is over. It looks pretty damn cool.
(1) No launch date.
(2) Footage looked early.
(3) Footage wasn't impressive (to me, at least)
Again, I'd buy a Vita and Killzone: Mercenary before I'd ever consider a PS4 and Crysiszone: 4: Shadow Fail
famousmortimer is the only one who's hinting anything of actual substance. Though if he was talking about the game I thought think hink he was, hype remains at zero for now.
Places where there's no/low-speed Wi-Fi? People who don't want to spend $400+ on a PS4?
Regardless, I think implementation will be disappointingly sloppy and rare. Sony never gets anything completely right.
I'm living in Japan and thinking of getting a Vita and paying for PS+. I probably wouldn't buy any games except Persona 4, and I used to be a big fan of PSO so I'll probably download that as it comes out next week. Any pros/ cons I should be aware of, or other opinions? I already have a European 3DS, and while I have been tempted to just get an XL, I am pretty pissed at Nintendo with their shenanigans plus I am quite likely to buy a PS4.
Edit: to clarify why I'm posting here, I guess I want to know how good PS+ is considered to be for Vita in Japan.
I'm living in Japan and thinking of getting a Vita and paying for PS+. I probably wouldn't buy any games except Persona 4, and I used to be a big fan of PSO so I'll probably download that as it comes out next week. Any pros/ cons I should be aware of, or other opinions? I already have a European 3DS, and while I have been tempted to just get an XL, I am pretty pissed at Nintendo with their shenanigans plus I am quite likely to buy a PS4.
Edit: to clarify why I'm posting here, I guess I want to know how good PS+ is considered to be for Vita in Japan.
Other than the outfit of your player character I don't think it looked very much like Crysis at all. I'm a huge Killzone fan though (it's my favorite FPS on the PS3) and I thought it looked amazing.
Also you should probably rewatch that Knack trailer once the conference hype is over. It looks pretty damn cool.
One thing I really liked about the new Killzone was the use of colors. Seriously, if anyone complains about brown shooters in 2013, they didn't watch that trailer.
And yeah, Knack looked really cool too. It was likely BS from Capcom, but the kind of work that went into the individual rocks/stuff that made up that robot character thing is the kind of technical stuff they said kept characters like Venom, Carnage, Human Torch, etc from being in MvC3. There's a lot more going on in that trailer that what's seen at a glance.
That didn't look impressive to you?
I'm happy to report that my sources were 100% on the ps4 stuff including that the vita is going to be able to remote play *everything*
I didn't know if they were going to get into vita games at this thing but I do still stand by the games I mentioned coming. I'm pretty damn excited about the vita still. Off tv play is my favorite part of the Wii U... and I'm an indie game whore.
Tokyo Jungle x Open Me Box:
I want Open Me.
What's funny is that the When Vikings Attack DLC has Toro and Kuro "hats" to wear.
What's funnier is Wake Up Club removing Toro and Kuro from the western release.
So in a weird way, Diablo 3 will be on Vita. nice.
It's set 30 years after Killzone 3, the weapons will have changed. Looks good to me.Don't get me wrong, I love Killzone, but that aesthetic they chose didn't seem to fit; the rifle looked way different than most of the weapons in the PS3 Killzone games and if I had only caught the trailer starting at the spot where the player was holding on to the rope, I seriously would have thought "WTF? another Crysis game already?" until the door opened and a Helghan popped out.
Seemed pretty obvious to me that they led with a new character driven game intentionally (and from someone who has been involved with most of the PlayStation mascot character games at one point or another).I still can't believe they *LED* the conference off with Knack.
I would've thought some iconic Sony franchise would have been first up. Killzone (even though I'm criticizing it currently), Infamous (sorta, not as identifiable without Cole, as the aesthetic was different/new), or maybe something like Uncharted 4 or LBP3 or something that carries more weight than a new IP (which generated 0 interest for me).
Cool since you asked, if I do get it I will use your referral.Isn't there an upcoming price drop + one week free PS+ deal coming to Japan soon?
If you get PSO2 and have never played before, it would be awesome if you could use my referral code. We both get rewards as you level up! Drop me a PM if interested.
Still looking for PSO2 Vita OT title ideas...
how so
edit: Because of remote play on PS4. Nyeehh. Sony's PR said "most" games or something to that. They didn't say all, lol.
That's probably due to some games using the Move or other peripherals that are impossible to translate to the Vita. I don't think a game designed for PS3/PS4 game would be a problem.
That's probably due to some games using the Move or other peripherals that are impossible to translate to the Vita. I don't think a game designed for PS3/PS4 game would be a problem.
Killzone was gritty and dark (in 2 & 3 at least) because the action took place on Helghan, filled with slums and fascist architecture. The Vektan tech and ships have always seen more colorful, and it seems to me they built upon that here when designing the Vektan part of the city. And in any case, there was the whole cold war Berlin split city thing, with the glimpses we got of the Helghan part of it looking as brown and fascist as always, so you'll probably get your share of grit eventually.And I don't know if I'm digging the colors in my Killzone. It's always had a dark/gritty aesthetic. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.
People really want that remote play.heh... despite the fact that there was no price cut announced for the vita last night, sony's conference seems to have had an effect on vita sales.
when I went to bed the basic vita at $250 was rank 550 or so in video game sales, this morning it's around 330. Not a huge increase but still... imagine what happens after the price drop is announced.
At those ranks it's probably like 20 more sold![]()
And buttons can be quite easily mapped to back touchpanel
I remember reading that Guerilla finally hired some writers last year. That's a plus. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a dedicated position before.KZ just need a good story that take advantage of the setting/universe, something like The Line, the Berlin Wall idea give me hope that they are going for that,I hope they do it right.
At those ranks it's probably like 20 more sold![]()
And buttons can be quite easily mapped to back touchpanel
What new Vita games did they show? I missed the conference
do you guys think the VIta UI will be modified to resemble the PS4's?
Probably not. Wouldn't mind the friend feed to be updated to the PS4 Pinterest look though. Or anything more organized than a long list.do you guys think the VIta UI will be modified to resemble the PS4's?
A word also on the PlayStation Vita. You have been particularly visible in 2012, with Assassin's Creed Liberation distributed to 600,000 pieces. What conclusions do you draw from this experience? Can the convergence logic with the PS4/PSV revive interest for Sony's handheld, in your opinion?
What I liked about the presentation is that they use the power of the Vita to use it as a PS4 controller. If they could get enough PS Vita in the hands of consumers, we could use this double screen feature. It would be fabulous. Now we need to be able to do it, because the Vita has a fairly high cost. I'm waiting to see more on the subject.
You mention dual screen. Could this mean that you could, for instance, only develop one Assassin's Creed game PS4 and Vita would show the same game, instead of creating a game specifically for the handheld?
What is needed is more Vita to be sold. The greater the install base, the more publishers will want to utilize it.
Yeah, the Vita does seem to be a pretty good platform for Dustforce. You might see it happen sometime this year possibly.
Imagine this on the Vita screen.
So I sent a mail to the developers of Dustforce about Vita, got this response:
Imagine this on the Vita screen.