anybody have a link to the US PSN store I can access on my PC?
anybody have a link to the US PSN store I can access on my PC?
Tokyo Jungle RP was fine, although the screen is too tiny for that kind of game, my eyes ached after 15 minutes. Maybe how it runs depends on the game.
Admittedly one of the biggest improvements that day came from making use of the alternative power mode on the Vita which allows you to increase the GPU clock speed while disabling the WiFi during gameplay. But, of course, this just emphasises the great importance of reading manuals.
what in the freaking hell? you need to shut down Wifi to get more of GPU power.
What was Sony thinking when they designed Vita? this is a serious and huge design flaw and no wonder that multiplayer games look like crap (Resistance,COD)and we get 4/8 players only.
this is a huge disaster,it mean ports and multiplayer games will sucks and be gimped forever on the damn thing. What is wrong with Sony engineers? I'm seriously thinking of selling my Vita right now because this is a permanent design flaw and will effect all future games.
what in the freaking hell? you need to shut down Wifi to get more of GPU power.
What was Sony thinking when they designed Vita? this is a serious and huge design flaw and no wonder that multiplayer games look like crap (Resistance,COD)and we get 4/8 players only.
this is a huge disaster,it mean ports and multiplayer games will sucks and be gimped forever on the damn thing. What is wrong with Sony engineers? I'm seriously thinking of selling my Vita right now because this is a permanent design flaw and will effect all future games.
this is a huge disaster,it mean ports and multiplayer games will sucks and be gimped forever on the damn thing. What is wrong with Sony engineers? I'm seriously thinking of selling my Vita right now because this is a permanent design flaw and will effect all future games...
They're saying it was in the documentation for the development kit, but they almost missed it because that tidbit was buried in some manual.I think there is a misinterpretation of what's being said there. Currently I think the clock speed is locked in no matter if WiFi is on or not, and they are saying this updated unit allows users the ability for a higher clock speed when WiFi is disabled and same as before with it enabled.
Hopefully if that is the case they can push that through as an update.
They're saying it was in the documentation for the development kit, but they almost missed it because that tidbit was buried in some manual.
If true, it explains why we're stuck with 4v4 multiplayer in every single one of Vita's FPS' when even PSP and iOS (going back to the 3GS) have had 32+ players simultaneously.
I've wanted downloadable community levels in Sound Shapes since the level editor was announced. Great news.To go with that Sound Shapes DLC news, there is a patch releasing that day that will allow users to download community levels for offline play.
what in the freaking hell? you need to shut down Wifi to get more of GPU power.
What was Sony thinking when they designed Vita? this is a serious and huge design flaw and no wonder that multiplayer games look like crap (Resistance,COD)and we get 4/8 players only.
this is a huge disaster,it mean ports and multiplayer games will sucks and be gimped forever on the damn thing. What is wrong with Sony engineers? I'm seriously thinking of selling my Vita right now because this is a permanent design flaw and will effect all future games.
Ubisoft Sofia is working on a "AAA project" right now.
Both titles Gravity Daze and Gravity Rush sucks tbh.
so a discount on GR for non PS+ people?well that still a good thing don't you think, more people need to play GR.
it is not a new game but I'm seriously thinking of importing The Witch and The Hundred Knights if NIS continue to not releasing it in the US.
It's a sucky title more people need to play.
That's a fine distinction you're making.
The Outsider said:Looks great. Wish they kept the original title in NA though.
Haha, Toto, talk about overreaction.
Ubisoft Sofia is working on a "AAA project" right now.
SO i got $10 in my PSN accoutn...what to get? Just finished up Tomba! and have Grandia in my account...was thinking about picking up klona
Same that'd itnerest me more than new Vita games...
[@Toto So I should have referred to the more recent GR is flawed post?]
so? Flawed don't mean complete shit, there is proplems and flaws in every game.
I think my GOTY 2012 (Dishonored) is still flawed game, hell even some classic games like Half Life 2,Shenmue and Mother are flawed too.
Gameplay code generally does not run on the GPU. And from what I understand, the PSP games like Resistance Retribution aren't really the same. Far simpler aiming and controls, means far less stuff for the game to keep track off.If true, it explains why we're stuck with 4v4 multiplayer in every single one of Vita's FPS' when even PSP and iOS (going back to the 3GS) have had 32+ players simultaneously.
Yeah, especially with how they canceled Killzone Mercenary, Soul Sacrifice, Over My Dead Body, all third party titles, and shut down Sony Bend. Oh, wait...And now it won't even matter since they've relegated it to PS4 accessory status. I've thrown in the towel with this thing, and if "Vita Heaven 2" and this past Wednesday's PS4 reveal were any indication, so has Sony.
Shadow Wars "didn’t meet sales expectations" and won't be getting a sequel according to Julian Gollop.There's no guarantee it's a Vita game though, is there?
What is it's just Shadow Wars 2 for 3DS?![]()
Decided to download Wipeout 2048 even though I don't like racing games.
Hating itLosing every challenge by milliseconds. Lost this last one of 1:50 by getting a time of 1:50:01. Literally the 7 out of 8th fail by milliseconds in a row.
Well, the guy who said that Rayman Legends and Ghost Recon are in development for Vita said that is some Ubi-related news that would anger Vita owners. A new handheld Assassin's Creed not on Vita would fit that bill.Ubisoft Sofia is working on a "AAA project" right now.
Wipeout is by far the most difficult racing game series I've ever played. It's so rewarding when you do get gold on an event though. BTW, congrats on graduating from junior status.Decided to download Wipeout 2048 even though I don't like racing games.
Hating itLosing every challenge by milliseconds. Lost this last one of 1:50 by getting a time of 1:50:01. Literally the 7 out of 8th fail by milliseconds in a row.
Welcome to the VitaMuffins club. The first thing you should do is to upgrade to at least 16GB if you want to get the most out of your new Vita.Just bought this system a couple of days ago, I am EXTREMELY impressed. Awesome fast UI, awesome system sound, beautiful screen and display quality. And the games...loving Ass Creed Liberation and Gravity Rush atm. Funny cause I tried getting into AC on PC but couldn't, but I am loving it on Vita XD
This is by far the best system Sony has designed and I have owned and used all their video game systems.
4 GB memory card sucks though
Same here, except I enjoy them until I hit a brick wall (2050 races) :/Sounds like me.
I never do well in racing games. Buy them anyways and regret it.
Well, the guy who said that Rayman Legends and Ghost Recon are in development for Vita said that is some Ubi-related news that would anger Vita owners. A new handheld Assassin's Creed not on Vita would fit that bill.
Rayman and Ghost Recon are infinitely more exciting to me, though. Ghost Recon was technically stunning on PSP - bloom, depth of field, the works.
Wipeout is by far the most difficult racing game series I've ever played. It's so rewarding when you do get gold on an event though. BTW, congrats on graduating from junior status.![]()
Just bought this system a couple of days ago, I am EXTREMELY impressed. Awesome fast UI, awesome system sound, beautiful screen and display quality. And the games...loving Ass Creed Liberation and Gravity Rush atm. Funny cause I tried getting into AC on PC but couldn't, but I am loving it on Vita XD
This is by far the best system Sony has designed and I have owned and used all their video game systems.
4 GB memory card sucks though
I gave on trying to get golds halfway into 2049. And I liked that Wipeout had a DIY bullshot feature instead of screenshots.I have gold on all but the 100pt fighter stage of the first set, but I'm guessing it gets much harder later.
It's just a bit hard to enjoy finally getting the gold, 5 retries after your soul was crushed. I think Gravity Rush is the -only- Vita game I've played that allows screenshots (that I've tried it on)..
When you get to the later areas you'll be amazed if its still the same game.
Speaking of the voting, which are you more interested in VitaGAF?
Unchained Blades or Growlanser IV?
That's exactly why I like it!Decided to download Wipeout 2048 even though I don't like racing games.
Hating itLosing every challenge by milliseconds. Lost this last one of 1:50 by getting a time of 1:50:01. Literally the 7 out of 8th fail by milliseconds in a row.
Is there anyway I can DL Spyro 2 to my Vita without a PS3 or am i sol
I have gold on all but the 100pt fighter stage of the first set, but I'm guessing it gets much harder later.
It's just a bit hard to enjoy finally getting the gold, 5 retries after your soul was crushed. I think Gravity Rush is the -only- Vita game I've played that allows screenshots (that I've tried it on)..
On EU PSN you can. They're NTSC versions too.
is Motorstorm RC worth it... did everyone get it free at some point? :O
I'd also swear that they've thickened the 'PS VITA' logo on the side but it's hard to photograph.
is Motorstorm RC worth it... did everyone get it free at some point? :O
just take a photo already and let us decide.![]()
is Motorstorm RC worth it... did everyone get it free at some point? :O
is Motorstorm RC worth it... did everyone get it free at some point? :O
There are only three games I can think of that don't allow screenshots. WipEout 2048 (although it does allow photos of the gameplay) and the two Nihilistic games (Resistance and CoD). There may be more but I can't think of any, and I only have about 35-40 retail and digital Vita games so I haven't tried them all.
I think also Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom.