The PS button is blue but the screen isn't on. What do I do? D:
Did you hold down Power for 20 seconds?
You know, I hate the forced gyro in NGS+, but the tower part is actually the only time the gyro seems to help me more than manual aiming in other versions of the game. It's bizarre. The gyro can still go die. It wasn't particularly helpful with the Vigoorian Emperor skull fight ugh.Well, passed Chapter 11 of Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Hard finally. Only took me two weeks to get back on that horse. Still, the tower was total bullshit due to the fucking Gyro aiming. Gyro aiming made it also faster to avoid the bullshit rockets by aiming quickly praying I was aiming right and hitting the top ones and then just hitting the rest on the way down. Hoorah. I can't imagine doing Very Hard/Master Ninja with this shitty bow controls. More so with Master Ninja ranks. Oy.
i want to buy it but i don't want to buy it fmlTOP OF PAGE IN SPIRIT
Speaking of that, floating around on the rock right before that second part feels a lot more unresponsive than it does in Black. Is that a Sigma thing or a Sigma Plus thing?
i want to buy it but i don't want to buy it fml
- More than 10 bosses will be distributed as free downloadable content.
- Sony plans on expanding the game with additional episodes which will be sold as paid downloadable content.
Some info about DLC for Soul Sacrifice has appeared. Good to see that there are plans to provide additional content for the game
RELEASES IN 9 DAYS (in japan)!!!
So what did the Stranger's Wrath patch do?
First footage of Rainbow Moon for Vita
Soul Sacrifice will be available in Japan on March 7 and Sony Computer Entertainment plans on supporting the PlayStation Vita game with extra content after it launches. More than 10 bosses will be distributed as free downloadable content.
Want even more Soul Sacrifice? Sony plans on expanding the game with additional episodes which will be sold as paid downloadable content.
Soul Sacrifice is slated for release on April 30 in North America and May 1 in Europe
(Plus, it doesn't hurt that the Hotline Miami PC version is supposedly unplayable with a gamepad. If I can't play a game on my laptop with a 360 controller I tend to just skip it anyway. I've already managed to destroy a ThinkPad's WASD keys and space bar thanks to my late-90's FPS obsession.)
The game is actually easier with a gamepad, that's how I played it on PC.
Virtua Tennis 4 on the Vita is £5.98 at Zavvi right now
Virtua Tennis 4 on the Vita is £5.98 at Zavvi right now
Quite tempting really worth it?
Quite tempting really worth it?
First footage of Rainbow Moon for Vita
I mentioned this before but I am heading to Tokyo next week and I want to pick up Soul Sacrifice. Anyone in the US want to go in on a double pack?
Also I will be coming back with this:
Got to love region free hardware!
Isn't there an option to disable the gyro controls in the settings?
No news from the Destination Playstation even this week on the Vita front? I was hoping we would see some news come out of there.
No news from the Destination Playstation even this week on the Vita front? I was hoping we would see some news come out of there.
:lol No.
Also they're bringing that Toro social app to America, apparently. Good to see SCEA/SCEJ finally not trying to censor Toro everywhere. Maybe now people will stop going "OMG WTF IS THIS CAT"
Quite tempting really worth it?
Soul Sacrifice, the PS Vitas newest action role-playing game developed by Marvelous AQL and Sonys Japan Studio received a 10,9,9,9 [ 37/40 ] . The game will reportedly take up to 25 hours to complete and was praised for its multiplayer.
So soul sacrifice got 37/40 from famitsu! Hope it sells well and sets the chart on fire!
So soul sacrifice got 37/40 from famitsu! Hope it sells well and sets the chart on fire!
Only like a week till its out right?
Yes which means in less than 7 days Capcom will give release date for MH4![]()
Quite tempting really worth it?
Bit.Trip comes out on all platforms today. Is the Vita included?
I know it's coming to Vita. But the blog has made no mention of it.
Runner2 will deliver a newly polygonal Commander Video to you on Wii U, PC, Mac, and Linux today, with XBLA following on Wednesday and PSN for PS3 early next month. Vita (!) and iOS (!) will be in the summer.