"But to say that GT4 looked shimmery, bad, and etc. isn't fair. It looked bad because of the TV and (like TTP just said) because we were playing the game two feet away from the monitor."
this is nearly at the end of this gen, and the fact that the game looks as on HDTVs is something that can't just be excused.
I've played Prologue on my projector *Hidef* , a Wega tv *hidef* and a Toshiba *not hidef*.
The game looks great on all of them ! BUT it does not look like the fucking renders we get on this board. I just don't see why people can't accept this?! It does have a lot of shimmering (can we PLEASE lose the fences around NY??? There is no need for them!!), jaggies aren't too bad at all.
Alpha , the pictures you posted really do give an accurate representation of what the game looks like. But it also proves that the hires shots aren't what the game looks like! To look like that it would have to be running in hires, but as you seem to be saying GT4 isn't made to run on HdTVs (???)
The true beauty of GT4 is seeing it running. The lighting is where it is at in GT4. It's what sets it appart from PGR2 and other games in my opinion. But people have to just admit that the game looks nowhere near what the shots look like doing the rounds on this board.