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Wait what? Dafuq was this gesture by Musk???

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Neighbours from Hell
People can debate this until the end of time. The opinions of everyone are worthless. The only one who knows is Elon.(I personally don't think it was at all, but again, worthless since I can't say for sure)

The important thing is, is that aside from some internet mouthbreathers, nobody cares. No companies coming out making racial justice statements. No government agencies apologizing, no tech companies vowing to adopt anti-Nazi trainings because of this.

The hysteria of the last 10 years is dead. People can do weird/dumb shit, a few people will bitch about it online, and the rest of society just goes on with their lives now. Thank fucking god. If this happened 4 years ago, imagine the insanity that would've come out because of it.
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The left is so fucking obsessed with everyone being a nazi it's not even funny.

It's almost like they haven't learned a fucking thing after getting blown out in every election in North America.
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF


Fucking Christ. He did a hand gesture. Politicians of all stripes do that shit all the time. Until Elon starts calling for the eradication of Jews I’m not that concerned. This is the kind of meaningless, low IQ “story” that has poisoned political discourse. And for the record Elon is a god damn moron, but a Nazi he is not.


The guy is beefing with conservatives by supporting getting skilled foreigners into the US he isn’t a Nazi.

I really think we should collectively stop giving Nazis ownership of the motion of waving with a rigid elbow
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Fucking Christ. He did a hand gesture. Politicians of all stripes do that shit all the time. Until Elon starts calling for the eradication of Jews I’m not that concerned. This is the kind of meaningless, low IQ “story” that has poisoned political discourse. And for the record Elon is a god damn moron, but a Nazi he is not.
He's probably not a Nazi (I hope lol), but he did a Nazi salute.

Is it really that hard to believe that the world's most powerful shitposter would do a Nazi salute at this event, just because he could?

As you said, he's a moron, and looking at other footage from the day was high as fuck on something. That and the fact that he did a salute, sorry 'hand gesture' that just happens to be exactly the same as a Nazi salute.
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My grandfather was an Auschwitz/Birkenau survivor, he shoveled ash and threw bodies into carts to wheel away for his job. He almost died several times, and his best friend/fellow Warsaw resistance fighter died in a gas chamber.

Elon is 53 years old. High-functioning Autism/Asperger's or not, he knows what he did, and so does everyone else. As far as I'm concerned it's disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

As far as I'm concerned, one of two possible things happened. Either 1) he's such an ignorant idiot that he'd unknowingly perform a Nazi salute twice with great fervor and has no place running businesses tied closely with national security (let alone DOGE) due to being an obvious idiot, or 2) he knew exactly what he did and should be blacklisted from any conversations with our government officials because he's a Nazi nationalism supporter... and should be stripped of his businesses.

And if you think otherwise, how would you be judged if you did exactly what he did on news cameras?

Regardless, this is clearly political discussion and should be locked.



Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
People can debate this until the end of time. The opinions of everyone are worthless. The only one who knows is Elon.(I personally don't think it was at all, but again, worthless since I can't say for sure)

The important thing is, is that aside from some internet mouthbreathers, nobody cares. No companies coming out making racial justice statements. No government agencies apologizing, no tech companies vowing to adopt anti-Nazi trainings because of this.

The hysteria of the last 10 years is dead. People can do weird/dumb shit, a few people will bitch about it online, and the rest of society just goes on with their lives now. Thank fucking god. If this happened 4 years ago, imagine the insanity that would've come out because of it.

Quite a take.

Point one: Musk is one of the most famous people on earth. He has lived in the public eye for years, making many, many, many appearances in the media.

Point two: Donald Trump's reelection campaign has been quite controversial. From an attempted assassination during the campaign, to announcing intention to and then following through with pardoning insurrectionists who include members of the Proud Boys, a far right group closely associated with white supremacist and neo nazi ideologies, to escaping justice by being sworn in, the first convicted felon to be president.

Big news. Yuge.

The world's media, certainly the western world, are focussed on what is easily the most controversial inauguration in living memory.

One of the incoming president's cabinet, a man who is more used to public scrutiny than many politicians are when taking a very visible role in politics, makes a gesture that is both instantly recognisable and no politician has accidently made in the last 80 years. Quite a start to the new term.

The optics, as they say, are terrible.

The question plenty will ask is; if you're prepared to issue a nazi salute on inauguration night, on stage while being broadcast around the world, then what does that say about what's coming?
Alternatively, if you're "accidentally" going to make a gesture like that then are you really suited to representing the people of America?

"Sorry guys, I accidently made a physical reference to a regime that tried to commit genocide and killed literally millions of people doing so. You know the one, the one that's been in endless films and books, yeah it's known by absolutely everyone, that one, yeah. Oh, btw, I'm working for a guy who just pardoned some people who align themselves with those beliefs. Oops?"

I assure you that plenty of Americans will be fearful of what this administration will bring, far more than "some internet mouthbreathers."

It'll be interesting to see if Musk issues an apology, plenty of people will be slightly relieved if he does. But if he doesn't then one has to wonder if this government cares at all about its citizens and when the government will trample over you or someone you care about.

I think it's a bigger deal than you think.
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Being fully aware that even entering this conversation (from any side) I've already lost:
- Musk is a moron, more so as of these late months, and possibly dangerous if given more power
- The gesture seems to be an idiotic idea (or impulse) he didn't think through.
- This is why people in politics rehearse speeches and have "image maker" people double-checking things, and have come up with that stupid "political fist" motion that can't possibly offend anyone.
- If you think people worldwide, would be understanding of Musk's gesture (even if it had been sincere), you're living in an alternative and out of touch reality for at least a decade. Whatever happens now in social media and news outlets, Musk fully deserves and has to deal with himself. He can ignore it of course which would be also a valid strategy, since... you cannot win in this discussion.
- It's funny, for a non-American, to see how soon the derangement went to 11 on day one. And scary at the same time.


Musk is testing the waters here. He won't apologise.

I find it scary that this is happening. We have seen things that seem unimaginable 10 years ago. Ethical norms have been stretched and the US is entering terra incognita with some of the most irresponsible people at it's helm. I fear the decline of the US, and with it the whole western hemisphere, is being accelerated.

Trump and Musk don't give a fuck about Americans. They only care about money and power.


We have seen things that seem unimaginable 10 years ago. Ethical norms have been stretched and the US is entering terra incognita with some of the most irresponsible people at it's helm. I fear the decline of the US, and with it the whole western hemisphere, is being accelerated.
Absolutely. People were forced to take a medical intervention or loose their job otherwise. Families have been torn apart willingly by media and politics. People who started to ask questions were called right wing extremists just for that. You can be fined now by just assuming the wrong gender. The list goes on and on and that’s why we shouldn’t have political topics on GAF.


I don't put nothing past anyone who's rich and supportive of an alt-right, racist party in Germany...

I'd believe it was a gesture of *my heart goes out to you* (which is usually done with two hands) if his fingers weren't rigid with his thumb curled into a salute... If his hand was relaxed, I'd believe it was an awkward gesture ... But they weren't, both times.

I'm autistic (Asperger's) also and I'm not buying it.
It didnt look like his thumb is curled at all to me?

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
It wasn't a nazi salute, the reach is a bit overbearing.
Elon's just fucking awkward, you guys ever LISTENED to him? the dude is awkward as someone of his functional level can get.

Boy who cried wolf with this nazi/facist shit x 1000.
Just my views as a random person on the internet - I'll neither condemn or defend him.

* It's fair to say what Musk did certainly overlaps with a Nazi salute ie. If you had a 10 point criteria/checklist (of a Nazi salute) he'd score more than a few points
* Does him doing it make him a Nazi? Highly unlikely, there's a lot of "weight" behind that salute which I don't think fits him (based on how he is on the public stage)
* Musk has displayed awkward mannerisms in the past (none like this of course, but what a stage to do it on this time!)
* Did he mean for it to look how it looked? Probably not
* If he could redo that moment, I'd wager he'd do things differently
* Frankly, only Musk knows what was going through his mind when he did it
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Everyone who claims this to be a Nazi salute should seek some help right there.
Everyone who has eyes can see he did the Nazi salute.

Everyone has seen who Musk is - a drug addled internet troll who, without a doubt, told his mates, “guys, I’m going to do the salute on tv at the inauguration, it’ll be hilarious, and people won’t do shit.”

It was a Nazi salute, for the lulz. Musk is a fucking clown. He’s the disingenuous asshat engineer who argues in bad faith, “but how do you know it was a Nazi salute? How do you know I didn’t intend it as a heart going out gesture, never mind no one in history has done a heart going out/love gesture that was misconstrued as a Nazi salute.” Because I have fucking eyes.
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This is so overblown.

If the ADL are saying it's not a Nazi salute then the argument should be over.
Weird, not that long ago doing the "okay" hand sign or posting a cartoon frog were blanket verboten by ADL decree. Now they're all about context...

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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Weird, not that long ago doing the "okay" hand sign or posting a cartoon frog were blanket verboten by ADL decree. Now they're all about context...


The ADL said that using Pepe the Frog in genral wasn't a hate sign, but it depended on the context that it was used.

But context is key here. There is no denying a Nazi salute is a hate sign. However, if the ADL don't believe Musk was doing the Nazi salute then that should be good enough.

I think out of any organisation, the ADL would know a Nazi salute and wouldn't defend neo-nazis, regardless who's in the white house.


I've watch the whole video. And yup, it was a Nazi salut, no doubt. And he made it twice. Who says otherwise is blinded by politics.
Strange times we live in when a nazi salut is acceptable in America...
Those american war veterans that left their lives in the sands of ohmah beach to fight nazis must be very happy.
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Guys, I found another neurodiverse guy with drug problems doing a misunderstood heart going out gesture! Elon is off the hook!


Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit that he didn’t know what he was doing. This guy practiced that shit in front of a mirror.
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The question whether Musk was doing a nazi salute was answered on page 1. So why are we still discussing this?
Because that is fucking bullshit, and he did do a Nazi salute. There isn’t a question whether he did. He did.
He can say he didn’t mean to. But he did.
If I move my legs like I’m doing the running man while listening to technotronic, and someone says hey man that’s the running man, I can say nah, I didn’t mean to do the running man, but sorry, it’s still the running man.
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