Not only will they be absorbing huge losses year after year, but they have neither the technological infrastructure, nor the money to combat MS on this field. Sony CFO, lawyers, Jim Ryan...they all made the same comments ad nauseam...They can not transition right now, because it would significantly affect their budgets for their in-house teams, modifying their output...which would negatively impact their customers. How much has MS invested in GP between 2017 and now? Close to $80 billions in acquisitions alone? Not counting the third party deals, the 1$ subscription offers...among other things. Sony would be ecstatic to pour a fraction of that...which represents MS recent annual income, give or take. Sony would need eight years worth of benefits, plus a relatively similar could infrastructure to be able to dream about treading blows...
Pivoting right now would be financially suicidal...and waiting until the generation is over will grant GP a massive lead. MS changed the rules like only a handful companies on earth could, at any point. Business wise, kudos to them...but people insisting that it would be easy for Sony to shift gears and start flexing are delusional: The current 50 million PS Plus users are not enough...In fact, for the whole thing to work, you need a way bigger pool in order to monetize, on top of getting the monthly fees...
MS will not make a dime on their investment for quite some time...and they do not care; They can take a few billions a year and subsidize it until it succeeds...Sony can not. Pretty simple, really.