Warcraft 2: Chronicles of the Second War is a fan-made reimagining - Polygon
Awesome if it ends up being completed. WarCraft II is one of my favorite RTS games and I think this has immense potential.
Note that this will take everything WC2 was and expand on it, with cutscenes, QoL stuff and the whole shebang.
UPDATE: More info here
[Campaign] - Warcraft 2 campaign (reforged) | HIVE (
Story will be heavy drawn from established lore in original games, World of Warcraft, Chronicles and other book series. While there
are some discrepancies when it comes to certain events and characters, we made sure to deliver a clean, straight and presentable
series of events that transpired in the second war.
Characters from the original early games will be featured in our campaign. Some will be cameos or appear in cinematics, while many
others will be playable, such as: Anduin Lothar, Turalyon, Kargath Bladefist, Grom Hellscream and many other legendary characters
from Warcraft lore who participated in the second war.
Gameplay will be greatly improved from the original game, meaning WarCraft III / Reforged style overhaul, which will include both
¨Tides of Darkness¨ and ¨Beyond the Dark Portal¨. The campaign will be story-linear driven unlike WarCraft II which depended
heavily on choosing a side and "determining the outcome of the story" as well as having cool cinematics and sidequests.
Custom Assets fitting both WarCraft II aesthetic as well as apearances from World of Warcraft will be used for units, heroes and
buildings. Meaning each Orcish Clan, Human Kingdom as well as other important faction such as Dwarves will feature many unique
models and skins. This also includes custom doodads to improve the terrain and scenery. These assets are made with attention to
their theme, for example Orcs will have Warlords of Draenor appearance, as well as the one seen in the WarCraft movie.
Techtree will of course be updated yet still keeping the feeling of to the original game. Units and heroes will have fitting abilities.
Additionally unique aspects of different factions will add a flair to the base techtree, while a completely new one will be made for
the Dwarves of Khaz Modan.
Voice Acting is important for immersion and will be featured for all characters and new Units. While our team has a mini-studio
that is suitable for a clean voice acting we are also looking for others with such setups who could contribute to the project.
Awesome if it ends up being completed. WarCraft II is one of my favorite RTS games and I think this has immense potential.
Note that this will take everything WC2 was and expand on it, with cutscenes, QoL stuff and the whole shebang.
UPDATE: More info here
[Campaign] - Warcraft 2 campaign (reforged) | HIVE (
Story will be heavy drawn from established lore in original games, World of Warcraft, Chronicles and other book series. While there
are some discrepancies when it comes to certain events and characters, we made sure to deliver a clean, straight and presentable
series of events that transpired in the second war.
Characters from the original early games will be featured in our campaign. Some will be cameos or appear in cinematics, while many
others will be playable, such as: Anduin Lothar, Turalyon, Kargath Bladefist, Grom Hellscream and many other legendary characters
from Warcraft lore who participated in the second war.
Gameplay will be greatly improved from the original game, meaning WarCraft III / Reforged style overhaul, which will include both
¨Tides of Darkness¨ and ¨Beyond the Dark Portal¨. The campaign will be story-linear driven unlike WarCraft II which depended
heavily on choosing a side and "determining the outcome of the story" as well as having cool cinematics and sidequests.
Custom Assets fitting both WarCraft II aesthetic as well as apearances from World of Warcraft will be used for units, heroes and
buildings. Meaning each Orcish Clan, Human Kingdom as well as other important faction such as Dwarves will feature many unique
models and skins. This also includes custom doodads to improve the terrain and scenery. These assets are made with attention to
their theme, for example Orcs will have Warlords of Draenor appearance, as well as the one seen in the WarCraft movie.
Techtree will of course be updated yet still keeping the feeling of to the original game. Units and heroes will have fitting abilities.
Additionally unique aspects of different factions will add a flair to the base techtree, while a completely new one will be made for
the Dwarves of Khaz Modan.
Voice Acting is important for immersion and will be featured for all characters and new Units. While our team has a mini-studio
that is suitable for a clean voice acting we are also looking for others with such setups who could contribute to the project.
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