Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm saying it's way better now than it used to be. I don't want anyone to suffer through the shitty resource grind I used to do. For some reason I have over 200 gallium, so it's never been an issue for me. I think I did some long missions with resource drop chance and resource doublers a long time ago. EDIT: There was also a double resource weekend at some point, so people were getting 4x resource drops with doublers.
Morphics quickly become a non-issue after the mid game, they are available on many more worlds than neural sensors and orokin cells (I'm glad there is finally another place to send extractors when I want more neural sensors now).
Vauban and Valkyr prime are definitely nuts for the resources they require. I've emptied my oxium reserves multiple times since playing, I'm glad my buddy in my clan has 1000 more hours in the game than I do and resources are basically a non-issue for him, he spent about half of his oxium finishing up research in our shared dojo.
Nekros using despoil was netting me between 4-6k polymer bundle for 20 waves of a Uranus defense. Tons of people are there farming condition overload, so I never had problems finding a full squad.
Also Edit:
LMAO Sibear was 30k Cryotic? I just crafted it together with like 20 other weapons for mastery and then sold it immediately because it's so ugly, rip I guess
Haha, I hope you never have to make it again for some other weapon. I've been carefully not selling anything that is a bear and a half to craft.