Indrid Cold
Unconfirmed Member
So what are stratos emblems? There's a listing for them on the profile page.
Btw, who do I need to contact to get invited to the clan?
What? Defense is way worse. After 20+ waves you have to settle for one reward if prime part foesnt drop, where as survival after 45 minutes you have have 9 rewards.
Sooooooo many T3E runs.
Such Sicarus.
Many Mag
No Nyx
Theoretically the chassis.
How do I claim my daily login rewards?
Hmm, must have completely missed these items then. Still getting used to the UI. Thanks.
Theoretically the chassis.
Didn't you pull off two helmets in like a min? (Nice By the Way) Why not just try to trade one?
BTW, kcarpe pointed out to me that the 'MK-1' variants of weapon available for creds in the market DO contribute to mastery as a new weapon. Get your Rank 17 while it's hot folks!
I'll be back on this afternoon, pretty sure I have a bunch of T3E and I need easy xp to feed my new Nyx P</stealth brag>
Wait you got the blue print Mooks??????????? I knew I always hated you!!!!!!!!!! The salt is real!!!! Enjoy the view form the eiffel tower
View looks good from the top of the tower, except this darn, massive Nyx Prime 'helmet' keeps picking up radio signals.
Ugh people not reading the patch notes and thinking Noone is in the recruiting tab so no one is offering to host games.
got banned for asking for members to run stuff actually.
I know this is not the best place to advertise, but I decided to sell my platinum since I don't really need it. I'm selling 2000p for a £25 PSN code. Send me a PM here or on PSN if you'd like to buy some.
Yeah, I'm completely burnt out after 1700 hrs.Man I heard your done with the game No doubts now. Man good luck
Yeah, I'm completely burnt out after 1700 hrs.
Time is running out on the event folks! If anyone would like a hand just let myself or another clan person know.
Don't miss out on the event mods!
How much time is left? I'm going to try to get this done tonight.
How is Oberon now? He's my favorite Warframe, so I hope he's more useful.
I'm up for playing with some fellow gaffers. PSN: bidbaldwolf86
I have a level 30 Volt and I'm levelling Loki, Ember and Valkyr as well.
The best way to hook up with us is via the GAF clan. Let me know if you want an invite. We're not the most active clan these days, but we keep the clan research up to date, and there are maybe 20 or so of us who still play regularly. We also have a few people who have absurd amounts of time in the game who can be most helpful to newer players.
Have to say that that's an odd collection of frames based on where you get their parts. Hope you didn't buy all of them.
Do I really need to buy a blueprint every time I want to craft a weapon? These dual kamas are going to take me a little longer to make than anticipated if that's the case.
How do you guys farm for Neurodes? There is no boss that drops them so any farming is very luck based on Earth, Derelect, or Eris. Even when I manage to get into a Derelict Assassination I always get orokin Cells instead of Neurodes.
Seems like they are the second most needed rare other than Morphics.
Do survivals or defends objetives, you can get like 10 neurodes per run or more
How do you guys farm for Neurodes? There is no boss that drops them so any farming is very luck based on Earth, Derelect, or Eris. Even when I manage to get into a Derelict Assassination I always get orokin Cells instead of Neurodes.
Yeah I wouldn't mind joining the clan. I didn't play Warframe for months but I recently got back into it with all of the changes and it looks really good.
I started out with Loki but I didn't enjoy using him so after a while I bough Volt who is a ton of fun to use. I was checking my inventory and I had some pieces for Ember and Valkyr so I just farmed for their last parts. I've just got all of the parts for Nyx as well so I'll be building that one soon. I have parts for other frames but I just need to farm the rest.
Invite sent.
Ah. Of course you had parts for Ember and Valkyr. Farming spots!