Explosions made by your weapons will hurt yourself, but not your team mates. Other than that there is no friendly fire, except when you're affected by a radiation. A radiation proc on you will cause you to full damage to any team member you hit regardless of your weapon.So have I been an asshole all this time, carpet bombing the crowd of enemies and allies alike ? Or is it something specific to single player, or a bug ?
Is kill-stealing even a thing in Warframe? I thought all XP was shared for the group, as long as players are relatively nearby. Never have known the precise details though.Thanks for that, so I can continue that way then. My teammates probably hated me already because I stole some of their kills from afar, but at least it didn't go further than that.![]()
Now that I understand. If some high level player is just wiping everything out its boring as hell. Some of them even think they're doing you a favor, which is nuts.You still get xp, but its boring as hell, as well as aggravating when you want to get the 5,000 xp bonuses but can't because your teammates are nuking everything faster than you can even line up your crosshairs on a target.
There is so much more.I finally reached Rank 10. Never thought I'd see the day.
Leveling up my Angstrum so I'm just nuking all day baby.
Digital Extremes has also announced that Warframe has surpassed twelve million registered players on all platforms, and has become the most downloaded game on the PS4 and Xbox One.
Does anyone have an extra rhino prime blue print?
Guess I'll wait for next update to play again who still plays? I got on was zero clan peeps on
I'm sure I do, but you'd have to log back in to claim it![]()
There's a core group of us still, but EST is pretty slim right now.
The game in general seems to be hit pretty hard by Destiny, recruiting is very quiet. Certainly Archwing should bring some peoe back, but no need to wait for an update to come on.
The new UI doesn't help. Been popping in now and then to catch up on some quests and get used to the new UI (I still keep hitting triangle after slotting in a mod, dammit).Yeah I've been on(briefly) most days and it's been a ghost town.
There's a core group of us still, but EST is pretty slim right now.
The game in general seems to be hit pretty hard by Destiny, recruiting is very quiet. Certainly Archwing should bring some peoe back, but no need to wait for an update to come on.
RIP Xbox One Frame Gaf
The new UI doesn't help. Been popping in now and then to catch up on some quests and get used to the new UI (I still keep hitting triangle after slotting in a mod, dammit).
You can't easily tell which planets or missions have other players in em. You have to specifically drill over each mission on each planet to look. Its crazy how inefficient it is compared to the wonky starmap of old that at least presented a decent amount of info at a glance. That can't be helping matters.
I don't mind most of the new UI but yeah fuck the mod menus lol. What a step back.
I love most of the in-ship stuff, especially how the foundry shows what it's cooking. There are some damn nice touches.Yeah I feel the same way. I kinda miss the old "get used to it" UI. This is just unintuitive and it doesnt give you the same feeling of progression as before.
I love most of the in-ship stuff, especially how the foundry shows what it's cooking. There are some damn nice touches.
But beyond immersion, a UI needs to bubble up important information and let the player's take in everything they need at a glance. And in that respect the navigation screen needs some serious work. Its better than trying to follow those spindly lines between missions on the old star-map, but this new design, while pretty, is only good for finding alerts, invasions and quest locations.
Try to use that navigation screen to find survival or defense missions where there are other players. Hell, to find any missions with other players. By the time I found one and equipped the right frame and weapon set for the mission it'd be over - so it has seriously cut down the amount of games I've played with random players. I've solo'd some stuff but the just let the game sit until Warframe buddies show up every once in a while.
If they added little squad icons to the circle of planets and then again over each mission tile once you've drilled in that'd go a long way towards making it easier for players to group up. That or a "Quick Match" option with some filters, or a timer that lets you swap your frame and loadout before jumping into the mission.
I assume there is no XB1 version OT?![]()
There was, with an attempt at building a clan, but it didn't last.
It can depend on the missions... most of the time I don't wait too much in the lobbies, I just start the mission, and it's not rare that other players join me ingame. Or sometimes I accept random invitations, but right now I'm soloing a lot (I have several frames to level up).
Maybe being in a clan helps, after we failed to create a NeoGaf one, we joined an existing big one. I can send you an invite if you're looking for one...
Just got a big platinum refund this morning on XB1, apparently for an issue with item purchases that they just solved. I almost feel bad for getting all that "money" since I didn't have any issue myself. Nice gesture anyway.![]()
Apparently I was made clan Warlord at some point in the past few weeks when I was already absent, but I really wont be playing much for the forseeable future due to me playing other games, having a busted L-stick on my Dualshock 4 and other IRL stuff. If anyone who is still actively playing the game wants to take the position just let me know as it wouldn't make sense for me to hold that position and not be there to do things a clan Warlord should.
whaaaaaaaatWhat!! VariantX is the last man standing
Warframe GAF is slowly being put into the ground :-(
I want to help but I have been traveling about. Just got back from a cruise the other day.
I would point out where I was in this picture but it's... POINTLESS
I sure you have a 3 hour story about your travels
3 hours? Not nearly enough time bro. I feel like I don't even have enough time for any video games as of late. FEELS BAD MAN
Being out doing stuff will always be better then playing vida games. Plus all those you almost banged chicks.