The download starts at 11 gigs so they made it work finally.Update is live. It's 13GB, so I dunno, make a sandwich or something.
The download starts at 11 gigs so they made it work finally.Update is live. It's 13GB, so I dunno, make a sandwich or something.
The download starts at 11 gigs so they made it work finally.
Tonkor is hilarious.
Ash Prime
Ash Prime
Ash Prime
What do you think about its accuracy?
I had so much fun grenade jumping everywhere and blowing up groups of enemies at close range that I decided to potato the thing. But then I took it to a void survival and found I missed too often when trying to hit enemies at medium range. Not sure whether I simply have to get used to the aiming guideline or the low accuracy is an issue.
Wouldn't be much of an issue if grenades that don't hit an enemy still exploded, but I suppose it has to work like it does to keep the weapon somewhat balanced with the Penta.
Though, with how you can get crit chance to over 100% using Point Strike and Critical Delay, the Tonkor seems like a straight upgrade for infested defense, at least. And a safe one, for solo runs or staying near the pod, mixing it up with melee.
Ash Prime
Ash Prime
Cool, but dosen't seem to look like ash at all to me. I'd wish DE would go back and rework some of the older primes though like frost, rhino and mag, they look bland compared to volt, nyx, nova and loki to me when you compare them to the new ones.
Neither. Transmute or trade.Just discovered there was actually a class of mods that increase the flight speed of non-hitscan-type weapons. Question is, do I want to grind out Sabotage keys or spend hours in the conclave grinding these mods out.
Yeah starting to think that might be less painful. Keep getting inserted into unwinnable matches. Like the opposition has a 30pt lead and there's only 3 minutes left on the clock when the other team needs only six more kill confirmeds to win it. Or I spawn in and one person leaves leaving us one or two players short against a full team. Even if you win the encounter the extra player simply follows behind a kills a weakened you and they get the point anyway.Neither. Transmute or trade.
How are the raids so far?
Invites sent to Shin and Ivor. Welcome back fellas.![]()
so in the Sanctuary Cephalon room in the relay there is mastery rank sub room that goes all the way to Master Rank 29, Interesting.
Rhino is the simplest to play, can be damn near indestructible, has a nice allied buff (roar) and a solid Area Effect power attack/stun. Its a damn good frame to have in your arsenal with only one drawback - after playing a Rhino for a while all other frames will feel paper thin and weak in comparison.
Nyx is a little trickier to play but all kinds of fun and powerful. She can turn enemy units into allies (perfect for sub-boss units), cause entire areas worth of enemies to fight among themselves (insanely effective against Corpus as it turns engineers and their drones against each other), and a cool looking absorb power that lets her turn allied and enemy damage into a large area effect explosion. She's probably my favorite frame.
Mag I have no real experience with. Never finished getting her parts but have all of the Mag Prime parts save one. If I ever get that last part I'll spend some quality time Magging it up.
Can't go wrong with that pick.Rhino it is
Can't go wrong with that pick.
But seriously, after getting used to the Rhino, when you eventually switch to a different frame give yourself some time to remember how it is to still play as a mortal.
There are so many that's a hard question to answer, and its going to depend upon how you like to play. But picking up something besides the starter Braton is always a good idea.Thanks for the heads up, whats a good weapon to go with?
Can't go wrong with that pick.
But seriously, after getting used to the Rhino, when you eventually switch to a different frame give yourself some time to remember how it is to still play as a mortal.
Thanks for the heads up, whats a good weapon to go with? I have the MK Braton fully leveled. I have not used orokin reactors on anything to double my mod amount. Should I do that or wait a bit?
I don't do slow, so pretty much all of my frames end up with stamina mods, along with faster sprint in the case of slow-pokes like Saryn. Is the Rhino prime faster? That's the one I use now that I have it but am pretty sure my standard Rhino had one of those old arcane helmets that gave a speed boost as well.Another thing to mention with Rhino is that he's sloooooow. He's definitely a key part of my arsenal but for general use I find the faster frames so much more entertaining.
I just took that thing to 30 and I share the love. A nice, long range burst-rifle, crazy accurate at range but hip-fire still works at closer ranges. Will definitely give it a few formas and see what I can do with it.Currently loving the Sybaris.![]()
I don't do slow, so pretty much all of my frames end up with stamina mods, along with faster sprint in the case of slow-pokes like Saryn. Is the Rhino prime faster? That's the one I use now that I have it but am pretty sure my standard Rhino had one of those old arcane helmets that gave a speed boost as well.
I just took that thing to 30 and I share the love. A nice, long range burst-rifle, crazy accurate at range but hip-fire still works at closer ranges. Will definitely give it a few formas and see what I can do with it.
I don't do slow, so pretty much all of my frames end up with stamina mods, along with faster sprint in the case of slow-pokes like Saryn. Is the Rhino prime faster? That's the one I use now that I have it but am pretty sure my standard Rhino had one of those old arcane helmets that gave a speed boost as well.
There are so many that's a hard question to answer, and its going to depend upon how you like to play. But picking up something besides the starter Braton is always a good idea.
The game has changed and evolved a bunch since I started playing but my early standbys were the Latron (accurate and powerful semi-auto and you'll never run out of ammo), the Gorgon (a bullet-hose with some wind-up time and a slow reload, but can unleash hell on groups of enemies and its impact damage makes it a good choice against shields), the Soma (another bullet-hose without the wind-up time but watch your ammo), but don't feel limited - there are a lot of great choices out there. The bows in this game are fucking amazing, and when you find yourself in the zone, running-and-gunning with a bow and tearing things up you'll know what I mean ;p
When it comes to mods, you'll want to slot mods in to overcome a weapon's inherent weaknesses (like the Gorgon's slow reload), accentuate a weapon's positives (like the Soma's critical chance and damage), along with universal buffs like damage boosts, multi-shot, and elemental damage types (the rabbit hole here goes DEEP).
In terms of when to use catalysts and reactors to double your mod capacity I'll leave that choice to you. Some people use those right away with every piece of gear, others wait until they're sure about a weapon or frame first. I'd only suggest waiting on finding a weapon or frame you've chosen and like the feel of, and then go to town powering it up.
You buy the blueprints in the marketplace with in-game credits and then run missions to collect the parts needed to forge them - if you don't have them already. They are also sold for platinum if you want them all at once with catalysts installed, but I always collect the parts myself.Do you have to farm those guns or just buy them in the market? I have a few guns but dont recall how I got them.
Why not? ;pDecided to make Mag as well, why not right?
Is this a good point in time to play this game?
Why is the german version 0,5 €? Can i just download the free version from the US store or will this put me on US rather than EU servers?
Why not? ;p
I'm not up on player trading, but there are in-game chat channels where you can probably hawk your wares or find deals (as well as recruiting and the like). I find it more fun to hunt everything down myself but I might be a little crazy. I just love the combat too much - and trying out new frames and weapons and mods is enough to keep the gear hunt fresh - as it has since launch (PS4 launch