Man I just started last week and trying to get all the Archwing quest done but damn it only gives me the harness and wings and not the other 2 blueprints played the level like 8 times today
Thinking about joining this clan. Been stuck on Uranus for over a week and can't really find many players who are't willing to do anything other than Void missions.
PSN: Strike34
Thinking about joining this clan. Been stuck on Uranus for over a week and can't really find many players who are't willing to do anything other than Void missions.
PSN: Strike34
Seems like the systems, but maybe partly because people don't have the keys.
Keep playing till you reach the quest and farm until an egg drops or buy one off the market for 10 platinum.Also how can i get a Kubrow?
I just started playing the game and i really like it
Can i join Neogaf clan?
PSN: GeoDarky
Also how can i get a Kubrow?
So do I keep going to the same level for the archwing pieces? Because all I've been getting is the harness and wings. I've played the level like 10 times with no avail. Am I doing this right?
Yep, you only need three pieces (Wings, Harness and systems) since you already have the BP
I just started playing the game and i really like it
Can i join Neogaf clan?
PSN: GeoDarky
Also how can i get a Kubrow?
What so there is something else I need to extract from the level or can I just buy the cell and systems?
You need to keep doing the level. The RNG is a fickle mistress. I wouldn't go more than 4 excavations a run.
Every time I've helped somebody with that level, we've stayed until we got all 3 parts.
Damn.. the rng is early in this game
- snip -
1) There are weapon blueprints that drop from assassins and frame parts from eximus and manic enemies. You should get a carrier sentinel as soon as you can so you won't miss any drops.
2) Cosmetics are platinum only or can be bought from the Void trader every once in a while. Platinum isn't purchase only though. You can trade with other players for it. A good trader can go completely F2P and still have hundreds of dollars worth of platinum and every platinum only item.
3) Powers unlock as you level up your frame. When you reach level 10 you should have all 4 unlocked. Every power has 3 levels. There's a bar that shows how much you need for the next level.
4) Stealth is pretty much impossible if you aren't playing as either Ash or Loki, because only they have the invisibility abilities.
5) Don't worry, there are many tilesets. Just progress through the starmap and you'll see some beautiful vistas.
6) Can't help you with that but the game is always evolving and that's what I love about it the most.
Some advice:
- Don't buy things you don't really need with your starter plat, like cosmetics. Buy 4 weapon slots for 24p and a frame slot for 20p.
- Download the alert app on your phone. Sometimes there are catalyst and reactor alerts which double your mod points for weapons/frames and other good rewards. I'm guessing you're new so you'll need to ask for a "taxi" to some alerts because you don't have the planet/node unlocked. That's why you should progress on the starmap.
-Read the wiki a LOT. There are many things which are not explained or left to the community to figure out like: what affects a frame power, what drops where, etc.
- Every 2 weeks on Fridays there's a devstream on twitch and at the end they put up a 24h catalyst or reactor alert. Next one is this Friday. If you're interested in the game's development and what's to come then tune in. Oh and they do 3 or more giveaways for 1000 platinum among the viewers.
- Support the devs if you enjoy the game.
I'll send you a clan invite when I get home.
You can check where the materials drop on the right side when you select a planet.Thanks for the help. That makes a few things clear. It does seem strange you would need a wiki to know where to get mats. You would think the game would give you some sort of indication, as farming for those sorts things is a big part of loot games. I've got a couple of blue prints I can't build yet because I don't have the stuff. Was refraining from checking a wiki, but off I go I guess. That's modern gaming for you....
Oh one thing I'm still not clear on is the suit powers. I got my dude to about level 15 last night, and I did see notifications I'd unlocked powers (though it was in the middle of some chaos, so I didn't register it properly). I know where to go to view the powers and what they do, but outside of the 1st one I don't know how to use them. Is it a choose one per loadout, per mission thing, or should I be able to cycle through and use any at any time, provided I have the energy? I feel kinda stupid about this actually.
Thanks for invite too. I should mention I live in Australia, where its the future all the time (20 past 1 in the PM at the moment). That's really awesome but doesn't always work best for jolly co-op during the week with the other side of the world. Weekends work pretty well though.
You can check where the materials drop on the right side when you select a planet.
All powers have energy costs, which can be reduced by efficiency mods. I'm using a custom button layout so I don't have to press R1 to bring up the power menu. They are set to my Dpad. Some powers need targeting (I'm assuming you chose Mag because she has a "yank them out of cover" first ability that you mentioned in the first post) like Mag's Bullet Attractor so maybe that's why you couldn't use it.
- Stances. I'm certain I've found a few but when I go to equip them they're not showing. Does that mean only certain stances can be used with certain weapons? I still only have the wacking staff at the moment
- My suit. Is it me is or is it looking incrementally cooler as I level it? Cos I love that kinda shit.
Hello lol, can I get an invite to the clan? xRaptor_1
I played some 3 hours yesterday with some randoms and was fun as hell, this is like Diablo 3 it seems.
Loved the game though, awesome gore, awesoem gunplay, awesome melee, awesome traversal and movement whats not to like.
But I feel like this:
Yeah this games pretty nuts. Lots of PUGs this evening equaled lots of fun. Surprisingly. I was carried pretty hard through a few as well but people didn't seem to mind. Think I'll support the game a bit when I can too. I could have a tonne of fun for free I'm pretty sure but the F2P model seems pretty good. There's more then a few shiny trinkets in the store that look nice, plus I'm sure I'll want more weapon and frame slots soon as well. Plus I still cant really believe something of this quality is free to play, so if nothing else the devs have earned it.
Two more questions (for now)
- Stances. I'm certain I've found a few but when I go to equip them they're not showing. Does that mean only certain stances can be used with certain weapons? I still only have the wacking staff at the moment
- My suit. Is it me is or is it looking incrementally cooler as I level it? Cos I love that kinda shit.
Hello lol, can I get an invite to the clan? xRaptor_1
I played some 3 hours yesterday with some randoms and was fun as hell, this is like Diablo 3 it seems.
Loved the game though, awesome gore, awesoem gunplay, awesome melee, awesome traversal and movement whats not to like.
But I feel like this:
Yeah Stances are weapon specific it should say at the bottom of the mod card which weapon they're for, like Iron Phoenix should say swords on it somewhere.
And unfortunately not lol, that's just you
Nothing changes with your suit visually as you rank it up
Any Frame is good right?
Whats a good Melee with some gunplay thrown there too?
Trinity? Mesa? god damn I dont know maybe I will read a lot.
Another question if I may. In the survival defense missions are rewards affected if you extract or not? I gather there's a whole risk/reward thing with how far you push. I did one with 3 other guys last night and we made it to wave 15 or 16 or something and were given the option to extract or fight on a few times. We fought on but ended up wiping and 'failing' the mission. I can only assume rewards would have been better had we made it out.
Basically you go until you cant go no more then you extract it's endless, and if you wipe you get 0 rewards except some small amount of credits, if you extract you get to keep everything. The option to extract becomes available after 5 minutes / 5 waves when you are given your first bonus reward.
You get bonus rewards from an individual reward table (Reward A, B, C or D) every 5 minutes / 5 waves on four unique reward tables, meaning if you stay for 20min / 20 waves you'll get all the possible rewards. This also means if you want a second chance at reward C you'll have to stay till 35 minutes.
If you start dying you're better off just extracting every time.
Basically you go until you cant go no more then you extract it's endless, and if you wipe you get 0 rewards except some small amount of credits, if you extract you get to keep everything. The option to extract becomes available after 5 minutes / 5 waves when you are given your first bonus reward.
You get bonus rewards from an individual reward table (Reward A, B, C or D) every 5 minutes / 5 waves on four unique reward tables, meaning if you stay for 20min / 20 waves you'll get all the possible rewards. This also means if you want a second chance at reward C you'll have to stay till 35 minutes.
If you start dying you're better off just extracting every time.
Mostly correct except that there's no rotation D. The cycle is A A B C, so that second shot at a C drop is at 40 not 35.
I don't like the colors, but the new decorations/rooms look nice.![]()
Mostly correct except that there's no rotation D. The cycle is A A B C, so that second shot at a C drop is at 40 not 35.
Just a quick clan update:
At the macro level, we're doing pretty well. We're hovering right at 100 members, and the people who I'm having to kick to get new people invited are in the range of 50 days offline. That's down about 30-40 days from the previous few months.
The PSN community is doing well too with about half of the clan signed up, and it seems to be serving its purpose...to give both Gaffers and non-Gaffers a persistent means of communication. It's basically something between this thread and the in-game clan chat.
Finally, the dojo has undergone a pretty serious remodeling. Structurally, everything ended up back where it started, but there are some new rooms by the labs that I feel pretty good about, and I was glad to be able to use some of those new colors we've researched. I also made an effort in the main hall to build some interesting stuff to jump around on with Parkour 2.0 while still keeping the basic design tenets and integrating some stuff from prior warlords. So there are a couple of new floating zen gardens, and the Buddha is far enough away from the turtle to make that jump interesting while you wait for trades (you know you do it). I also tried to paint the main hall in colors that matched or complimented the GAF logo. I haven't heard anything negative, so I'll assume that folks either liked it, didn't mind or didn't notice.
I actually was searching for the turtle, I am glad is still in the clan on the pond room, just sitting there, relaxing
In general. I like darker colors. I think we should go with something that looks pleasing to the eye instead of matching the logo.Thanks.
The colors in general, or just the main hall? I'm not crazy about the orange either, but multiple people have suggested trying to match the clan logo, so I thought I'd give it a shot.