Nyx is my favorite frame and Bows are my favorite weapon, so yeah, I'd say that's a good timeMan, trying out an axe and it's slow as molasses.
Also considering building up a second frame to play around alongside Excal. Would Nyx with bows be an interesting combo?
Nyx is my favorite frame and Bows are my favorite weapon, so yeah, I'd say that's a good time
Bows provide you with stealth options so can be handy in Spy and Rescue and Capture (yeah, you can take out the target completely unaware) missions, but you can also run and gun with bows in Warframe, so they're generally useful once you get the rhythm down. Properly modded they are super penetrating beasts and boss killers and good for bowling in some Defense missions. Look to mod up their natural critical rate and damage, and slot in fire rate and reload speed mods as those will help speed up your draw and firing.
Nyx's mind control is too much fun. Use it on the heavies and watch them fight for you - and thankfully its been changed since the early days where your teammates would kill them as soon as you charmed them. It was revamped a few updates ago so your mind control target absorbs all friendly fire until the effect is over, at which point all that damage applies all at once. Perfection.
Nyx's chaos is always helpful to divide and conquer (and best of all it turns the corpus against their own drones, deactivating shield drone spaghetti in the process), and makes for perfect opportunities to rush in with melee for kicks. And of course her Absorb ultimate is the perfect "oh shit" button.
Yeah, good stuff on both counts there.
You need Berserker on slow weapons ASAP.Man, trying out an axe and it's slow as molasses.
Also considering building up a second frame to play around alongside Excal. Would Nyx with bows be an interesting combo?
You need Berserker on slow weapons ASAP.
Since I build Wuking and Ivara, is there any need for Nitain extracts?
Yea, or just go back to swords/daggers for the incredible speed.
Hm. Looks like I've got all the necessary parts to build Oberon (without even actually trying to get them). Is he worth a build? Not that I'm planning on switching away from Valkyr any time soon, but it'd be nice to have something else with a completely different playstyle (not to mention the obvious Mastery fodder).
Also I can't believe I got Valkyr to 30 in just over a day. Damn.
War has higher damage and longer reach. The impact damage on it is not so good, though.I think Scindo Prime is still the best weapon melee right? High crit chance and status chance, fast attack speed made even faster with Berserker and Fury mods, and ridiculous high damage.
I don't think any other melee weapon comes close to Scindo Prime.
Even if the swords and daggers have higher attack speed, the Scindo Prime wrecks them in damage.
The Vaykor Hek that you can get from Steel Meridian is fucking hilarious.I've been having so much fun with the HEK. Just took off my crit mods and added more damage.Such a fun weapon.
Yep. Damage alone never does it for me.All frame is playable if you don't aim for endgame stuff like sorties or prolonged endless mission.
All frame is playable if you don't aim for endgame stuff like sorties or prolonged endless mission. Besides, changing your frame will refresh the game little bit plus the mastery rank you'll got.
I still have a soft spot for Saryn. One of the earlier frames I played for forever. She's a true assassin.I ended up going with Saryn since I was originally planning on getting her before I ended up going with Valkyr instead.
Also, Orokin Reactors are a pain to get, aren't they? Would like to get one for Valkyr, but from what I gather that pretty much means waiting for an invasion/alert that has one as a reward. Gah.
I still have a soft spot for Saryn. One of the earlier frames I played for forever. She's a true assassin.
If you can get your hands on a Regenerative Molt augment she becomes unstoppable.
You do have to wait for alerts but soon you'll be drowning in them. For me it's catalysts that are the issue. I have 30 reactors with nothing to use them on but no catalysts. I have like 10 weapons I'd love to mess around with but need catalysts. I wish I could convert reactors.
Oh shit.Next update goes into cert Friday. Also, according to one of the devs, they have hit the patch limit so the next update will be a large download in order to reset the limit for the smallish patches again.
Next update goes into cert Friday. Also, according to one of the devs, they have hit the patch limit so the next update will be a large download in order to reset the limit for the smallish patches again.
Any news on what made it in vs. PC?
14 fucking gigabytes lol
Is this like before where we had to download the whole game for some reason and then DE messed up and we had to download it again?
I dunno why there's limits on this shit anyways. Oh well hope it won't take too long. Better have a lot of content too. We're falling too far behind pc again.
start playing again after a long long break. did some nice catch up since I had time the last few days. what happened to the GAF clan anyway?
things sure changed a lot and I need to go lvl the archwing stuff and find better mods for it. what's good way to get wing mods? just keep playing the wing missions? also, I made the Nikana and find out there's a Dragon Nikana. how do I get that? wikia says I can get the blueprint from market but I don't think I see it. is it one of those things where it's different between PC and console?
Yes there is.Is there an active gaf clan?
Yes there is.
I have a few non gaffers that I play with and we just started a clan. Could I bring them along with me?
Absolutely. Can instantly promote you to Captain, and you can invite them.
No one screwed up this time. Its to do with Sony's policy on patching. Theres a limited number of times you can patch a game (about 20-25) from what I heard on stream today. They have to send out the full thing, again, but then the number of patches resets, so unless sony changes that, you can basically expect an large update every 20+ something patches.
You actually need the Nikana to get the Dragon Nikana, so I'd say ahead and level that to 30 for the mastery rank xp and then get the blueprint from the market. It's definitely there under melee blueprints.
hoping to see that invite soon for the gaf clan!
Tried to add you myself while I'm on but the game says you are currently in a clan.
On another subject, I just got a legendary core as a sortie reward. I'm thinking maybe I should try getting 5-600 plat for it in trade. Since I heard they're super valuable and can rank up any mod to max with zero credit cost, though they're a bit more common as they were only given out on dev streams and as compensation for system changes in the past.
is it easy to confuse the legendary cores with uncommon cores by sight? Do they look similar?
Can I get a clan invite for a IRL friend. ---tad001-Marduk?
Sweet. Lol at our avatars
PSN: Broadbandit
(we play a lot now)
You'll have to leave your current clan before we can invite you.
Options > Communication > Clan > Click your name for dropdown > Leave clan
That...I didn't know. My bad. Will have left it by 6 PM central tonight.
Come on. You getting invite privileges and don't even know how the clan system works?
Is this game still heavily focussed on pay to win?
Is this game still heavily focussed on pay to win?
You can buy a lot of things in this game with real money, and you can gain an advantage from doing so. Accelerators, weapons, resources, support units, etc. Pay-to-Win is usually applied to competitive modes, but to the extent you can buy advantages against the AI, yeah, Warframe has that stuff.Is this game still heavily focussed on pay to win?