Replaced with who?
Should be either Vauban or Nekros.
Replaced with who?
Should be either Vauban or Nekros.
A Nekros primeDE please don't mess up this design. Also a prime vauban would be easier to get than a non prime lol.
Any leaked designs? I Google but nothing.
Something in this update has broken the game on the front end. Everything is super laggy and unreliable.
And I'm just beside myself at how terrible the new chat system is. I can't even imagine what they were thinking.
Yh massive framerate drops lol... also you can adjust the brightness in the options btw..and you can remove the bloom too.just tried a sortie interception mission, terrible. game runs like crap on consoles, I don't know how they think the game is playable right now, I get some wicked headaches if I play this for too long because the fps is bad and all the bright colors just fucks my eyes and brain.
looks nice, though.
There was like a 30 second lag between me clicking the build button, and waiting for the actual thing to happen. Theres also little freezes everywhere whenever you leave a mission to come back to your ship. Kind of wish the Consoles could get hotfixes to deal with the added.
Yh massive framerate drops lol... also you can adjust the brightness in the options btw..and you can remove the bloom too.
Reddit is confirming problems on PS4, ya'll aren't alone.
also welcome to new chat it's even more terrible than before
Got a code an hour ago so still active.
Where do u redeem this?
Just read on the warframe forums that PS4 will be getting server upgrades throughout the week starting Wed to deal with the lag in menus and liset
Edit: Free 3-Day affinity booster
There are 2000 codes so its gone when they run out, jump on it while you can if you need to level stuff
Should also mention these ONLY work on PS4
They fixed the chat. Thank the Lotus, it works again.
Been farming the Acolytes with some marginal luck. Got a couple of Argon Scopes.
I started playing Warframe last week. Is there a Gaf Clan I can join?
Are the acolytes going to be permanent after the event or are their mods "event mods" only right now?
I got the mods I wanted so far from each of first 3 but am not farming for all of them right now.
I started playing Warframe last week. Is there a Gaf Clan I can join?
You can kill misery in the endurance since he drops all of the mods the others do + a shot at another mod at every 5 rounds
been working and playing other stuff lately and before I know it I missed the kill Acolytes part of the even (they all got defeated). still manage to finish the rest of the event thou so at least that's good. guess I'll have to look up some of those Acolytes mods later on down the road on the trade channel.
Vauban Prime:
Looks like Fragor Prime and Akstiletto Prime
Also 18.8.2 in (interim build before U19)
If anybody gets the idea that they might want to grind out new sabotages and see if they can farm up the parts for the Xiphos ship...
Just started playing this and just hit 13. The game is a ton of fun so far and I'm currently enjoying working towards finishing my first warframe blueprint and my first bow blueprint.
is there a GAF clan I can join? thanks
I ran 5 of those Sabotage missions solo and I was done. I just hate there are 3 extra ships and they are horrible to obtain.
I tried sabotage for the Fuselage, got the part in like huh....35 runs, some cache locations are crazy and the sabotage itselft is boring, not rewarding enough and time consuming doing it solo.
There might still be, though maybe the rules are different for games without a platinum trophy, like Warframe.Apprently, Warframe got more 2 more trophies. I thought there was a trophy limit for F2P games that didn't have purchaseable DLC.