Eh, I decided to just swap out for a rifle anyway. I liked the Sobek but there is absolutely no way that I'm going to grind out two of every shotgun mod just to use my Carrier properly.
And yeah, it makes me sad too.
Just submit a support ticket and get your Catalyst back. I literally
just submitted a ticket for accidentally crafting a second Nekros Chassis. DE responded to the ticket, canceled the crafting process and returned my components
within ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes. DE might be kinda ass-backwards in their approach to many things in this game but their customer support is absolutely top tier.
As for there being no way that you are going to grind out two of every shotgun mod... heh. Get back to me in a few dozen hours. ;-)
Thanks for all the replies!
So I guess for now I will just let my plat hang in my pocket until I know more about the game.
I actually just looked up what a mod is, and can see how those are important, and are drops. So that is kinda cool. I should try putting some on my guy. Might make me a little more survivable. I do not even know what mods I have currently.
Can mods be added and removed for free from whatever you put them on? Do the same mods work on guns/warframes?
Mods are what make or break you in this game. They are the "gear" in Warframe, with the most powerful ones having extremely low drop rates. Read up about them on the Wiki and start learning the ropes. You
must know how to effectively use your mods (and have the right mods to begin with) in order to be successful in Warframe. Mods are
Never sell them for credits. NEVER! Not even your duplicates. They are far more useful to you for Fusion. Look that up too, it's how you upgrade your mods to become more powerful. It will never be explained to you at all even though it is by far the most important mechanic in the entire game. You
must learn the ins and outs of the Fusion process if you want to get anywhere in Warframe.
Never Transmute your mods either. No exceptions. It's
never worth the credits and you will almost always end up with bullshit. Use your extra mods
only for Fusion -- and read up on it before you do. I wasted hundreds of mods before I learned that you get the most benefit by fusing mods of the same polarity. Such waste...
Yes, this game is deceptively deep. People in this thread are comparing it to Diablo... I did too, at first. I'd now say that it has much more in common with Demon's Souls. Both the good and the bad. You've gotta become a Wiki Warrior if you want to be able to hold your own and not bumble around from mission to mission hoping to run into a better geared player to carry you.
Oh, and yes, mods can be swapped around at will. That's why it's so important to level them up through Fusion. You can take a brand new weapon, beef it up a few levels and throw on one of your upgraded mods to make it powerful. Leveling up new weapons is actually a pretty fast process once you have the right kit to tackle the Endless Defense and Survival missions.
tl;dr - Bookmark the Wiki, read it, love it and have it open on your laptop/tablet while you play.
Even after 200 hours I'm still double-checking and looking shit up constantly. Warframe has had its own dedicated browser window on my laptop since I started playing, with at least 10 active tabs open at any given time. Yes, this is
that type of game.