Does anyone have an extra Oberon helmet blueprint I can trade or give credits for? I don't have too much but I do have a few other blueprints and some mods I could give if they wanted.
Only prime blueprints and mods are tradeable. You'll have to just grind it on your own unfortunately. If that were the case I'd have a Brakk by now.
Anyone up for doing some void survival I really need to get the Argon Crystal and hopefully a Latron Prime.
I heard you can find argon crystal on Invasions too in this update but cant confirm it right now
All of the new nodes drop Argon Crystals too.
I belive I have both of those. I'll check and hit you up later.
Ok sounds good!
Is there a clan I can join here? My psn name Is Namtox
This happened to someone else I know. New update brings new bugs. <3 DEWhat the fuck? I went to go take my rank 5 mission... The screen went black, it began to load, and then suddenly tells me I need to wait 24h's to take the test again. Da fauq?
Tried to do a vault mission to get the stuff for Mirage. Got yelled at for not having a key, thought it was like the void missions where only host needed a key... Thanks game for explaining that in such detail. -.-
Honestly thinking of quitting the game for a long time. I love the gameplay, graphics, and world, but dear god nothing is explained. How did I know I needed a Dragon Key? It's like they expect the wiki to do all of the explaining for them.
Anyone have a Latron Prime Receiver ? I honestly don't have allot to trade but I'll try thanks.
Tried to do a vault mission to get the stuff for Mirage. Got yelled at for not having a key, thought it was like the void missions where only host needed a key... Thanks game for explaining that in such detail. -.-
Honestly thinking of quitting the game for a long time. I love the gameplay, graphics, and world, but dear god nothing is explained. How did I know I needed a Dragon Key? It's like they expect the wiki to do all of the explaining for them.
Tried to do a vault mission to get the stuff for Mirage. Got yelled at for not having a key, thought it was like the void missions where only host needed a key... Thanks game for explaining that in such detail. -.-
Honestly thinking of quitting the game for a long time. I love the gameplay, graphics, and world, but dear god nothing is explained. How did I know I needed a Dragon Key? It's like they expect the wiki to do all of the explaining for them.
I wonder if there going to extend the Breeding Ground event a day since PSN was down yesterday
How much is left on the event?
My last Argon Crystal I had reserved to build Mirage expired during the DDoS attacks.
I read they are now a drop from Phorid, who is currently on Mars.
It's true, I just got 5 from him![]()
Tried to do a vault mission to get the stuff for Mirage. Got yelled at for not having a key, thought it was like the void missions where only host needed a key... Thanks game for explaining that in such detail. -.-
Honestly thinking of quitting the game for a long time. I love the gameplay, graphics, and world, but dear god nothing is explained. How did I know I needed a Dragon Key? It's like they expect the wiki to do all of the explaining for them.
Well the leader is supposed to say about the keys if the runs is about opening vaults or just doing the extermination.
I want to say it ends Thursday. I am hit it hard tonight and do my part but I am not sure what number I am suppose to be shooting for.
48 for all the rewards. Beyond that, higher the better for the clan ranking. . .
You benefit most when your squad has equal or higher 'stink' than you so sticking with the same PUG squad or playing with Clan people as much as possible is the best approach!
Not to mention the keys (or lack of) are shown right in the squad list these days. . . really no excuse for them getting mad at him like that.
Well the leader is supposed to say about the keys if the runs is about opening vaults or just doing the extermination.
Oberon changes incoming
seems hes getting nothing but buffs.
Oberon changes incoming
seems hes getting nothing but buffs.
Oberon changes incoming
seems hes getting nothing but buffs.
Some clan (forgot the name) stole our clan logo lol
I was streaming and playing with the viewers when I saw this guy with a GAF logo. It was the same as ours but it wasn't a PNG, just the logo on a square black background. Their warlord must really like the design...