Someone got a hold of the new Chaos Space Marine codex and there is a lore bit in it that is interesting. It seems that Fabius Bile is going after the Primaris Marines and make his own version of them.
Someone got a hold of the new Chaos Space Marine codex and there is a lore bit in it that is interesting. It seems that Fabius Bile is going after the Primaris Marines and make his own version of them.
I really hope that we don't get Chaos Primaris Marines out of this.I'm not surprised.
I really hope that we don't get Chaos Primaris Marines out of this.
These dudes have forge worlds and chaos magic and they decided to rip off the Imperium? They just suck at making new things.I do. The CSM sculpts are old as fuck and Bile has been spending all his time trying to make better marines.
These dudes have forge worlds and chaos magic and they decided to rip off the Imperium? They just suck at making new things.
I don't see why they wouldn't just release a full line of chaos marines in the style of the Dark Vengeance models:
Make them multi-pose, maybe make them slightly taller to account for scale creep, and everyone's golden. Is Back!
It's been more than a decade since we last visited the Underhive, but very soon you'll be able to battle it out in the depths of Hive Primus.
If you're new to the hobby, you may not be familiar with Necromunda – or perhaps you've only heard about it from the fond memories of other hobbyists. Necromunda dives into the underworld of the Imperium, allowing players to control their own Hive Gang – a pack of ruthless criminal killers augmented with black-market cybernetics, gene modifications and scavenged weaponry. Where Warhammer 40,000 puts you at the head of an army, in Necromunda, the scale is much smaller but the action is just as intense – every single Ganger counts.
Between intense skirmish battles, your gang will grow from a pack of battle-hungry Juves to a feared and respected syndicate of hardened veterans. To get there, however, you'll have to battle against your fellow players, each with a gang of their own.
The Underhive is a big place, and the gangs that inhabit it are as diverse as the alien races that inhabit the 41st Millennium. We're launching Necromunda with two classics.
Gangs from House Escher are fast, deadly, and cruel. While lightly armoured, these cunning warrior women hold their own in melee combat, while at range, they are notorious for their use of armour-melting plasma weaponry.
The gangers of House Goliath are a living testament to brawn over brains. Every member of House Goliath is a slab of vat-grown muscle, armed and armoured with repurposed industrial gear.
What makes these miniatures even better is that they'll be available in multi-part, plastic kits – so easy to assemble, customise and paint into a gang of your own.
Necromunda bases:- It's currently scheduled for release this November
- They've been working on it since March 2016
- Escher and Goliath gangs in the box at launch
- All old gangs being redone in plastic and releasing within 12 months
- 4 gangs done already
- After old gangs and Outlanders are done, they're making new gangs
- New stuff based on John Blanche's original sketch book
- Rules loosely based on 8th but with expanded mechanics
- More skill tables including leader and trade skills
- Alternate activation not 'you go, I go'
- Leaders and heavies can group activate, Frostgrave style
- Juves on their own may bottle it
- Intelligence, Willpower and Cool stats from Rogue Trader return
- Full campaign
Putting Escher vs Goliath in the initial box set, that's really smart. They're opposite ends of the spectrum and the closest thing to a true rivalry in the game.
I have put a lot of time, effort, and money into Shadow War so I will not be buying this at the start. I had no idea this was in the pipeline or else I would have waited. I wonder how different the rules will be? Will it be compatible with Shadow War? It should be, because the Shadow War rules are straight from the original Necromunda.
The minis look great and I am really looking forward to reading more about it. I'm just a little shocked that it follows so close on the heals of Shadow War.
EDIT: All the gangs? Fuck that's what I needed to hear. I was thinking they would do a Blood Bowl and release 4-5 teams and then hand over the rest to legacy minis and Forge World to flesh out. This game has my full attention.
I'm really hoping this has a lot more depth than Shadow War, which seemed fun at first, but got boring after just a few games. It's 40k lite at a time where they've just made proper 40k simpler and easier to play than ever. I don't see why Shadow War exists when 8th edition does too.
Necromunda with some real thick campaign stuff could be glorious.
As a stand alone, I could see your point. However, one of the first things we did was integrate a ton of Necromunda's heavier campaign mechanics. One of my absolute favorite thing about these old GW games, and what keeps me excited about these new editions, is they are open books for narrative play and house ruling scenarios. Shadow War is a fantastic way to play cool homebrew games on a small scale. Also, the hobbiest in me just wants one gang from every faction to paint up and display!
Yeah I'm with you on everything here - I guess the excitement of 8th & new armies just took the shine out of what could be done with Shadow War.
I know one of the guys in our group wants to combine stuff from Infinity, Shadow War and Necromunda into a cool overarching campaign.
This is, genuinely, one of the highlights of my year. Which either means that my life is very boring, or that I really fucking love Necromunda. I also love that Escher is one of the starting gangs too. Really hope they get to all the gangs eventually, I think Cawdor are a given but I'd love to see Scavvy and Ash Waste Gangers as well.
Great paint job!So these are not done quite yet, and they are my first group painting ever. 14 Death Guard. Have been working on them on and off for about a week. Doing kind of a Blanchy thing. I go through waves of loving and hating them, lol!
well here is a link, cant get the image to post.
Also its a totally rando picture. I will maybe get out a light box when I am done.
Not only is the paint job really great...those are some of the best put together models I have ever seen. Whomever cut out and glued those together has some real skill unlike anything I've ever witnessed.
Wouldn't be surprised if it gets Redmawed. He really does look rubbish.
Had a cracking chat with Rob Mac - all of the Wolves gear is now complete. They're getting
5 - yes FIVE - upgrades for Grey Slayers all told including all the lovely Norse flavoured weapons you'd expect plus a wedge of heads - none of which have helms, they're all bare of have the tribal knotwork leather masks on described in Prospero Burns
Varangyr - the lone one who was permitted for display is a good indicator of what to expect, they'll be a fully resin kit, they looked at a Cataphractii upgrade set but by the end none of the plastic parts were getting used so full resin was the decision.
Deathsworn - not much to reveal here, there'll be plenty of options but no word on if it's resin or an upgrade to plastics
Red-blade - he's getting his own model seeing as Fel-hand is already in plastic and it gives the Wolves a character series one in the same way of Amon of the TS
A VI Legion specific Praetor
All of these will likely appear over the next couple of months through the community feeds since I don't believe there's another FW attended event now before the HH weekender in Feb