Speaking of which, it was kinda silly that there were no Tech-priests or Skitarii in that game. A guardsman even lampshades it, so it must've been a production issue.
They do explain it (at least for the Skitarii). One of the servo skull audio logs explain through a conversation between two Guardsmen that the Skitarii forces had been wiped out by the Orks pretty early on in the invasion.
Had a pretty funny interaction with the official Warhammer 40k page. Put me in a real good mood.
The Magos is a brand new Eisenhorn novel and one I didnt expect to write. This epic volume gathers together all the Eisenhorn short stories that have appeared over the years, several of which havent been in print before. But its not just an anthology for completists. Theres an entire, new, full-length novel here too, one which ties together many elements from those short stories to become the unexpected fourth book in what was previously the Eisenhorn trilogy. Hunting for heresy in the remote worlds of the Imperium, Gregor Eisenhorn must confront the truth about himself: who is the real heretic? And, in this life-or-death struggle, who is the hunter and who is the hunted? Essential reading for all fans of the Eisenhorn and Ravenor series.
Before Games Workshop released the Imperial Primer paint, they used to recommend priming/undercoating with Chaos black. The Imperial Primer i got a few years back but never really used is pretty ruined (far too watery and bubbly), so is using Abaddon black an acceptable substitute? They're non-GW models i'm going to use it on.
Before Games Workshop released the Imperial Primer paint, they used to recommend priming/undercoating with Chaos black. The Imperial Primer i got a few years back but never really used is pretty ruined (far too watery and bubbly), so is using Abaddon black an acceptable substitute? They're non-GW models i'm going to use it on.
Looks good. I really like your bases.
It's (almost) time boys
The Siege of Terra Dawns
11 years. 45 books (and counting!). 1 galaxy spanning series. The Horus Heresy has come to redefine how we look at the world of Warhammer 40,000, bringing the Primarchs, their Legions, and even the Emperor Himself to life in more detail than ever before. From the initial fall of Horus to the tragedy of the Dropsite Massacre, to the truth behind Imperium Secundus, everything has been building up to one climactic battle the Siege of Terra. A group of Black Librarys most renowned authors have gathered in Nottingham today for one final planning meeting how do you go about doing justice to the most famous event in Warhammer 40,000 history? We sent Warhammer Community writer Rhuairidh to sit in and see whats next for the Horus Heresy.
Before Games Workshop released the Imperial Primer paint, they used to recommend priming/undercoating with Chaos black. The Imperial Primer i got a few years back but never really used is pretty ruined (far too watery and bubbly), so is using Abaddon black an acceptable substitute? They're non-GW models i'm going to use it on.
Is this a Warhammer in general thread or specifically 40K? Is there a better place to discuss AoS?
Is this a Warhammer in general thread or specifically 40K? Is there a better place to discuss AoS?
There isn't an Age of Sigmar OT but the Miniature Gaming OT would be a good place to start a discussion for AOS:
Thanks both of you. If anyone thinks it's innapropriate I'll move it over there.I think this would be a fine place to discuss AoS (and by extension, all GW games). There's a lot of overlap.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer4...ording_to_person_who/?st=j7vyoozo&sh=d9f730a3Performance: sales are up across the board - in every sector, every range, and every month
all the charts are pointing in the right direction, surplus cash will be returned to shareholders as dividends
Strategy: they've recruited so that they now have separate design teams for 40k, AoS and specialist games
this is to allow them to release something for each of those lines on a regular basis, monthly at least if not faster they want there to constantly be something new for players to buy rather than them waiting for months on end keeping a constant monthly cashflow and sales improvement is important to them, it's not about a few big releases a year
efforts are being made to reduce the price point and make joining the game easier, thus the range of price points for 8th (from £5 magazine with single figure up to £95 boxed set)
target areas for new stores are North America and Asia
trade (FLGSs) is more profitable than retail (GW stores), but the latter is more important for recruitment. They intend to do more to support both
they want to bring more women into the hobby, but don't want to alienate the existing playerbase while doing so, it is something they're aware of (but no details as yet)
prices aren't dropping any time soon, production is pushing up against maximum capacity, they're going to be investing a fair bit in new injection moulding machinery
Marketing: they hired a marketing team about 18 months ago, they have no intention of mass-marketing
the digital strategy is an attempt to get control of the narrative, they identified the fact that all the web traffic was going to blogs and forums where new (and old) players would meet a lot of negativity and grumbling
it's working, their web traffic is high and growing (2 million unique users on warhammer community, for example), the traffic on 3rd party sites is falling
they are measuring clickthroughs and doing more market research about customers, no granular info yet, but a big change in direction from the Kirby years
they intend to carry on being much more proactive in supporting tournament organisers and the like
40k: none of them are allowed to say, but from what I wheedled out it sounds like 8th is doing very well indeed, they consider it a success
the gathering storm stuff and SW:A was a strategy to prevent the normal big sales drop-off they get before a new edition (like they did with WHFB's end times)
AoS: they won't provide figures for individual ranges, but sales are up, overlords did well
Specialist games: the reason they abandoned these in the past was because they had a small design team which was hard to expand, so they put the focus into the most profitable lines (40k and fantasy), that's not an issue any more
the success of BB caught them by surprise, which is why there was a fairly big gap between gobbos and elves. The latter are the first team designed entirely since release, they intend to continue releasing about one team per quarter
necromunda will have better support from the get go, they want to get more of the gangs out at release or shortly thereafter and have future plastics more planned out aiming to make them very customisable, extra weapons and upgrades will probably be available in resin cawdor got a mention, might mean that they're coming at release or might just mean that that's one they're working on now
HH has been derailed a bit by Bligh's death and producing a new rulebook. Now that's in the printers they're getting back on with it, there are plenty of models in the pipeline there are no more HH plastics planned at the moment. Never say never, but production time is at least a year, so don't expect anything anytime soon.
Thanks! The disparity between order/chaos and death/destruction is really annoying. Hopefully more death models are coming our way.Re: Death-
GW will be releasing a new skirmish game, Warhammer Underworld: Shadespire soon, which like every other AoS thing features Sigmar vs. Khorne. But! They already announced the first expansion, and it's all about skeletons, with new models. In my opinion, it's very likely they will also be released for the main game.
As for battleforces, nothing announced, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some new prIce-saving bundles for the holidays.
Indeed! Death especially. I'm a Destruction fan personally (this is my website: https://www.the-stronghold.com/), and I enjoyed the releases in the first half of 2016, but since then there's been basically nothing for a year.The disparity between order/chaos and death/destruction is really annoying.
It's a problem in 40K too but at least in 40K there are a bunch of different armies whereas in AoS there are only 4 grand allainces so the discrepancy is very noticeable.Indeed! Death especially. I'm a Destruction fan personally (this is my website: https://www.the-stronghold.com/), and I enjoyed the releases in the first half of 2016, but since then there's been basically nothing for a year.
Hopefully the internal restructuring to give AoS its own dedicated design team will help prevent this from happening again, you can really see the negative effect a lack of new releases for a grand alliance has on its popularity online, at events etc, and the General's Handbook 2017 wasn't too kind to Destruction either (my poor Stonehorn took multiple nerf beatings - I do wonder about their playtesting sometimes!).
I'd love to see Ironjawz get a lot more fleshed out for instance, love their models but the selection is still so limited and they were big sellers for GW when they launched. Moonclan Grots would surely be an obvious popular choice for release too.
https://www.warhammer-community.com...gines-a-battlefield-in-a-box-and-a-new-codex/Codex: Astra Militarum is the next codex in line for Warhammer 40,000, and it's just as packed with new content as its predecessors.
We've seen rules for Space Marine Chapters, Traitor Legions, forge worlds, and now there are rules for 8 regiments of the Astra Militarum. Which regiments, you ask? Cadia and Catachan will, of course, be included, as well as new rules for Armageddon, Tallarn, Valhalla, Vostroya, Mordian and the Militarum Tempestus. Each one of these factions will be getting its own regimental doctrine, order, stratagem, relic, and warlord trait – the codex is absolutely brimming with content, aimed at letting you customise your army to suit your style of play.
Similarly, the codex is set to diversify Astra Militarum lists with tweaks to rules and points aimed at putting each unit on an even footing. Conscripts, for example, have been changed to better reflect their inferior discipline compared to professional soldiers. It's not just about rules, either – the new codex contains loads of new background and art, including a look at some of the more unusual regiments of the 41st Millennium and advice on how you might want to convert them.
Of course, if you're starting a new Astra Militarum army, you'll need somewhere to play them, and Moon Base Klaisus is perfect. Building your own boards is a fun and rewarding experience, but it's not always practical for gamers who are limited by space or just want to set their games up quickly – the new Moon Base Klaisus set gives you everything you'll need to get gaming in minutes on a great looking 6'x4′ board. Made up of modular card tiles – designed to be interchangeable to vary your battlefields – and featuring push-fit ruins, Moon Base Klaisus is great for gamers looking for an easy way to make sure they've got a cool-looking place to play, wherever they are. The ruins themselves are designed to fit in with both the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis terrain, meaning if you do decide to build a more bespoke gaming board you'll be off to a head start.
Don't worry, enemies of the Imperium, we haven't forgotten about you – next week will also see four new models for the Death Guard! As well as Scribbus Wretch the Tallyman and Nauseus Rotbone the Plague Surgeon, you'll be able to get your hands on the devastating Plaguecburst Crawler tank and the multi-part Foetid Bloat-drone kit.
As well as the plaguesprayers equipped by the Bloat-drone in Dark Imperium, the full kit contains some new weapons options – our favourite is the grisly flesh mower, which looks... well, exactly as you'd expect:
Oh man, I was so fucking excited when I saw those Savlar Chemdogs. I really thought those were new models.
Ethereals having more than just surface level influence over Tau is something that's been hinted at for a very long time. I think that extends to Water Caste as well. I definitely remember it as far back as 4th edition. They have no warp presence but it could be they exert their influence by some other means, pheromones for instance.
I don't know if it's ever going to go past that. It's not definitive, but it adds depth to Tau. You can point to that and show people that they really aren't the force for 'good' some people mistake then for. Well that and their immediate action in crushing anyone who doesn't side with them right away. And possibly enslaving the Vespid.
Ethereals having more than just surface level influence over Tau is something that's been hinted at for a very long time. I think that extends to Water Caste as well. I definitely remember it as far back as 4th edition. They have no warp presence but it could be they exert their influence by some other means, pheromones for instance.
Tau certainly know what Chaos is but probably can't understand its nature. I think Farsight is rebelling more against the control by Ethereals over his people.
Sure, the hints at their secretly being something else going on does add some mystery and depth to them, even if there isn't any real proof for it being outright true. Things like the Vespid support both sides though, it could be some form of control, or it could simply be because they could properly understand each other after that. There are suggestions that things are really not what they seem but you can't outright say it's true unless i've just completely missed something over the past few years.
The whole "crush anyone who refuses" though...i was under the impression that isn't true and that's more of a last resort. I can't remember where but i remember reading somewhere how they'd wait decades if they had to, and keep trying diplomacy for as long as they can. If the other race are really adamant they want nothing to do with the Tau but the Tau want them/whatever they have desperately enough, then they'd go that far. I don't think it's exactly a "Oh you said no once, we better destroy you then" situation.
Maybe I missed some lore or changes along the way, but I thought most of the Tau background / origins stuff implied that the Ethereal caste were a creation of the Eldar, and that the Tau are an attempt to create a chaos and warp immune force in the galaxy?
I studied them for a long time, trying not to be too envious, and often failing. I came to hate their quiet, steady resolve. They never complained, they never got angry. Everything with them was polished and reverent, like diplomats somehow siphoned into the suits of warriors. I might have thought they were automata had I not seen the way they moved a blade. Throne, they were even well spoken, and they treated me with such relentless politeness and consideration that I wanted to scream.
That was the core problem – I needed an excuse to loathe them, and they wouldn't give me one.
I could have punched his big, elegant face. Now we were needed. Now we were wanted.
That might have changed. I remember the old codices gave a vibe of 'join us or die' to tie in with their rapid expansion but that could have softened over the years. If it did that's a shame because I like the sinister side that lends itself to.