Best looking Titan they've ever produced, I think. Gorgeous.
I think?
Love these diorama pictures, where exactly in Europe is this place that has the exhibitions?
Loads more pictures of upcoming stuff and some incredible dioramas over at Battle Bunnies.
Excuse me whilst I try and find £1300 down the back of the sofa.
Only a minority of fools who can't spell/think.I've been watching a lot of battle reports on YouTube while reading 7th edition rules, it really helps to get reacquainted with them. Anyway, something I've noticed... do all Americans pronounce a hard G at the end of "WAAAAAAAAAGH!"? Why?
Stunning, the look and the price. At least the up coming drought of games means I will have some spare cash.
$36 lol
GW, you're out of your fucking mind.
No sir, that's a full on Warlord titan. Looks like they've taken more than a few design ques from the new knights (or possibly the other way around given how long this must have taken to produce), but an average size knight would probably just about come up to its knees. Curiously it looks like they've reduced its height and gone for bulk which will no doubt annoy all those people who think titans should be as big as mountains. Wazdakka certainly wouldn't be able to jump his bike into the command deck of that thing.
Whoooo! New Space Wolves upgrade sprue dropping soon! Gun' get me some new shoulder pads and a snarling Wolf Helm.
The more I listen to C.Z. Dunn stuff the more I come to realize he's a grade A grimdark troll. I think he just killed off the entire Inquisitorial retinue that had been the main characters for the opening of this book.
Very workmanlike stuff otherwise, but worth a punt if you have the opportunity.
Ragnar's stats make him seem kind of shitty to me, or at least compared to some of the other Wolf Lords/HQs. But I'm all about stuff looking cool and would field him anyway of he looked good. But he doesn't look good at all. So I haven't felt the need to buy him as of yet. I've got the SW omnibus on its way here so maybe after reading three books about him and the SW, I might feel an attachment to him. Right now though? Not gonna happen.Yay! At the very least that sprue will make converting a decent-looking Ragnar a fair bit easier - that Frost Blade/Chain Sword is pretty much Frostfang.
Haha, was that Deathwatch? I read that book about a year ago, I was kinda sad when they were 'killed' off.
His model is awful. As I said earlier in the thread I've recently come back to the hobby after a 16+ year absence, I've been blown away by the new kits for things/characters I used to own. Ghazghkull and Deff Dreads in particular have come a hell of a long way, even bog standard plastic marines are so much better now, and yet there's Ragnar in the same old stupid position, his face still lopsided like some kind of stroke victim. It's criminal that he hasn't had a new model yet.
I don't know if I'd ever field him either, it would just be to have him available to my army for old times sake, when I played with him in 2nd Edition he'd steamroll everything he got near. There's one player who, if I play against him now, would do whatever he could to revenge kill a Ragnar for crimes committed to him 20 years ago, which could make for a viable strategy lol.
E: what ifisSevatar?JanusI'll post my insane rationale later.
OK, time to test whether fairy power spray actually works as a paint stripper. I'll repaint my first minis since they look kinda hideous when they stand next to my newer ones.
It works really well, better than dettol/simple green. Just don't use the lemon/citrus stuff. I'm about to try out some acetone-free nail polish remover on some ancient plastic models to make sure it doesn't eat them before restoring a batch of old marines and orks. I swear by the regular acetone stuff for metal minis.
So, my mini will be clean and smell fresh tomorrow? (I only put a single one in the bag)
I'm about to try out some acetone-free nail polish remover on some ancient plastic models to make sure it doesn't eat them
Finished my Dark Angels assault squad using the new kit plus the DA UpgradesThink it came out nicely!
In other news, I believe a new Space Marine codex has just been released. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
My cockamamie theory about the identity of Janus, first Supreme Grandmaster of the Grey Knights.
There are two important facts about Janus I have come across.
1. He was a psyker. (Source: Epimetheus, one of the original Grey Knights.)
2. His actual identity would rock the foundations of the Imperium if it was known. (Source: Mortarion)
Who fulfills both of these qualities?Sevatar
1. He was a psyker.
2. Breh was such a fucking hater thatI think someone like that being implanted with a gene seed derived from the emperor himself would be a bit scandalous.he's the first person to utter the words "death to the false emperor".
Now you might be thinking that's a little superficial, and I'd agree, but there's more to this.
-Hisis a point of debate amongst thedeath. i.e. There's a possibility he did in fact survive the Horus Heresy.Night Lords
-He really disliked demons. When it came out thatwas now a fucking demon, man, he friend broke up with him. Seems like a useful quality for a Grey Knight to have.Argel Tal
-The last time you seein the Horus Heresy series isSevatar. If you haven't read / listened to that story, it's about hisThe Long Nightwith theincarcerationafterDark AngelslolwutCurze's. Now I'm pretty sure he eventually reunites with his legion because he stillraid on the Invincible Reason, but the crux of that story (that you should definitely check out!) is that he's realized that his legion stinks, his primarch stinks, and most of all he stinks. At one point he has the chance to escape but instead chooses to ladle out justice and surrender to face justice himself. Definitely a broken man looking for a higher purpose again, sort of exactly the type of traitor legionnaires that have been recruited thus far.has to have his gauntlets stained the sinner's red
-The name Janus. Not only does #thedualities of that name work with a traitor legionnaire turning loyalist, but in the case of, it also could apply toSevatarmore specifically as his psyker powers wereSevatarso that he could fight as a rank and file astartes instead of in the horror show that wasdeliberately masked at his request. Now that's all well and good, but why should we assume the name is symbolic? Because I believe Epimetheus' is symbolic. That name means something like "foolish" and in the course of Pandorax it comes out that Epimetheus wasthe Night Lords librarius, who generally are regarded as having been fools instead of basely evil (I realize this may have not actually been the case, the closest I've come to finding something that's come out that sheds more light on these battle-brehs isone of The Fallen, but I'm taking theMaster of the Firstat their word, probably to my detriment).Dark Angels
-His signature weapon is a lot like the force halberd.
When I'm proven right in 10 years (the Horus Heresy series has I think officially gone on longer than the actual Heresy) share this link with all your friends and family. When I'm proven wrong please quote and mock.