How is the new warhammer 40k game?
I just bought that red tithe book from the GW store(ugh the pricing and hardback makes it so painful to buy from that place) but all of the reviews seem to point to it be a good read which is why I picked it. Have any of you guys read it yet?
Sup 40kGAF! I've just gotten into the hobby and I've really enjoyed painting the few mini's I got so far and I've been planning on painting up my own homebrew Space Marine chapter with a Mad Max theme to them. I was wondering for those of you who paint was wondering what texture paint you guys would recommend for a desert wasteland landscape for my bases? I've used Agrellan Earth on my minis and have seen Agrellan Bad land and I honestly can't choose witch on is more appropriate for the theme I'm going for. What do you guys think? Any alternatives?
I think I did OK for my first attempt all things considered. There are things I would definitely do differently next time but I really enjoyed painting them up! Any constructive criticism is appreciated!
You could just scoop sand from a playground and glue that to the base. Easy and cheap.
Get a detail brush and work in some edge highlights, 1-2 layers per edge. They make a huge difference.
Sanctus reach
Hell. Yes.
What an exciting time to be a long time fan of 40k. This is craaaazy!
Can you explain why you think that? I don't think it's a good thing at all. Changing the setting itself is what Age Of Sigmar did, this is just to a lesser scale.
I wonder what he'll make of the Imperium in the 41st millenium, and what will they think of him if he says they shouldn't worship the Emperor, lol
That is pretty dope. Bring back The Lion next.
Found this theory about Ferrus Mannus, who was beheaded. I just kind of like the sound of it, so here it is:
Horus would lament to Ferrus' head that he wished he had men like him. Men of honor, instead of daemons, murderers and psychopaths as generals.
it would be after the Horus Hersey that an Inquisitor along with the Blood Angels, and another chapter, meet with the Iron Hands and return the skull of Ferrus Mannus back to their legion, in exchange for their comliance back into the Imperium after nearly being torn asunder by the loss of their primarch.
Ferrus' head exists and when questioned whether that the mechanicus has it, the Iron Hands burst out into rage.
my personal therory is that the head was taken to mars to see the void dragon and that in combinations with the mechanicum, the iron hands will rebuild Mannus as a living metal creature, but he will be bitter about his own chapter for not following his guidance and embracing the flesh as much as the metal.
For with the flesh, metal is made stronger.
Is Abaddon on the level of Primarchs or closer to Chapter Masters?
Warhammer TV: Package for Duncan? It's probably nothing
I really would've preferred the Lion or Russ honestly. At least the Lion is kind of an asshole that would really shake things up. Guilliman is just so...boring. Its such a predictable and obvious choice I'm amazed they even did it. That being said, that model looks cool and I'm excited to see the lore implications.
At least they didn't bring back Dorn. He's about as interesting as a brick wall.
Voldus: newly-promoted to the sacred office of Grand Master, Voldus has nevertheless served the Imperium for many decades. Wielding a massive Nemesis force hammer, he is the first Grey Knights character we've ever made in plastic, and like their line-infantry, his armour is an artificer's masterpiece, decked out in the holy icons of the Emperor and his secretive Chapter.
Speaking of secrets, they don't come more secretive than this guy. Is he good? Is he evil? Cypher is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a mystery (that's probably what his cloak is made of...). This model is a full re-imagining of Warhammer 40,000's most notorious gunslinger and legendary Lord of the Fallen Angels. The detail on this model is incredible, from the archeotech-plasma pistol to the massive primarch-sized sword on his back – he is every inch the fallen hero of old Caliban.
Roboute Guilliman returns to the Imperium after several millennia in stasis, resurrected by arcane Imperial artifice and fell xenos sorcery (which we're pretty sure some in the Imperium are very much not ok with). His suit of armour is a marvel to behold – the pinnacle of power-armoured technology (courtesy of Belisarius Cawl) while his blade is no less than one of the blazing swords once carried by the Emperor of Mankind himself. Crowning his armour is a celestial halo, an obvious symbol of the Emperor's blessing, perhaps gifted by some other hero of the Imperium [aka Saint Celestine].
wow, fantastic models!
Is Cypher's secondary pistol the traditional DA rotary-styled bolt pistol they mention some DAs using in the HH novels?
GW's talking about Gathering Storm III on the live show in a few mins: Imperium of Mankind is in turmoil. Warp storms rage across the galaxy, tearing holes in reality through which spill legions of heretics, traitors and Daemons. The Maelstrom waxes strong, spreading tendrils of empyric energy across the Ultima Segmentum, while the Eye of Terror has grown larger than ever before, eclipsing the Cadian Gate and swallowing the planet of Cadia.
Imperial forces race to the breaches in realspace, determined to ensure that Abaddon the Despoilers 13th Black Crusade goes no further, but they are sorely pressed, for the Warmasters forces have appeared across the galaxy and have even laid siege to Macragge, home world of the Ultramarines Chapter of Space Marines. Besieged, the Ultramarines do not know why they are under attack, yet they will find out soon enough, for an unusual delegation has arrived
Gathering Storm: Rise of the Primarch, is the third book in the Gathering Storm series, concluding the story arcs that began in Fall of Cadia and Fracture of Biel-Tan. The heroes from both books including Saint Celestine, Inquisitor Greyfax, Belisarius Cawl and the Ynnari continue their quests, travelling through the Eldar webway to arrive in the Ultramar system. As you can probably tell from the title of the book, their arrival sparks one of the most miraculous, game-changing events in the history of Warhammer 40,000 the resurrection of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, who must then come to terms with what the Imperium has become in the 9,000 years hes been in stasis. Alongside the book comes a trio of brand-new miniatures, first among them Guilliman himself marking the first time a loyalist Primarch has been made in plastic. Its a monumental event with massive repercussions, as youll soon find out.
In the darkest hour
March sees the release of Rise of the Primarch. Like the preceding two books Fall of Cadia and Fracture of Biel-Tan the title is pretty blatant, and the front cover leaves nothing to the imagination Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines Chapter, is reborn! This 136-page hardback book follows the introduction of Roboute Guilliman to the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium and the monumental task he has ahead of him that of saving the Imperium. Alongside a cracking story, youll find rules for using Guilliman and his advisors in your games of Warhammer 40,000, plus maps, Eavy Metal showcases, epic illustrations, new missions, army-building options and plenty more besides.
The realm of Ultramar is the setting for the third book in the Gathering Storm series. The book contains a star map of the entire region, detailing the many worlds that Roboute Guilliman must rescue from the clutches of Chaos before he can look at saving the rest of the Imperium.
Rise of the Primarch includes five Echoes of War missions that follow the events that take place in the story and three Cataclysm of War missions that introduce new ways to play, including Stratagems assets that you can use before or during the game to give you the edge over your opponent. These rules can be combined with those found in Fall of Cadia.
The Triumvirate of the Primarch
Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines is reborn! For close to nine millennia, his body was held in stasis, caught in the heartbeat before death. Now, through the artifice of the Martian Tech-priest Belisarius Cawl and the alien sorcery of the Eldar Yvraine, he returns to the Imperium in its darkest hour.
Clad in the Armour of Fates and wielding his fathers flaming sword, Roboute Guilliman is a demigod of war, a symbol of freedom and Humanitys best chance of saving the Emperors legacy. However, his noble countenance is troubled by the terrible state of the Imperium, and he must put aside his fears if he is to save Mankind. But first Guilliman must fight the war to end all wars. It could take many mortal lifetimes.
Alongside Roboute Guilliman, this plastic set also contains Grand Master Voldus of the Grey Knights one of Guillimans new and most trusted advisors and the enigmatic Cypher, who joins Guilliman on his quest to save the Imperium. Or does he ?
WELCOME TO THE FORUM!Hi ... new to the forum. Wasn't sure where to start until I saw a Warhammer thread.
I'm a long time Warhammer player ... mostly fantasy but also have 2 big 40k armies (Eldar and Space Marines).
I haven't been keeping up with GW fluff but wow, I can't believe they're bringing back a Primarch. I'm guessing the Forgeworld Primarchs must be selling well.
Interesting to see a new model for Cypher. Have they explained whose side he's fighting on?
Interesting to see a new model for Cypher. Have they explained whose side he's fighting on?