Looking good for my custom built Swarmlord![]()
How does Space Marine Scouts typically loaded out? Picked some up to use for Shadow Wars and want to be able to use them in regular 40k too. Snipers for example, I assume the whole squad has to be a sniper squad if you go that route? To what extent can weapons be mixed. I did up a regular 5 man scout squad, but also got a sniper scout box, not sure I need or want to build entire sniper squad though, or If I can have a couple mixed in?
Battles in the sprawling gothic hives of the Imperium provide many of the most iconic images of war in the 41st Millennium. To recreate battles like this in the new edition, you need look no further than the new Warhammer 40,000s Advanced Rules for Cities of Death. These rules, like the Stronghold Assault rules weve seen already, are an optional add-on to theme your battles and add more variety to your games. In these types of games, certain units will thrive, while others will find their paths across the battlefield more limited.
So, speaking of cities lets chat about ruins.
The crumbling masonry of once-proud Imperial architecture has been a staple of Warhammer 40,000 battlefields for a while now. In the new Warhammer 40,000, they still will be, but the way they interact with the game will be a little different. Their impact takes the form of bonuses for units with certain keywords, and limitations for others.
Infantry are the big winners here. They alone have the flexibility and dexterity to move easily between levels of a building, over ruined walls, through doors, hatches and windows, as well as taking advantage of holes blasted in the ruins themselves. They are also the only units that benefit from cover naturally, just for being in a ruin. Other units (monsters, vehicles etc ) will need to actually be obscured to gain any bonus.
In Cities of Death games, these bonuses get even better if a unit does not move, its cover bonus from being in a ruin is increased from a +1 to their Armour Save to +2, representing the unit digging into cover and fortifying their position. This can make even a humble Guardsman squad difficult to shift, and a power armoured unit all but invulnerable.
Its not just Infantry though, flying units will do very well in Cities of Death games, as they are able to leap from rooftop to rooftop easily. Some of these units will be Infantry as well! Imagine facing an entire army of Night Lords Raptors in the twisting streets of a ruined hive, and you start to understand what terror means
Its not going all Infantrys way of course. There are solutions to dug-in enemies. Grenades for example. Any Grenade thrown at a unit in ruins will always count as having rolled the maximum number of shots (6, in the case of a frag grenade) and can reroll to wound thanks to the Fire in the Hole mission rule.
One last thing Cities of Death gets us is a new selection of Stratagems. One of our favourites is Sewer Rat, which lets you set up a sneaky unit of subterranean infiltrators in the enemys face during deployment or right on an objective.
One war zone where the narrative certainly calls for Cities of Death battles is Ultramar. At the end of the Gathering Storm, we already saw the forces of the Traitor Legions launch their attack on the Ultramarines utopian* worlds. Now the great cities of every planet are either surrounded or active battlefields.
With his home under siege, you better believe that the liberation of the 500 Worlds** are high on the list for Guillimans Indomitus Crusade
*Well, by Imperial standards anyway.
**Being in stasis for 10,000 years, it probably only feels like yesterday to Guilliman that he liberated them from the Traitor Legions the first time
So cover saves are gone and are just modifiers to armor saves. Pretty nice and saves time. I like how everything is going. Smarter and faster gaming. Most things make sense as well. Give it to me now. Give me 8th!!!
Fresh from the forges of Mars, and ready to bleed in defence of the Imperium, the Primaris Space Marines have come tooled for war. The bolt rifle-wielding Intercessors are the mainstay of the force. Alongside them march plasma-toting Hellblasters, providing deadly fire-support. And dropping in from orbit are Inceptors with the short range fury of their twin assault bolters.
Leading these new warriors are the champions of the Primaris Space Marines: the inspiring presence of the Lieutenants, the banner-carrying Ancients, and the commander of the force, a Captain clad in new Gravis armour.
First up, a unit of Plague Marines. The archetypal unit of the XIV Legion swollen with the raw power of decay, these form of the core of any Death Guard force. Nurgle fans will also be pleased to see a shambling plague host represented by the repugnant and varied Poxwalkers, each draped in scraps of clothing from their former lives. There is a new vehicle on offer too the Foetid Bloat-drone, a floating Daemon Engine that hunts its prey with a malign intelligence.
Rounding off the Death Guard are their own leaders, including a huge new Lord of Contagion, clad in warped Cataphractii Terminator plate and wielding one of the most brutal looking axes weve ever seen. Alongside him is the Noxious Blightbringer, a dark reflection of the noble Legion banner bearers of old, who carries a cursed plague bell that tolls with the death knell of his victims. Last but not least is the Malignant Plaguecaster one of the pestilent sorcerers of this pox-ridden Legion.
A complete set of datasheets to field both these Death Guard and Primaris Space Marines armies are included in two separate booklets inside the box. Youll also find a host of new background information on the two forces and on the Plague Wars being fought in Ultramar.
And of course, theres the new Warhammer 40,000 book itself. This 280-page, hardback tome is included in the Dark Imperium box and is also available separately. This book is your guide to the new edition and contains an extensive exploration of the Warhammer 40,000 setting. This includes some pretty major advancements in the story for every faction in the galaxy, not least of which are the arrival of the Great Rift, the rise of Chaos, and the launching of the Indomitus Crusade.
And rules. Lots of rules. All the rules you need to wage the bloodiest of wars in the far future. Alongside the core rules for the game, there are missions, full guidelines for the 3 ways to play (open, narrative and matched) and advanced rules to represent the myriad war zones of the far future, including all the rules you need to play games of Cities of Death, Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault and Death from the Skies.
This is easily the most complete Warhammer 40,000 book to date.
Also, while were on the subject of rules, weve some great news the core rules for Warhammer 40,000 will be available for free! Youll be able to download the Battle Primer PDF on games-workshop.com and warhammer40000.com from June 17th.
Current players will probably still want to pick up either the full Warhammer 40,000 book or the Dark Imperium box set though, as this gets you the Advanced Rules sections, loads more missions, as well as stratagems for open, narrative and matched play and of course, over 100 pages of new lore and background on the shape of the galaxy in the new Warhammer 40,000.
Okay. Where are we? Awesome box set? Check. Epic miniatures? Check. Greatest Warhammer 40,000 book ever? Check. What else
Of course! The Indexes! These five books are the most requested things from you guys and gals out there; all of you wanted to be able to use your army with the new edition from day one. No problem.
Between them, these five softback Index books provide rules for every single Warhammer 40,000 Citadel Miniature we sell. They are broken down into themed books: 2 for the Imperium, 1 for the forces of Chaos, and 2 for the xenos races of the galaxy.
To start gaming with your existing army, you just need the box set or the Warhammer 40,000 book and whichever Index book has their datasheets and youre good to go.
Oh, and dont worry, this doesnt mean Orks and Tyranids are now on the same side, it just means they share a book for the moment. In the future, theyll get their own dedicated codexes.
Box art:Last up, for you Warhammer 40,000 fiction fans out there, we have the Dark Imperium novel from Guy Haley. This will be the first Black Library book (of many), set after the events of the Gathering Storm and starring the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, the new Primaris Space Marines and their mortal (and in some cases immortal) enemies, the Death Guard.
Lore question - do the original traitor legions recruit new marines from the worlds inside the warp
Much like Citadel Miniatures, rules for the extensive Warhammer 40,000 Forge World range will be made available in a series of Index books. The first two of these will be available alongside the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, available to pre-order on the 3rd of June. These first two books will cover the forces of the Adeptus Astartes and their traitorous kin.
Rules for all the rest of the Warhammer 40,000 Forge World range, including the myriad xenos races of the galaxy and the massed forces of the Astra Militarum and their accompanying Imperial Agents, will all be appearing in additional Index books that set to be released before the end of June. Every single Warhammer 40,000 miniature that Forge World make today will be covered, as well as a few classic ones. Also included are rules for a few characters who do not yet have a model, such as some heroes and villains of the Badab Wars. On top of that, several units will be made available to factions that never previously had access to them, and on Wednesday this week, well be taking a look at one of them when we see our first Forge World datasheet for the new edition.
Forge World has some 'Index' books coming too: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/23/forge-world-and-the-new-warhammer-40000/
Every single Warhammer 40,000 miniature that Forge World make today will be covered, as well as a few classic ones.
It has a power pack so I am not sure if it would be the new Terminator armour. Perhaps it confers something special beyond the save? Like more wounds / higher invul? Protection from multiple wounding?Gravis armor = new terminator armor?
Set looks great. I have a few spare Blood Angel banners for that primaris standard bearer too.
Looks like my SW chaos team my very well be Nurgle themed thanks to this boxed set.
Seems like better armour than power armour, and the jump pack guys have bulkier armour with terminator style shoulder pads too.Gravis armor = new terminator armor?
The box set is a bit of a bargain considering it comes with the hardback rulebook, will probably be able to get 15-20% off too from independent retailers![]()
So maby 40 for the rulebook and 20 per Index book. Sounds pretty reasonable.
Think im gonna gamble a little and order some models from the UK before eventual low stock and heavier preasure on the online stores.
It is reported that everything in the starter kit is "snap fit" style 3-5 part models.
So people looking to do conversion work, keep that in mind.