Alienshogun said:Yeah, isn't that why they originally didn't go in with Blizzard?
RyanDG said:Final Liberation was released in 1997 and it is a lot closer to anything that Blizzard was doing with Starcraft/Warcraft approximations.
With that said, for those looking for a good table top esque experience (turn based, randomly generated terrain, great skirmish mode with a lot of options), Final Liberation is a grossly under-rated game. Just a shame it has a lot of problems on modern computers.
DennisK4 said:Inquisitor Draco
Why don't we get some closure?
Let him write a final book.
I didn't understand what the fuck happened in the end. What happened to the Hydra conspiracy?daedalius said:The Imperial Fist shot Draco in the head while they were in the webway...
DennisK4 said:I didn't understand what the fuck happened in the end. What happened to the Hydra conspiracy?
I know this is ancient history and GW doesn't give a fuck anymore but I love that story arc. It was so much more that the fan fic wank that the Black Library puts out these days.
watdaedalius said:Well, Jaq invoked Tzeentch after whats-her-face ran off in the eldar's body, and the Imperial Fist shot him in the face, the end.
bigdaddygamebot said:The guys who are psychos about painting and modeling and fiddling with the miniatures.
They could turn the whole fucking thing electronic...charge the same prices for electronic copies of the different models and miniatures and I would play because...
...easier to find opponents.
...easier to "paint" and customize your models.
...easier to store your models (read: nothing to store)
...easier to keep track of all the rules.
Between the "computerized" version and "real-life" version...they'd make a killing.
AlStrong said:It needs to be Sisters of Battle in a Slaaneshi plot.![]()
Feels like more a pad game to me. Analog movement is really nice to have, button mashing melee feels better with face buttons, and none of the shooting is twitchy or precise enough that the analog stick is a huge detriment. I'd reconsider this while playing a Tac Marine in multiplayer, but I'd go pad for campaign at least.Snuggler said:Sorry for posting a repeat question, but does PC-GAF prefer pad or KB/M for this game? I'm about to try the demo and I'll probably hop on the D2D deal if it's as good as I expect.
Snuggler said:Sorry for posting a repeat question, but does PC-GAF prefer pad or KB/M for this game? I'm about to try the demo and I'll probably hop on the D2D deal if it's as good as I expect.
duffyside said:Embargo for reviews on this? I take it it's release day; is there a good reason for that, or should we be nervous?
Hahaha nice!Snuggler said:I played for two minutes, alt+tabbed, then bought the game.
shintoki said:Did not enjoy the demo at all. Combat felt sloppy. Like they were trying to mesh Dynasty Warriors with a shooter, with neither the melee or shooting mechanics feeling strong. It just felt awkward while playing it.
At best, its looking to be a 5$ steam sale a year from now if I want to give it a full try.
shintoki said:Did not enjoy the demo at all. Combat felt sloppy. Like they were trying to mesh Dynasty Warriors with a shooter, with neither the melee or shooting mechanics feeling strong. It just felt awkward while playing it.
8BitsAtATime said:What would be a good Warhammer book to start reading from?
shintoki said:Did not enjoy the demo at all. Combat felt sloppy. Like they were trying to mesh Dynasty Warriors with a shooter, with neither the melee or shooting mechanics feeling strong. It just felt awkward while playing it.
At best, its looking to be a 5$ steam sale a year from now if I want to give it a full try.
Awesome! Sounds great! Hope the audio mix features the music more prominently than some othe recent games.daedalius said:Woooo soundtrack preview!
Bufbaf said:I guess I keep waiting for the Warhammer 40k strategy game of my dreams, featuring round battles, a virtual movement ruler and the original rules from the tabletop game, together with awesome animations, missions and storyline.
Thanks my local BaN has them so I'll pick them up tomorrow, I dont know anything about the series but Its always caught my attention. I'll be picking up the game for sure.Salazar said:
Read at least the first three books in order, and then go crazy.
8BitsAtATime said:Is this book any good?
Salazar said:I've not read it. Abnett is typically pretty damned good, though. He can make Imperial Guard books awesome.
Pylon_Trooper said:On PSP Warhammer 40K: Squad Command does an admirable job of transferring a lot of the elements of the tabletop game into a digital format. It's not perfect - the lack of a free-rotatable camera for one is the egregious of omissions - but it's damn fine regardless.
Fuck-awesome Trailer
It was released on DS as well, but it's a much better title on PSP.
I'll check these books out as well,Ichor said:Also, if you want to read about Eldar, Path of the Warrior and Path of the Seer are probably the only good Eldar novels out there.
For Chaos Marines, the only good one I've read is Soul Hunter, about my favorite Legion the Night Lords. Great book.
DennisK4 said:wat
I think my mind is being violated by Chaos right now.
That's quite epic.daedalius said:Woooo soundtrack preview!
MesserWolf said:I'm really excited for this game although I must say that I'm a bit disappointed by its cinematic trailer .
I wouldn't compare a CG intro to a pre-release trailer, but the announcement trailer from 2009 is still the best imho. said:I'm really excited for this game although I must say that I'm a bit disappointed by its cinematic trailer .
Dawn of war games used to have awesome cinematic trailers in cg .
exhibit A:
exhibit B :
and this is the one for SM: .... meh. not terrible , but not great either.
FieryBalrog said:I really don't think an electronic version of the tabletop game (a la MTGO) would take off unless prices were substantially lowered.
Even more than MTG, Warhammer is about physically owning the collectibles and painting them yourself and displaying them. Not nearly as much about the game itself (for many reasons including obvious ones such as being much, much harder to get a game going).
I doubt GW would regard an electronic tabletop game as a threat to the core business.
derFeef said:I wouldn't compare a CG intro to a pre-release trailer, but the announcement trailer from 2009 is still the best imho.
daedalius said:Holy shit, I would totally play that if I had a DS or PSP. They've gotten a lot of use out of those DoW2 assets, lol.
I got my pc version yesterday (holland). So hopefully steam unlocks it tuesday, releasedate on the site of a major online retailer over here also gives the date 6/9/11Herla said:Apparently the game comes out on the 6th in some european countries, can anyone confirm that?
Now I really hope they send me my key in time![]()
Herla said:Apparently the game comes out on the 6th in some european countries, can anyone confirm that?
Now I really hope they send me my key in time![]()
Ohhh I did not notice that.Xater said:Yes, the German release is on the 6th.
There also is now special edition or pre-order bonus in Germany so the standard edition comes with the golden Bolter, the Space Marine skins and the Chaos Marine skins.
I am pleased.This game will unlock in approximately 2 days and 13 hours