NemesisPrime said:Lol?
Seriously... lol?
Reviews work more towards pushing people away from purchasing a game rather than purchasing it. Those who already want it will buy regardless of good reviews, but may push some away if reviews are bad. Good reviews do not correlate with better sales. If it were up to publishers reviews would be banned altogether so they could have complete control of the PR of their game.Salazar said:I have a cunning plan.
This game has a limited period in which it can shift units on the back of some reasonable press responses, before the cavalcade of monster franchises hits.
Let's stop them from reviewing it. Let's wait.
Fucking brilliant.
derFeef said:Reading the comments in this RPS article and everyone seems to hate it. How can anyone find the combat to be boring and shallow?
DaBuddaDa said:Reviews work more towards pushing people away from purchasing a game rather than purchasing it. Those who already want it will buy regardless of good reviews, but may push some away if reviews are bad. Good reviews do not correlate with better sales. If it were up to publishers reviews would be banned altogether so they could have complete control of the PR of their game.
Difficulty springs to mind, especially if they are able to wantonly kill without consequence.derFeef said:Reading the comments in this RPS article and everyone seems to hate it. How can anyone find the combat to be boring and shallow?
Very thing I've read suggests you stay offline til release day in case they block your account.Tonza said:Do you have to be offline in Steam if you unlock this through VPN?![]()
Good reviews do no correlate with increased sales and there is business data to prove it. I'll find the link.El_TigroX said:That's absolutely silly. Good review don't have any correlation with higher sales, but poor review have a correlation with lower sales? Then only negative opinions matter and nothing anyone has mentioned to you about a game has ever swayed you to check something out?
I don't really buy it.
DaBuddaDa said:Good reviews do no correlate with increased sales and there is business data to prove it. I'll find the link.
Yeah, you should be offline, but the reason is just that if you go online, the game will get locked again and you'll have to go through that VPN stuff again.Gav47 said:Very thing I've read suggests you stay offline til release day in case they block your account.
derFeef said:Reading the comments in this RPS article and everyone seems to hate it. How can anyone find the combat to be boring and shallow?
Ah yes. Not only does it lock the game but I read somewhere it deletes the game content and makes you preload it again.Keiician said:Yeah, you should be offline, but the reason is just that if you go online, the game will get locked again and you'll have to go through that VPN stuff again.
Unity2012 said:It does not matter how hard they try; THQ or any other new IP trying to find a place and enter the Market at this point will not be judge under the same light as the "Almighty upcoming sequels." These blockbuster games are already established, count with bigger "budgets" and a strong following.
I believe gamers will benefit from other gamers impressions and feedback, positive and negative before the reviews set in. Timing might be this game's weakest marketing strategy; however the Warhammer Universe is known well enough to at least attract a decent crowd; and I hope they do.
I feel it is time to support new efforts. I love good sequels but I welcome new ideas as well.
The game does not break any boundaries but it brings a great breath of fresh air to an over-saturated sequel market. The game is fun, different and it represents a Universe that offers a myriad of great possibilities in the near future.
I have not played the MP enough to make any judgments; but the single player is "pure fun," looks great, has a distinctive atmosphere and it runs smooth; and I am playing on the X360.
derFeef said:Reading the comments in this RPS article and everyone seems to hate it. How can anyone find the combat to be boring and shallow?
Fallout-NL said:The combat isn't boring in the 5 minute demo, but what is being shown is definitely pretty shallow. Because of that I can see how the gameplay would have trouble remaining interesting for the entire game.
Fallout-NL said:The combat isn't boring in the 5 minute demo, but what is being shown is definitely pretty shallow. Because of that I can see how the gameplay would have trouble remaining interesting for the entire game.
daedalius said:So, in what shooter does the gameplay remain interesting for the entire game then?
Fallout-NL said:Few games manage that. But the shooting side of things is decent enough in Space Marine. Perhaps the issue is more with the HtH combat, there's little more to it than mashing x and stun/executing something every once in a while.
Maybe some grabs/counters/parries would change things up a little. Does the full game have anything of that? Do you progress in terms of 'moves'?
Bazhard said:The lack of reviews is disturbing, the fact that major sites don't have reviews in reminds me why i stopped going to those sites.
Going to pick up my copy in about an hour (ps3 version)
Keiician said:"Lol" is all I have to say about this port/translation fail in the Japanese version:
The text in the upper left corner says to leave the PS3 power on during saving.
Yes, this is the PC version.
But my PS3 is off! Glad I didn't turn off the power completely.Corto said:I wouldn't turn off your PS3 just in case. If you don't have one, go buy it!
It also did not get boring in the 5 hours I played so far. They mix it up pretty well and you have to keep up. If you fall into melee spamming too much, the enemies will tear you apart.Fallout-NL said:The combat isn't boring in the 5 minute demo, but what is being shown is definitely pretty shallow. Because of that I can see how the gameplay would have trouble remaining interesting for the entire game.
DaBuddaDa said:If you scour Twitter, it seems the reason there aren't any reviews yet is because most sites aren't scheduled to receive review copies until later today.
Xater said:Basically THQ has no confidence in the game.
Xater said:Basically THQ has no confidence in the game.
Not surprising after that dumbass called it a Gears of War clone.Xater said:Basically THQ has no confidence in the game.
Xater said:Basically THQ has no confidence in the game.
Salazar said:
If anything, Taengoo is a goblin. Not a full-blown ork.
Yes, Panda. Get this game. Despite THQ's efforts to fuck them over, Relic have done a great thing.
Salazar said:I have a cunning plan.
I played for about an hour and you do get your Fury meter upgraded so that when you aim in that mode it goes into bullet time.DrBo42 said:Just played 30 minutes of it on Onlive, pretty damn cool. I know nothing about the Warhammer 40k universe but it does a good job of making you feel like a legend. I'm much more convinced by it here than I was in years of Halo, which is a bit sad. In any case, the combat does indeed seem shallow if there isn't more beyond combos and a fury meter, but it's definitely fun. Sprinting into a massive group of orcs with that AoE pulse from an attack once you reach them and then executing one of them brutally with the chainsword does not get old. Went from a casual glance on GAF to the wishlist.
anddo0 said:I hate using the word, but this game is truly EPIC! Picking up that mounted gun mowing down wave after wave of orks. Badass!
Right there with you.Rodney McKay said:My problem with the Fury meter is that I hardly ever use it. Every game that has meters like this I always save it for the next big fight and never actually get around to using it until I absolutely have to.