Fuuuuck it's crashing my computer every 2 or 3 matches now.
Screaming_Gremlin said:Surprisingly I have only had one or two laggy games so far on the PC, which actually sort of amazes me. On the other hand, this stupid game refuses to recognize my mic on my headset. It works perfectly fine on the voice page in the Steam options, but in game it is like I don't even have it plugged in.
MrCompletely said:this is my exact experience, I've had a few laggy matches, but most are fine. My mic works in every other application except for this game.
Dizzy-4U said:Wow, v-sync is kinda busted, isn't it? I was getting framdrops and slowdowns like crazy with that turned on. I turned it off and it's silk smooth now. Strangely enough, I'm not seeying any screen tearing.
Oh, that's unfortunate. I haven't played the multiplayer yet, but those sound like complaints that would bug me.The Antitype said:Ok, I've hit 25 and the multiplayer grind is starting to wear on me.
The game really needs more maps, cause playing through same 4 or 5 gets really tiresome, especially when they all look the same.
The single-player took place on a forge-world, so I understand the singular, industrial look for the world. No reason they couldn't have made some cool hive worlds, Ork cities or Necron temples, or Chaos freighters for the multiplayer though.![]()
kamspy said:Feels long man. :|
Uriah said:In multiplayer, my computer has blue screened twice, and crashed once.
Matchmaking on PS3:
Our team has isolated the issue and has a patch in with our QA team to verify the matchmaking issue is resolved. Again we are working as fast as we can to resolve the problem. Keep in mind you are still able to join matchmaking games in the meantime, but the wait times can exceed over 35minutes.
Pylon_Trooper said:If the netcode issues continue, hopefully Relic pull a Splash Damage and offer up a little free something-something after Exterminatus.
Xevren said:Only 2 game modes and a small hand full of maps just isn't going to be enough.
Salazar said:Fuck knows what THQ were/are thinking. You can have all the amazing plans for DLC that you want, but you can't tell people that the good stuff is in the future who knows how far away, or how functional on release and expect enough of them to grin and suck it up.
They had better fix shit before the co-op mode drops, and if the co-op is fucked as well, then I just dunno.
yea running into this too, was playing fine earlier + last night but cant join/invite or connect in matchmaking.derFeef said:I can't join/invite friends in the lobby :/
Pylon_Trooper said:Outside of crowd favourite, the Hammer, what're folks' preferred melee weapon?
I prefer every weapon to the hammer except in those sections that were made for it. Only being able to use onehanded weapons is crippling in the later parts.Pylon_Trooper said:Outside of crowd favourite, the Hammer, what're folks' preferred melee weapon?
Salazar said:Axe.
Still need those lightning claws, though.
Started on painting the fuckton of Cadian shock-fodder I have lying around.
Click for a Mola Ram-looking motherfucker who still needs a lot of work.
Darklord said:Just finished the game Great stuff. I guess by that ending, a sequel is expected.
El'Kharn said:Drooling over the Storm bolter/melta gun combo in MP.......suck melta assault noobs![]()
Depends on what you did not like about it. The Demo gives a GREAT illustration of the full game, though. Even the jumpack + hammer section was not fun?THuynh said:Anybody play through the demo and not like this, but played the game anyway and started liking it? I love 40k, but was turned off by the demo. Should I give the retail game a shot?
Jube3 said:This, nothing better than rolling back from jump happy Mace wielders and slamming them down haha. Melta gun is my favorite weapon so far. It only works really close but man packs such a punch, have you picked up the reload perk for it El'kharn?
Anilusion said:What is the cheapest place to get a key for this game?
Power Axe most definitely. Everything else feels too slow.Pylon_Trooper said:Outside of crowd favourite, the Hammer, what're folks' preferred melee weapon?
Dina said:What the fuck is up with the part where you stand on top of the Titans?
I can shoot one wizard down to the executable state, but none of the guns can take him down. The titan moving around sure as shit isn't helping, so I can't use my stalker or lascannon.
And then comes the flyer and I die.