Kessler is doing the review. But I will listen to the Bombcast today to hear their opinion.daedalius said:Good reviews out of Game Informer and Kotaku (although Kotaku is sometimes...)
Vinny needs to review it at Giantbomb.
Lyphen said:I regularly get a 3:1 Kill to Death ratio when I'm using the Plasma Cannon. Not a fan of the Plasma Gun though, so I can't speak for Plasma Gun/Bolt Pistol combos.
Jinaar said:Any tricks or tips with the Plasma Cannon you employ?
Mobility and close-medium range ambushing. Since there's no set up time, you can pretty much rain death so long as you catch them off guard. Even if you don't, jumping to cover and creating a wall of plasma to deter enemies while your shield regenerates is effective and gives you another chance. I also like to hang around Tactical Marines with Beacon - keeps people distracted with a steady stream of spawns.Jinaar said:Any tricks or tips with the Plasma Cannon you employ?
Tokubetsu said:Plasma cannon is cheap. Don't use it. ='(
Blast radius is ridiculous. Only way to survive is just hope it misses you by a fucking mile. Even with shit like Iron Halo it'll leave with almost no health (and obviously no shields).
The actual projectile is stupidly slow so its possible to dodge out of its blast radius IF you see it coming, otherwise you are deadTokubetsu said:Plasma cannon is cheap. Don't use it. ='(
Blast radius is ridiculous. Only way to survive is just hope it misses you by a fucking mile. Even with shit like Iron Halo it'll leave with almost no health (and obviously no shields).
Sounds like he just wants to co-op mode.derFeef said:WTF is Space Marine Multiplayer? By TotalBiscuit![]()
He sums up my opinion about it (only lvl 11 or 12 here, if you want to judge) pretty well, though.Lyphen said:Sounds like he just wants to co-op mode.
It's definitely generic, but specific complaints (like the melee combat) just make it seem like he isn't doing it right. And watching him continue combos into thin air reinforces that. MP isn't as button mashy and much more punishing than single player.derFeef said:He sums up my opinion about it (only lvl 11 or 12 here, if you want to judge) pretty well, though.
Grudge kills are worse!CrookedRain said:The multi-kill challenges are ridiculous, especially for the meltagun.
grendelrt said:Does anyone know if you start a new campaign on a harder difficulty what happens with the servitor skulls? Do they reset or can you just find the ones you were missing from before, I finished it on Normal thinking of starting it on Hard.
Sinatar said:Only the ones you missed with be present.
CrookedRain said:The multi-kill challenges are ridiculous, especially for the meltagun.
Eh, I think it's fine as is. None of the weapons take too long to unlock, and personally, none of the weapon perks are 'necessary' except for Heavy Bolter expertize and Kraken Bolts.Uriah said:I hate grinding for shit. They should just give us all weapons and perks.
As Assault, defending a CP isn't your strong point, so you should try being more mobile and hunting down solo enemies or entrenched, tunnel-visioned HW guys. Land directly behind them, stun immediately so they can't roll out, and begin your combo. Don't button mash and jump back out if you failed the initiation.EasyTGT said:I'm not sure I like MP at all... which is kind of a shame, because I really want to like it. It reminds me of War for Cybertron just without the transforming (obviously). I've been focusing on assault class but I just routinely get destroyed, like 3/7 k/d ratio or worse. The thing is I'm just not really sure what I'm doing wrong. I'll try to keep medium range and defend points mostly, but even 1v1 when I get the jump on someone I still get smoked. I'm only lvl 10 right now, so maybe it's because everyone is just higher level? Anyone have a good load out for assault? general gameplay tips?
On the other had SP is awesome so far, I'm not that far in yet but they really nailed the badass space marine feeling.
Phanatic8390 said:My only complaint is during SP there are sections where you just move from encounter to encounter which seem far too long. I walk into the room and think "Where are the enemies?" The rooms appears set up for a fight but you just walk on through to another door.
Jhriad said:Just wanted to make sure but there's no co-op in the campaign just in this Exterminatus thing that will be released next month, Correct?
SamuraiX- said:
Lyphen said:As Assault, defending a CP isn't your strong point, so you should try being more mobile and hunting down solo enemies or entrenched, tunnel-visioned HW guys. Land directly behind them, stun immediately so they can't roll out, and begin your combo. Don't button mash and jump back out if you failed the initiation.
EasyTGT said:Opps, I guess I don't mean assault, I meant whatever the medium class is called. The guy with the homing beacon.
What's killing you? Against Assault, roll like nuts and take pot shots since most can't coordinate the small jump well enough to get back into range. With Devastators, grenade is usually enough to take off the shields, and then aim for the upper body. Bolter weapons do get headshot bonuses. Big thing with Devastators is knowing where to approach them from. Heavy Bolter are mincemeat if they're in their stance and facing the other way - turning time is increased.EasyTGT said:Opps, I guess I don't mean assault, I meant whatever the medium class is called. The guy with the homing beacon.
george_us said:There's just no depth or variety to combat at all
weekendCONFIRMED said:Steam, you win again.
I just bought both Space Marine and Dead Island ><
Sold my old iPhone last night on eBay (upgraded to an Android) so..that makes me feel less guilty...right?
Ok now I need like a week straight off to just play games 24/7.
Lyphen said:What's killing you?
Lyphen said:Both weapon perks for the Bolter are great. And I'd recommend not using melee as a Tactical unless you can't shoot (overheating or out of ammo on your Melta Gun). Tactical and Devastator are purely range classes unless you're using Serrated Blade perk, and even then, you don't have the mobility to use it effectively.
Tokubetsu said:the storm bolter for tactical > *
Narag said:I can never seem to use it correctly. Guess it's time to practice.
Hulud said:Just beat the SP. So fucking good. Need sequel nao.
FieryBalrog said:God, the last boss battle is terrible. I see what everyone was talking about.
Great ending to the game, though.
daedalius said:Would you really have rather circle strafed him with the meltagun for 5 minutes?
While I don't LOVE QTEs I thought it was well done. Maybe they will bring him out in the coop missions as a real fight, haha.