Single player? ... Deathwatch game with Titus and a new team hunting scum all over the galaxy ... HOOK IT INTO MY VEINS
Titus as deathwatch w/ a ship and different worlds to visit + moar different enemy races... NEED!
Single player? ... Deathwatch game with Titus and a new team hunting scum all over the galaxy ... HOOK IT INTO MY VEINS
Darklord said:Space Wolves? I don't know much about 40k beyond what Relic has shown me but they seem pretty bad arse.
Salazar said:They are the best.
El'Kharn said:Space wolves are heretics and should be purged like the stray dogs they are
Legio Ultra is where its at!
Tokubetsu said:Oh storm bolter, how I love thee.
DiatribeEQ said:Each Legion had it's purpose when the Emperor created us. We Space Wolves are his executioners. If you go by the fluff, he called upon us at least once before the Heresy to "deal with" one of the missing Legions. Anyways, but not matter what, at least my Legion has never been (and never will be) called "UltraSmurfs".
Salazar said:Space Wolves have too much style. And Guilliman was a prissy sumbitch.
ACESmkII said:I know nothing of Warhammer 40,000 but the demo of this game is amazing and addictive.
I expect it is even more insane than the Axe you get towards the end of the first level in the demo.Salazar said:Yeah. They chose the demo sections pretty well.
You need the game for the thunder hammer, though, and that thing is just bliss.
Salazar said:Huh.
The Exterminatus Info thread on the official forums - not that it was ever any use at all - seems like it's been wiped/locked.
El'Kharn said:1. They beat the shit out of the Thousand suns..thats it
2.The Ultramarines were the largest (and most feared) legion at the time of the heresy and as such Horus waited until they were at the furthest reaches of the universe to kick off his party because he knew he would not be victorious if the ultramarines entered the fray at an early point.
3. As chaos ran rampant after the Emperor was installed in the golden throne the primarch of the ultramarines pretty much ran the show and slowly brought the empire under control and it was during that time that the codex astartes was penned.
4.I like the color blue and i also like smurfs.
5.I am surprised that as a 39 year old man i still get butt hurt whenever someone makes fun of my favourite 40k army LOL
6. Space mongrels![]()
Hah this has made me want to re-read all my old rouge trader stuff, something i haven't done for a very very long time
Find a spot with Gretchins, lay five mines, HOLD the detonate button to set off a chain explosion.Gig said:Does anybody have some advice on how to get the Chain of Death achievement, no matter what I try I still can't get it.
Also, does anybody else find this game really easy even on hard?
Gig said:Does anybody have some advice on how to get the Chain of Death achievement, no matter what I try I still can't get it.?
Salazar said:They are the best.
All these fools talking about Tyranids are just crazy. We don't need em.
Yes.ToyMachine228 said:This is the second time I've tried to get one of the "complete a chapter using only X and X" achievements, did it and didn't get it. Does using grenades ruin it or something?
bigdaddygamebot said:Space Wolves ARE the convincing the naive that they aren't in fact a Chaos Legion.
El'Kharn said:You sir are a teller of truth's![]()
coopolon said:The final battle, really bad.A terrible quick time event that was boring, repetitive, and lasted WAY too long.
Darklord said:Space Wolves? I don't know much about 40k beyond what Relic has shown me but they seem pretty bad arse.
hteng said:Space Wolves are like space vikings, they do whatever shit they want, when they want and how they want.
Ultramarines are pretty much the blue print for all other space marine chapters.
Would love to see a Gray Knights game, they have tons of cool weapons to mess around with.
Snkfanatic said:Finished the singleplayer today. Gotta say I would have never tried the demo if it wasn't for reading all the hype here and boy am I glad I did. This has been one of my favorite's so far this year. Between the great combat and the amazing feeling of being a bad ass while playing this I couldn't get enough. Loved how smoothly it ran even when hordes of enemies were flailing about on the screen.
Now I need to figure out if I want to wait to see if the Dawn of War series goes on sale this year on steam. I want more of this stuff you call Warhammer...this game wasn't enough.
Agreed on this. Dawn of War 2 has a unit called the Force Commander, which is a solitary marine that just charges into the middle of things and wails on the enemy, ala Space Marine. Throw in xp, loot and co-op to round it all out. You'll dig it.bigdaddygamebot said:Dawn of War II is fucking awesome.
100% in an entirely different direction than Space Marine but still really exceptional. If you're interested...don't wait for a sale. Relic deserves your money and you deserve to play DoW II.
Snkfanatic said:Finished the singleplayer today. Gotta say I would have never tried the demo if it wasn't for reading all the hype here and boy am I glad I did. This has been one of my favorite's so far this year. Between the great combat and the amazing feeling of being a bad ass while playing this I couldn't get enough. Loved how smoothly it ran even when hordes of enemies were flailing about on the screen.
Now I need to figure out if I want to wait to see if the Dawn of War series goes on sale this year on steam. I want more of this stuff you call Warhammer...this game wasn't enough.
bigdaddygamebot said:Dawn of War II is fucking awesome.
100% in an entirely different direction than Space Marine but still really exceptional. If you're interested...don't wait for a sale. Relic deserves your money and you deserve to play DoW II.
coopolon said:I couldn't believe the level where you are facing turrets actually made it into the game - it was so boring and completely against everything else the game was supposed to be about.
I love THQ. I'm playing Red Faction Guerilla right now and the game is amazing. Any other publisher and this would've been a monster hit.Salazar said:Exterminatus thread on official forum has officially been, well, exterminated.
Perhaps too many people were asking them, quite rightly, to tell us things.
FieryBalrog said:I love THQ. I'm playing Red Faction Guerilla right now and the game is amazing. Any other publisher and this would've been a monster hit.
I'm sure Relic is happy that THQ is so generous with their independence. But they have to be nervous about the business side of things. Isn't it amazing that a 40K MMO is a year and a half from supposed release, and there is less than zero buzz about it?
LocoMrPollock said:Whoa.. did not know that. Will probably be the first MMO I get into and thus dedicate my life to the emperor.
Bad7667 said:Can someone recommend me some good Warhammer 40k books? I would like to know more about the Emperor and why people worship him but it doesn't have to be.
Noisepurge said:just started this, straight up on hard difficulty (Did i make a mistake?)
can't remember the last time i played something with this intense and satisfying combat.
the silly part was that i had to insert FIVE different PSN vouchers to get the stuff from pre-ordering... couldn't these been available under a single code...
Chapter 17 on hard almost made me destroy my controller.AEREC said:nah stick with Hard...I played on normal the first time and the combat was way too easy for the first half of the game..second half is a good challenge though.
I just started a hard play through recently and it is much more satisfying.