Msg me like crazy if im online.. I tend to not see messages wellAzwethinkweiz said:Yet they didn't feel there were too many roots. I swear to god the amount of roots on order side is downright criminal. Thank god I just got my root immunity skill.
Azwethinkweiz said:Yet they didn't feel there were too many roots. I swear to god the amount of roots on order side is downright criminal. Thank god I just got my root immunity skill.
JoeMartin said:And by downright criminal you mean exactly the same amount as there are on destruction?
Teknopathetic said:I would love to play against destro on your server, on Averheim every sorcerer and squig herder abuses the fact that roots don't give immunity like they're supposed to (currently) that it's almost exploitish.
Teknopathetic said:I would love to play against destro on your server, on Averheim every sorcerer and squig herder abuses the fact that roots don't give immunity like they're supposed to (currently) that it's almost exploitish.
Teknopathetic said:"Roots breaks correctly now. It was BW's that had the impossible to break root. Everyone was talking about it on WH alliance for a few days last week. Everyone confirmed the BW one was broken and the others were broken too but still broke but not as often."
I'm not talking about roots breaking on damage, I'm talking about roots not adding immunity.
Teknopathetic said:"Ya I know. But it's funny... each side bitches about how cheap the other side is. It's ridiculous..."
Who's bitching about one side being cheaper than the other? I couldn't tell you what BWs are doing on my side. I don't even see that many BWs in scenarios in T3 to begin with. My problem is with roots in general. I can't say "Oh those darn BWs are chain rooting me" because they aren't.
I would love to play against destro on your server, on Averheim every sorcerer and squig herder abuses the fact that roots don't give immunity like they're supposed to (currently) that it's almost exploitish.
eznark said:I'm a level 14 warrior priest. Any ideas on the best place to get a helm?
Won said:I was wondering what the point of the Greenskin CE bonus item was. But one random click later it looks like that spears are one-hand items and my SH still can wear something in my left hand. And since I always use my bow I now carry a dwarven head on my back into battle. :lol
Teknopathetic said:Who's bitching about one side being cheaper than the other? I couldn't tell you what BWs are doing on my side. I don't even see that many BWs in scenarios in T3 to begin with. My problem is with roots in general. I can't say "Oh those darn BWs are chain rooting me" because they aren't.
rhfb said:Closing in on rank 12... can't wait to get away from the idiots who don't heal :|
Good pointAzwethinkweiz said:Haha, you think T2 is going to remedy that?
TheExodu5 said:So how's the game? I'm a WoW player who recently hit 70 (about 3 weeks ago). I realized that what I liked about WoW end game the most was PvP, so Warhammer has me intrigued. The fact that it makes all the PvE elements easy (quest markers, etc...) interests me as well.
I might pick it up after work. How does the whole Faction vs. Faction thing work? I can't find anything that says it. If I chose a faction, am I in the same world as everyone else, or am I only playing with the opposing faction? Can someone clarify this?
TheExodu5 said:So how's the game? I'm a WoW player who recently hit 70 (about 3 weeks ago). I realized that what I liked about WoW end game the most was PvP, so Warhammer has me intrigued. The fact that it makes all the PvE elements easy (quest markers, etc...) interests me as well.
I might pick it up after work. How does the whole Faction vs. Faction thing work? I can't find anything that says it. If I chose a faction, am I in the same world as everyone else, or am I only playing with the opposing faction? Can someone clarify this?
eznark said:I'm loving it. I played to like 45 in WoW when it came out but got pretty bored and didn't want to have to schedule bricks of time to accomplish something in the game. With the focus on PvP and RvR and public quests you can literally boot up the game for 20 minutes and do something meaningful.
The built in quest tracker is also awesome, except that I don't think I've read any of the accompanying story lines,so despite being level 14, I still have no clue what is going on story wise.
mr stroke said:So jumping right into a RvR server will let me play CTF,PVP,etc, right away or is it set up like WOW or AOC where I can't get into good PVP stuff until much later in the game? I got board with AOC fast because PVP stuff was really limited in general and anything good wasn't until later on in the game and I didn't want to fight bats and aligators for 60 hours until I could reach something fun.
Macattk15 said:Yeah you're in the same world as everyone else on that server. If you choose Order, you'll obviously start in the Order lands and move on into the contested lands ... just as WoW kinda did.
As for an overview of all the classes? I guess Warhammer's website gives a good rundown of what the classes do / expected to do. Either that or you can read forums such as Warhammer Alliance.
And for some reason, the PvP in this game is 400x more fun than WoW. My order guild on Wolfenheim is the top guild on the server .... and we only have 50 members. Rank 12 and rolling people left and right in scenarios.
TheExodu5 said:What server are you in? Any more room in the guild? I just bought the game on a whim. :lol
edit: oh Wolfenheim
TheExodu5 said:Since no one wants to answer my there a decent overview of the game, races, and classes out there?
Elbrain said:He went from my rank 20 shadow warrior and rerolled a White Lion right now I am rank 15, my god it's so much fun. Going behind enemy lines trying to wreck the healers and the casters and just seeing the scatter oh man it's awesome. Rerolled because in my server there are a fuckton of Healers and Ranged dps on the order side, so I went mdps to spice things up.
Tamanon said:It's even better as a Witch Hunter since once you hit rank 10 you can just appear in their midst, heh.
crimsonheadGCN said:Here's a good place to look about the game, races, and classes.
How do you do the other scenarios? When I hit the button I only get Nordenwatch.Macattk15 said:PvP is fun at level 1. Though I recommened leveling up a bit to have access to some skills.
Queue up with the button near your minimap for a scenario (BG) and bam, you're in. You get your stats leveled to level 8 (not your skills though) so you can compete and be useful.
T1 Scenario's there are 3 ... they last from levels 1-11.
T2 also 3 .... levels 11-22
T3 has 6 .... 21-32
And I don't know from there on outBut it's fun. There are different types of BG's.
Cheeto said:How do you do the other scenarios? When I hit the button I only get Nordenwatch.
Oh that explains it... I haven't found a flight master yet. Thanks.Tamanon said:You have to fly to the other lands. It's the only reason I'm thinking of flying to Elven lands with my dwarf. I hate the Dwarf scenario, but love Khaine's embrace.
You can visit those cities whenever you want even if you arent of that race.. that technically is your city for now.TheExodu5 said:Wait...only Empire vs. Chaos have a capital city? Doesn't that mean that if I chose a Dwarf I'll never get to experience a captial city sacking?
TurtleSnatcher said:You can visit those cities whenever you want even if you arent of that race.. that technically is your city for now.
They will add the other cities in future free patches (Free according to 1up interviews with Marc Jacobs)
TheExodu5 said:Sounds good.
Anoter minor balance gripe just looking at the manual, comes from Elves vs. Dark Elves. Elves don't have a tank class, while Dark Elves have all 4 classes.
TheExodu5 said:Sounds good.
Anoter minor balance gripe just looking at the manual, comes from Elves vs. Dark Elves. Elves don't have a tank class, while Dark Elves have all 4 classes.