Yea, pre-game counts, i got one that way too... i forget which.Sea Manky said:OH FUCK SHITBITCH
Since I suck at not dying, I've been practicing being a KDR whore for the last couple days in DM servers so I could take a shot at the Lone Wolf trophy (win a deatmatch without dying).
So I'm fucking around with a couple guys in a DM dogfight server pregame, it ends, AND I GET THE FUCKING TROPHY
I is not American! >_<Ceb said:I'll probably make this a quiet weekend at home, so I'm available for hosting. If we're predominantly US people though, I'm guessing you'd get a bit better ping rates from a local.
All modes, all booster packs!Jack Scofield said:Well, that was a bust. :lol Maybe people need more heads-up time? I can host a server this Saturday if Gaffers would like to play together. Just give me some suggestions for game modes.
Think of the environment Manky!Sea Manky said:deepbrown, I have a toddler to take care of, so when he gives me an opportunity to play, I like being able to jump right in without having to boot up or wait through loading screens.
nickslicl, watch this. Once you've gotten the hang of it, you can tighten up the rhythm to dodge without changing your intended flight path that much.
ChryZ said:All modes, all booster packs!
Sorry, I was drained last night and had to catch some sleep. The list looks very nice though. Enable team switching, so that we can balance stuff on the fly.Jack Scofield said:EDIT: Okay, I have a server set-up right now if anyone wants to join. "#GAF_ALL_WELCOME."
ChryZ said:Sorry, I was drained last night and had to catch some sleep. The list looks very nice though. Enable team switching, so that we can balance stuff on the fly.
Ingame xmb, we're going to spam the folks on our friend lists until they join.Jack Scofield said:I have team-switching enabled, but I also have balanced teams enabled. Hopefully that's fine.
I really hope people join the server tomorrow. We could use another Gaf get-together, but this thread has been pretty dead lately, so I'm not sure how many people actually will be aware of this. It would also be nice to find out if I can successfully host a 24-player server.
Jack Scofield said:Okay, I'll set-up a dedicated server tomorrow afternoon, probably around 1:00 PST.
Sea Manky said:When you set it up, could you make it a clan server with GAF as both teams? We'll see how that pans out for the Rivalry trophy. I'll send PSN messages to clan members too.
Sea Manky said:I'm running behind today, so I might be an hour late or so. If the clan server doesn't fill up, we can try open too. Are you playing, Jack?
Jack Scofield said:Doesn't seem to be a very big turnout today. Ah well, maybe next time I'll exclude expansions and lower the player limit to 12 or so.
For those who played, how was the lag? Good, bad, unbearable?
decon89Sea Manky said:decon, what's your PSN ID?
Jack Scofield said:Glad to hear you guys had a good time, despite some poor option selections on my part. Let me know if you guys ever want another get-together, and I'll be more than willing to host another server, provided that we all contribute to the gamemodes and map rotations.
And I need to add some of you guys, like F-Pina, decon, slider, and others in this thread. I could always use more PSN friends, especially those who play Warhawk.
No. If you're using a bt headset, try switching to a usb one.decon said:So I'm the only person having problems with the hearing what other people are saying in voice chat?
I don't have a USB headset and I won't be buying one. I got a game that came with a headset. That should be enough really.mintylurb said:No. If you're using a bt headset, try switching to a usb one.