Saw you come online when I was having tea, but then wandered off and haven't been at PS3 since.The Frankman said:Dangit you posted? I sent you that chat message for nothing!
Saw you come online when I was having tea, but then wandered off and haven't been at PS3 since.The Frankman said:Dangit you posted? I sent you that chat message for nothing!
Where? Name?carlos said:SERVER IS UP, I tried to include lots of APC use for tntnnbln's sake![]()
Thank God your internet broke down. My team turned your team's 2:0 lead into a tie with me ranking firstcarlos said:And there goes my internet near the end of that round in destroyed capitol;
Phantast2k said:Thank God your internet broke down. My team turned your team's 2:0 lead into a tie with me ranking first
Good games indeed.
(I'm ElStupido btw.)
You TOW'd mah invisible plane. In mid-air.carlos said:Oh and btw, sorry to everyone for being a bit spammy today with the tow' I said, I wasn't really playing like myself.
Yeah, I don't know what happened there. Lots of other weird things happened actually (maybe because I'm not used to the high ping) like slow mines where I would run into a mine and walk away from it without dying. But that was definitely very weird.carlos said:Phantasm, there was a WTF moment where I towed you and parked to take the base, suddenly you spawn, take my plane, and tow me with the tow that I had just used! LOL
Tntnnbltn said:This is the part where he gets all defensive and asks why I don't bring up all the times he killed me.
Madman said:In case anyone in here hasn't noticed, Warhawk hit 1 million on the leaderboards.
You bragging sonofabitch:Tntnnbltn said:When we played yesterday there was a great moment when Frankman was hiding in the mines building on Eucadia Northern Bridges. I killed him by shooting his own mine as he ran past. It was awesome.
This is the part where he gets all defensive and asks why I don't bring up all the times he killed me.
Today I also had an awesome moment where I killed someone with a sniper-rifle non-scoped, medium distance away. I was just shooting randomly left and right and next thing they were dead. :lol
There's your problem right there.slider said:I hadn't played in a week or so - holiday and work stuff - and returned earlier today. I was shit! Just about made the top 10 in the 5 or so Zones games I played.
I'm seriously tempted to delete WH from my PS3. It'll give other games a chance.
Tntnnbltn said:There's your problem right there.
slider said:^^ It's been very weird. I haven't even been able to boot it up the last few attempts. I got on for a bit yesterday - your CTF game was full - but it then froze a short while later and I went back to MW2.
I really get the feeling it's on it's last legs. It makes me sad.
Warhawk has survived Halo 3, Gears 2, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, BF 1943, CoD4, CoDMW2, etc. The only thing that will finish off Warhawk (maybe) is Starhawk.slider said:^^ It's been very weird. I haven't even been able to boot it up the last few attempts. I got on for a bit yesterday - your CTF game was full - but it then froze a short while later and I went back to MW2.
I really get the feeling it's on it's last legs. It makes me sad.
carlos said:If the freezing happens as tntnnbltn described (while getting into a vehicle), then its most likely a sign of a network related error causing the freeze, nothing to worry about for your PS3.
If the freezes start occuring at random times for no particular reason, start backing up your saves....I learned this the hard way....
Madman said:Warhawk has survived Halo 3, Gears 2, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, BF 1943, CoD4, CoDMW2, etc. The only thing that will finish off Warhawk (maybe) is Starhawk.
Errrr, Battlefield been on PC for years. I still think Warhawk is the best online console game, thou!slider said:The one out of that list that annoys me most is BF1943. That's a complete WH mirror experience.
rc213 said:Is there something wrong with in-game buddies list?
There a few people on my friends list who don't show up there at all even they are definitely in-game at the time I check.
see5harp said:If you have more than 50 people online, Warhawk's broke ass in game last gen friendslist doesn't display everyone.
borsdy said:Errrr, Battlefield been on PC for years. I still think Warhawk is the best online console game, thou!
see5harp said:I'm sick of people saying this game is anything but a very good online game. Technical issues like the friendlist issue, no invites, and abysmal voice chat to me sorta hamper the fun for me. When I'm in a warhawk or vehicle I have no issues with this game. It's entirely satisfying to hover and take a group of foot soldiers. The problem I have is when you get out. It has some of the worst aiming and shooting mechanics on foot. Am I crazy?
pukelman said:Auto-aim has the important functio of equalizing ability among players so that what matters is STRATEGY. Nobody seems to grasp this.
When you have auto-aim the guy who wins is the guy who a.) fires first or b.) is part of a team who are working together.
One of the reasons Warhawk attracts a more intelligent sort of player (seriously) is that it's not just about who has the twitchiest trigger finger. You have to think to win. You can compensate for bad dexterity by using your mind. You can, frankly, suck at everything and still be a good player.
Auto-aim is one of the reasons I love Warhawk.