Count me in!
GAF: gketter
PSN: DarkKnight77
Timezone: CST
GAF: gketter
PSN: DarkKnight77
Timezone: CST
Defuser said:Sure...Time? Air dog fights only or Ground battlefield?
TTP said:Bare in mind Incognito updated the bandwidth requirements since the beta. I was able to host a full 32p server with the beta code. Now I mostly get up to 20 with the review one.
dralla said:I updated with OP with the feedback. If there's too many pictures just say so, I'll make the Maps/Weapons text
Safe Bet said:<--- Clan Leader
I have the time...
I have the experience...
I have the will...
I can do the job.
nofilter said:Killthee - I won't be on until the 29th, a day later now.
I do think I'm less Warhawk hardcore than some (and on UK time) so feel free to move me to GAF2, or whatever it's called, dude.
Killthee said:Okay.
FightyF said:I think adjusting people for timezones is a great idea. I'm nearer to the West Coast (I'm actually MST [GMT -7])...
I think it's a good idea as we'll have Japanese and Aussie Warhawkers, to Euro Warhawkers. The times are gonna be all over the place.
As far as the names are concerned, I like the idea of [GAFα] and [GAFβ] if allowed. If those characters aren't allowed, how about [GAF] and [GAF+]? Or [GAF!] for the 2nd team.
Or if there is a decision to split up the teams in accordance to timezones...[GAFw] and [GAFe] for GAF west and east? I also like the idea of "west" and "east" teams rather than 1 or 2...but that's just me.
Just throwing up some ideas...
Surreal said:I think we should keep what we have right now and in a month or two when the rush is over and we find out who is really staying it would be wise to split into west, east, etc.
Wollan said:I say we call them GAF1,2,3..etc. Don't see the problem.
FightyF said:I think adjusting people for timezones is a great idea. I'm nearer to the West Coast (I'm actually MST [GMT -7])...
I think it's a good idea as we'll have Japanese and Aussie Warhawkers, to Euro Warhawkers. The times are gonna be all over the place.
As far as the names are concerned, I like the idea of [GAFα] and [GAFβ] if allowed. If those characters aren't allowed, how about [GAF] and [GAF+]? Or [GAF!] for the 2nd team.
Or if there is a decision to split up the teams in accordance to timezones...[GAFw] and [GAFe] for GAF west and east? I also like the idea of "west" and "east" teams rather than 1 or 2...but that's just me.
Just throwing up some ideas...
Xater said:But what name should GAF Euro have? GAFe is then gone...![]()
And I support the region idea. We can still organize some special events to lay together on weekends or something.
Surreal said:I think we should keep what we have right now and in a month or two when the rush is over and we find out who is really staying it would be wise to split into west, east, etc.
nofilter said:Which is fine, but I for one won't be able to play in most of the US based matches as it'll be in the middle of the night when you start playing.
It really makes sense to split by territory at least, East and West US if you want, but certainly one for Europe, one for Japan and one for the Aussies.
It won't be that hard to co-ordinate, and there'd be more opportunity for intra-GAF battles between clans.
It's not clear who is who. GAF_W, GAF_E, GAF_EUROPE, GAF_J, GAF_AUS works for me.
I used to play an MMO, well sometimes quite a few hours a day but I we covered Vancouver/Cali, the rest of the US, Italy, Czeck repub, and Australian players all interacting.FightyF said:I suppose...
As it is true that many signed up for the Resistance clan but there were some who weren't able to play much at all.
I was just looking at this TimeZone Map, and the time differences in some extreme cases will be...extreme. Maybe we should just account for the real extreme cases, ie. an Aussie on a primarily Euro GAF2 clan, but generally leave it as is.
And maybe it's up to those affected by differing timezones to bring it to the Clan leader's attention, rather than making the leader do all the sorting themselves. So if you feel that it's hard to make it to clan nights...let the leader know and he'll sort things out.
Surreal said:You do have a good point. Maybe we should just split it right now and avoid the hassle later on. The clan names can only be 4 characters btw.
Ashhong said:GAFw, GAFe, GAFu (Europe), GAFa (Australia), GAFj (Japan)?
Pretty simple and straightforward. I am assuming you would need 2 for USA, or you could make it GAFn (North America)
Put me down for GAF West if that happens![]()
Surreal said:I like this better than my suggestion, only problem is if one of the regions reaches its limit. But we can solve that later.
nofilter said:Here's some inspiration:
GAF: PSN: Time: Specific Location:
Wollan - Wollan - Australian Eastern - Melbourne
Nofilter - Nofi - GMT - UK
Xater said:Ok will do the GAF Europe Spreadsheet.
nofilter said:Excellent, thanks. We need someone to send out the invites too on day 1 (I won't get the game until the 29th as I'm out of the country).