I love both new modes although Hero seems like a bit of a cluster fuck with people running everywhere.
nyong said:Is there still a sizeable Warhawk community?
Do you foresee the community being around for quite awhile?
Is the game fairly easy to pick up and play without getting consistently smoked by veterans?
I should add that I'm fairly good at shooters.
Sea Manky said:Also, I think people will need some time to get used to how much of a hard target you are as the hero. Just about every hero I've seen in the air has spent the entire time running away and spinning and dodging missiles. You can take a bunch of missile hits, so it's not necessary to dodge every one. One time I was the hero in the air and had about six guys swarming me. I didn't worry so much about dodging, just locking on to one of them. Managed to get three of them before I was forced to land. Of course, I've never been the "OH SHIT MISSILE LOCK I MUST DROP WHATEVER I'M DOING AND RUN AWAY TO PRESERVE MY CARCASS!" type.![]()
The Take Out Bandit said:My Warhawk is armored by egg shell.
Even with Hero mode active I get stuck in a spontaneously combusting death trap.
And this is why I'll never fly! >:O
slider said:I've never shared a game and I know Warhawk isn't share-able.
Was just at my brother's house. Set up my account on his machine - and left my "partition" on there, PSN password included. Had a few goes on WH on my partition.
But, interestingly, I can play Warhawk on his account with his PSN ID (racked up 20 minutes so far!). Is this normal? Like I said, I haven't looked into sharing too closely before but I know that GT5 Prologue and WH are unshare-able.
What's the deal? Not that I'm complaining...
The Take Out Bandit said:I suspect my issue just stems from getting in really shitty games. So when I hop in a Warhawk and the enemy team controls the fucking map because I'm playing with retards, I tend to get swarmed. :\
The Take Out Bandit said:I suspect my issue just stems from getting in really shitty games. So when I hop in a Warhawk and the enemy team controls the fucking map because I'm playing with retards, I tend to get swarmed. :\
ChryZ said:I finally played the new modes. Is it just me or is it really hard to score a decent amount of points in them? On the other hand, CTF with the new winning team bonus is always good for ~200 points per round.
borsdy said:Is there a multiplayer guide that I can read?
You're nothing but bad luck to me.icechai said:aww Chryz everytime you came on (i think twice) i got moved to the team that didn't know how to fly warhawksthe rest of the time was better in terms of overall skill level in both teams (I love those yellow winning ribbons, makes my score seem cooler hehehe)
ChryZ said:You're nothing but bad luck to me.
Those games were not good for my blood pressure. :lol
EDIT: I think they changed the server location/connectivity, my ping was ~100ms and yours was listed to me as 120ms. The server was listed with ~97ms. It seems they somehow managed to ease the oversea latency.
I played a session of 4-6h yesterday ... without a single issue.Smitty3000 said:Is anyone else besides me having problems?
ChryZ said:I played a session of 4-6h yesterday ... without a single issue.
Are you signed out of PSN in case of network error? Is your internet connection stable? Is it only happening with warhawk?
I suggest try resetting your current ps3 network setting. If that doesn't work, try putting your ps3 in your router's DMZ.Smitty3000 said:Only with Warhawk, and it signs me out of PSN.
Smitty3000 said:Wow, I'm starting to get really pissed off. Ever since the update hit last week I haven't been able to play one full game. Everyime, its a fucking server error and gets me kicked off. This morning I was playing zones and having my best match ever (215 points) then bang, disconnected.
I know I'll still get my points but its just frustrating, this is the only game its happening with I don't get disconnected in anything else. Is anyone else besides me having problems?
On your PlayStation 3, while on the XMB go to Settings > Network Settings > Internet Connection Settings and run "Test Connection". Check your NAT type. It should be NAT1 or NAT2. In case of NAT3 move your PS3 into your router's DMZ, like minty suggested or forward the following ports to your PS3:Smitty3000 said:Only with Warhawk, and it signs me out of PSN.
* TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223
* UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658
womfalcs3 said:Something has to be done (penalty-wise other than just kicked off the server) to these idiots who keep killing their own teammates. I had a 10-3 K-D record in the game until these idiots come in and start killing their own team. One was kicked, but the other stayed until the end.
I ended up with 10-8 with limited opportunity to even worry about the other team as I had to be aware of my own teammates coming after me.
I only play on dedicated-ranked.
womfalcs3 said:Something has to be done (penalty-wise other than just kicked off the server) to these idiots who keep killing their own teammates. I had a 10-3 K-D record in the game until these idiots come in and start killing their own team. One was kicked, but the other stayed until the end.
I ended up with 10-8 with limited opportunity to even worry about the other team as I had to be aware of my own teammates coming after me.
I only play on dedicated-ranked.
Too bad, I had a really good time in that game.carlos said:Chryz, I had a network error in that game you joined me in, by the time I managed to try to reconnect, the game was full.
I think, if we had someone who is willing to host games, announce it here, maybe once a week ... then people would come. I'd do it, but my up speed is only good for a 4 player server :\carlos said:You guys think we'll ever get together for a few games?![]()
ChryZ said:I think, if we had someone who is willing to host games, announce it here, maybe once a week ... then people would come. I'd do it, but my up speed is only good for a 4 player server :\
Ceb was our main hosting guy and I haven't seen him on PSN for ages![]()
Sorry, it wasn't on purpose. I had to get up at 6AMCeb said:Heh, I actually booted up Warhawk for the first time in months last night, but just as I managed to join a game you were in, you signed off.![]()
I'm up for it! Let's get the "band" back together :lolCeb said:I've been mad busy and burned out on gaming in general, but I'd love to do a big GAF game this weekend or whenever.![]()
Steroyd said:I have 5x health
I have a multiplier on my weapons
I am in GOD mode.
So why the FUCK are people pussying out and going back to their base when it's their turn!? I really hate people.
CSSer said:>____>
Steroyd said:Still MIA?
<____<CSSer said:I ran into ChryZ and mintylurb a while back, and they got me good >____>
Rodeo Clown said:I just picked this game up with headset for $30 at Circuit City. Is the best way to start just to play and get demolished for a while before I learn the nuances? Also, are the expansion packs worth it?
Heh, I was just about to ask if this is worth $30?Rodeo Clown said:I just picked this game up with headset for $30 at Circuit City. Is the best way to start just to play and get demolished for a while before I learn the nuances? Also, are the expansion packs worth it?
Sea Manky said:Getting close to a thousand hours logged and I still feel compelled to play almost every day.
Sea Manky said:Getting close to a thousand hours...
Sea Manky said:...a thousand hours...