Unlocked every character and cutscene/ending. Already have Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, and Hideyoshi at 99 and capable of doing Chaos runs. I hope we get some of that DLC soon!
I thought she wasn't in 6?![]()
I have the 360 version of Strikeforce. No live atm but I plan to fix that next week. If you have that version I would be willing to play.
This game has been an absolute time sponge. I'll get out of a 1500+ kill stage, do some weapon fusion and immediately want to go tear some shit up again with my new fangled death dealer. So far, I've maxed Hanzo and Zhou Tai. I have a few others hanging around 50-70. Super happy that it received a western release.
I have a problem though, I've been playing on Easy-Hard and for the life of me, I can't score any crystals. I know you don't get any on easy, but both normal and hard have produced nothing. I've done triple attacks on multiple officers, searched for crates, etc. It's getting kind of irritating. I guess Musou Battlefields is my best bet?
I honestly have no idea how people aren't getting crystals. I've played on Normal/Hard for 90% of my 90 hour playtime, and I'm sitting on a stack of 99 crystals (actually kinda sucks because I'm not getting any more, but I don't generally like dropping 20,000+ gems on a big star weapon just to get rid of a few crystals).
I have it on 360
This game has been an absolute time sponge. I'll get out of a 1500+ kill stage, do some weapon fusion and immediately want to go tear some shit up again with my new fangled death dealer. So far, I've maxed Hanzo and Zhou Tai. I have a few others hanging around 50-70. Super happy that it received a western release.
I have a problem though, I've been playing on Easy-Hard and for the life of me, I can't score any crystals. I know you don't get any on easy, but both normal and hard have produced nothing. I've done triple attacks on multiple officers, searched for crates, etc. It's getting kind of irritating. I guess Musou Battlefields is my best bet?
She wasn't but she was in Strikeforce 2. And since that was a modified version of DW6 visuals Koei gave her that outfit when they released the DW6 outfit pack in DW7. Same for other characters like Da Qiaou and Zhu Rong who also were absent from 6.
Wasn't it just released in Europe this week though?
Probably a non issue as I level up more, but I should make it a rule to interim save every time that bitch Himiko shows up. Her musou may as well be instant title screen on my ass
Other than that one of the best musou games i've played in a while. Time Sink x 9000
Probably a non issue as I level up more, but I should make it a rule to interim save every time that bitch Himiko shows up. Her musou may as well be instant title screen on my ass
Other than that one of the best musou games i've played in a while. Time Sink x 9000
You know you get crystals from killing officers with the triple team right?
I have a problem though, I've been playing on Easy-Hard and for the life of me, I can't score any crystals. I know you don't get any on easy, but both normal and hard have produced nothing. I've done triple attacks on multiple officers, searched for crates, etc. It's getting kind of irritating. I guess Musou Battlefields is my best bet?
So uh, yeah, there's that.
*shrug* Didn't see that line. idk I'm always sitting on like 20 plus I only played normal so far
Hopefully. I'm not paying for only 4 weapons.By the way, the first US DLC was announced. A weapon pack consisting of special weapons for Ma Chao, Kaguya, Shuten Doji, and Hanbei. Comes out next Tuesday. No details on pricing yet. Hopefully it's free.
Hopefully. I'm not paying for only 4 weapons.
This is my first Dynasty game,any tips for a beginer to the series? I played past the first mission and I'm at my camp. Also,can you pull the camera back? I find it a little to close to my character.
Kill lots of guys.This is my first Dynasty game,any tips for a beginer to the series? I played past the first mission and I'm at my camp.
No.Also,can you pull the camera back? I find it a little to close to my character.
Wo3 was the 13th best selling PSN game for the month of March. Pretty damn good considering it only had 11 days to place on the list. Seems like it's selling pretty well. Bet Koei's happy.
I'm hoping so. Who knows, this may even make for a nice precedent when it comes to future Western releases, or at least when it comes to dealing with selling on the PS3.
On another note...with Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors) 4 probably going to be announced sometime soon, I really wonder how they're going to showcase it, with a "tough act" like this game to follow.
I just want to see SW4 to see a western release on PS3/360. I am easy to please in this regard. Shouldn't there also be a DW7 Empires soon-ish?
I never played a dynasty warriors game but this game is grabbing my interest. Would this game be a good first entry?
- For XL. I'm having a ball with the Legend mode + I really enjoy the freedom the weapon system provides and having both musous for all the characters. Also, I'm glad the Remix feature only requires you to swap the DW7 disc in one time and then afterwards it unlocks up Story and Conquest everytime you play XL. I rented both from GameFly and was able to send back DW7 after one day.
This won't last forever, man. It only lasts so long before you have to put DW7 back in.
Welp! Do you know how long it lasts? I guess I'll focus on beating the story mode stuff from 7 before it goes away then.