Seraphis Cain
bad gameplay lol
I'm still kinda shocked that I'm roughly 50 hours into the game, and I still:
Haven't unlocked all characters
Haven't had a single rare/secret weapon ability pop up
Haven't found a single rare item (granted, I haven't TRIED yet)
Haven't unlocked all stages
Haven't tried Musou Battlefield out
Haven't even finished the story
Granted, I'm taking my time and swapping characters A LOT. And I mean, I know I've ranted about how much value there is to this game before, but...I dunno, I've seen complaints here and there about how WO3 is "lacking in content" because it doesn't have a Dream Mode or Versus Mode like WO2 had. Okay, really, the "Gaiden" stages you unlock through raising bonds are close enough to Dream Mode for me. And Versus Mode? Really? While it's a nice diversion, I think I played Versus in WO2 maybe three times ever. Plus, there's still a lot of DLC stages coming as well, and there's always Musou Battlefield too, as limited as it may be.
I don't know...I guess my point is that I seriously love this game, and every time I start to feel even the least bit bored with it, I just change up my team and everything's great again. I guess you just need to be the right kind of person to enjoy Musou games (not that that's any sort of surprise or anything). Am I afraid of what's going to happen once I finish the story and run out of goals to shoot for? Well, no, because there's still going to be the challenge of clearing stages on Hard and Chaos, and finding rare items and weapon skills, and getting everyone's joke and ultimate weapons, and even maxing out Bonds if I get really desperate for stuff to do. :lol Not to mention the ever-elusive Platinum trophy. Which I'm sure will take a ton of time to get.
Plus, the Orochi games are like the Musou equivalent of Capcom's Versus series. They're full of broken as shit characters, and if you don't eventually break the game with stupidly powerful characters who can slice through enemy generals on Chaos in a single hit, you're not playing the game right. :lol
Anyway, I don't know what brought this rant on, but I'm done now. Heh. Hope you all are enjoying the game as much as I am!
Also, have a picture of Sun Shangxiang and Kai, just because:
Haven't unlocked all characters
Haven't had a single rare/secret weapon ability pop up
Haven't found a single rare item (granted, I haven't TRIED yet)
Haven't unlocked all stages
Haven't tried Musou Battlefield out
Haven't even finished the story
Granted, I'm taking my time and swapping characters A LOT. And I mean, I know I've ranted about how much value there is to this game before, but...I dunno, I've seen complaints here and there about how WO3 is "lacking in content" because it doesn't have a Dream Mode or Versus Mode like WO2 had. Okay, really, the "Gaiden" stages you unlock through raising bonds are close enough to Dream Mode for me. And Versus Mode? Really? While it's a nice diversion, I think I played Versus in WO2 maybe three times ever. Plus, there's still a lot of DLC stages coming as well, and there's always Musou Battlefield too, as limited as it may be.
I don't know...I guess my point is that I seriously love this game, and every time I start to feel even the least bit bored with it, I just change up my team and everything's great again. I guess you just need to be the right kind of person to enjoy Musou games (not that that's any sort of surprise or anything). Am I afraid of what's going to happen once I finish the story and run out of goals to shoot for? Well, no, because there's still going to be the challenge of clearing stages on Hard and Chaos, and finding rare items and weapon skills, and getting everyone's joke and ultimate weapons, and even maxing out Bonds if I get really desperate for stuff to do. :lol Not to mention the ever-elusive Platinum trophy. Which I'm sure will take a ton of time to get.
Plus, the Orochi games are like the Musou equivalent of Capcom's Versus series. They're full of broken as shit characters, and if you don't eventually break the game with stupidly powerful characters who can slice through enemy generals on Chaos in a single hit, you're not playing the game right. :lol
Anyway, I don't know what brought this rant on, but I'm done now. Heh. Hope you all are enjoying the game as much as I am!
Also, have a picture of Sun Shangxiang and Kai, just because: