I took a screenshot of the loading screen as it was fading in, and then with the bar on top of it, and did a little editing to remove the bar...not 100% perfect but you wouldn't be able to notice.
Thanks man, looks good!
I took a screenshot of the loading screen as it was fading in, and then with the bar on top of it, and did a little editing to remove the bar...not 100% perfect but you wouldn't be able to notice.
Well I went full blown nerdlinger for my party.
I'm such a loser lol.
Well I went full blown nerdlinger for my party.
I'm such a loser lol.
Loving this so far, and all I've done ishit up the radio tower and head south toward Highpool.
Edit: Here's my party at level 2. If someone can explain why three of them have a +1 Awareness boost at the moment, I'd love to hear it. Not that I'm complaining...
If you know who Holden is, you're awesome.
The loading takes a bit long in area transitions.
But that is hands down the most epic loading screen I have ever seen. Having that classic image displayed on my 40" tv is a thing of beauty.
Is there any way I can change my characters' portraits after you start a game? I didn't realize there were actually hand drawn ones...
I don't think so, but there are very few hand drawn portrait options.
However, you can import any image you want too, so yeah...
Could somebody image host those character portraits for those of us who don't use Facebook? That would be great. Do you think it's worth buying the deluxe edition for Bard's Tale? I have never played that and if I remember right there aren't any maps and you must use graph paper. I might be wrong though.
Loving this so far, and all I've done ishit up the radio tower and head south toward Highpool.
Edit: Here's my party at level 2. If someone can explain why three of them have a +1 Awareness boost at the moment, I'd love to hear it. Not that I'm complaining...
If you know who Holden is, you're awesome.
Has anyone played with the basic premade guys?
Do attributes impact skills at all? I mean besides the +1% bonuses here and there (which really seems like nothing).
EDIT: Also, are there no throwing weapons? Knives, grenades etc. I don't see a throwing skill.
Everyone gets the same number of starting skill points. Characters with 1-3, 4-7, and 8+ INT get 1, 2, and 3 points per level. Or it could be 2, 3, and 4, I can't remember.Why do characters with 9 int and 4 int have the same amount of skill points?
It's 2 points for 1-3, 3 for 4-7, 4 for 7-9 and 5 for 10 Int.Everyone gets the same number of starting skill points. Characters with 1-3, 4-7, and 8+ INT get 1, 2, and 3 points per level. Or it could be 2, 3, and 4, I can't remember.
INT also puts a cap on the Surgeon skill (to max out surgeon, you need 10 INT).
The system is pretty weird, honestly. Starting stats are very important. Everything else you can more or less pick up along the way.
Charisma affects the range of Leadership, otherwise no. Grenades are covered under Demolitions, I don't think there are throwing knives or anything.
Character creation is kicking my ass.
Well I went full blown nerdlinger for my party.
I'm such a loser lol.
Character creation is kicking my ass.
Will the devs be providing mod tools? Could have a lot of potential. And maybe some decent customization options too.
Needs moar points in intelligence and charisma. Demolitions and assault rifles are appropriate thoughLoving this so far, and all I've done ishit up the radio tower and head south toward Highpool.
Edit: Here's my party at level 2. If someone can explain why three of them have a +1 Awareness boost at the moment, I'd love to hear it. Not that I'm complaining...
If you know who Holden is, you're awesome.
Overall impressions guys?
Reviews are a bit meh...buts texts say a los of good things about gameplay, design an RPG.
Scores in the 80s are a "bit meh"? Seriously?
Overall impressions guys?
Reviews are a bit meh...buts texts say a lot of good things about gameplay, design an RPG elements.
This game looks amazing but looking at the screenshots, where did the 33gb get allocated to?
Not being a butt I'm genuinely curious... Is this game just absolutely massive?
RPGs receive scores 50 points lower than equivalent action titles. So Wasteland 2 will probably end up with an adjusted Metacritic total in the low 130's.
The More You Know.
The download is like 10 GB, and it decompresses to 22 GB or so (in English at least).
From what I've heard, the massive size has to do with the Unity engine the game uses. It's a bummer, but in this day and age, not that big of a deal.
Certainly is shocking when you first learn about it, though.
Man I'm already considering rerolling my party, too many damn skills that are needed.
God it's going to be eons before I actually make progress in this, lol.
Man I'm already considering rerolling my party, too many damn skills that are needed.
God it's going to be eons before I actually make progress in this, lol.
Anyone rolling toaster repair? Keen to see how useful it is.
Faran Brygo...
Toasters are just another source of loot, it's about as useful a skill as safe cracking.