Since it seems to come up a bit thought I'd link to some of the tips/advice shared for character creation mentioned in this thread. Feel free to suggest others that may be useful, too.
- UncleSporky's beta build
observations and tips
Toodles' link to SA's
character build tips
- Large collection of
custom Character Portraits. Place custom portraits within the following directory:
.../Documents/My Games/Wasteland 2/Custom Portraits
Thanks a bunch. Created custom portrais for all my party members.
I plan to play with the 4 man squad ALONE on the hardest difficulty I can overcome (I start on the hardest and IF necessary I go down to the 2nd hardest difficulty).
As heads up, it seems VERY important when you create your characters to factor in the AP cost per weapon.
It's better to match your AP and up initiative (to have more turns) than to go excessive on AP but can't make use of it since you're a few short to shoot again, unless you need to move around often (e.g. melee guys or shot gun).
Quick summary done by my according to the data of the wiki (some weapons differ within each category, hence the "-", I don't list single freak values of unique weapons)
Brawling: 2 - 3 AP
Bladed: 3 AP
Blunt: 3 - 4 AP
Pistols: 3 AP
Shotguns: 3 - 5 AP
SMGs: 3 - 5 AP (burst 6 AP)
Assault Rifles: 4 - 5 AP (burst 6 - 8 AP)
Heavy Weapons: 5 - 8 AP (auto burst / AoE)
Sniper Rifles: 6 - 7 AP
Energy Weapons: 4 AP
That said, I want to introduce my team:
Close-Quarter-Specialist with heavy armor (hence the 6 strength) and tough mofo all round. Goes in. Stays in. Primary damage dealer and tank. Doesn't mean he's just a dumb muscle tho. Knows how to use logic, is intelligent (to get more skill points on top), but also has the body to back up his words when he uses intimidation. I just don't like to "charm" my way through situations in any games. Just doesn't seem like it's a) my style and b) very realistic. The world just doesn't function that way. You either convince someone by making him understand himself via logic or show him that you have the better arguments via comparing "power". Zukuu can do both. And yes, that is an appropriate self portrait. We even share almost the same hair cut.
Attributes: 4 Coordination, 1 Luck, 2 Awareness, 6 Strength, 6 Speed, 8 Intelligence, 1 Charisma
Weapon: 3 Shotguns
Talents: 1 Hard Ass, 1 Wise ass, 1 Brute Force
10 AP, 10 Init, 2.0 Distance / AP, 4 Skill / Level, 32 +10 Con / Level
J.J. (short for Jack and John
Striker and Infiltrator, who can pick locks, safes and disarm alarms. He's also
the ace against armored enemies with his Energy Weapon. Otherwise he gives support fire on priority targets and secures kills.
Attributes: 5 Coordination, 1 Luck, 7 Awareness, 4 Strength, 6 Speed, 4 Intelligence, 1 Charisma
Weapon: Energy Weapons
Talents:1 Lock Picking,1 Safe Cracking, 1 Disarm Alarm
8 AP, 15 Init, 2.0 Distance / AP, 3 Skill / Level, 26 +9 Con / Level
Medic, speedy Scout and Hacker. Can go in and out of battle at will, which is required as a field medic. Primarily a support character, but who isn't a whimp (higher hp, medium armor) and can still defend herself in her favorite range of battle, acting as 2nd line of defense, after the initial striker duo.
Attributes: 4 Coordination, 1 Luck, 8 Awareness, 4 Strength, 6 Speed, 4 Intelligence, 1 Charisma
Weapon: 2 SMGs
Talents: 1 Computer Science, 2 Field Medic, 1 Surgeon
8 AP, 16 Init, 2.0 Distance / AP, 3 Skill / Level, 26 +9 Con / Level
Pure Sniper and a deadly force from long distance. Since he stays out of the front fight, he's a back up surgeon as well, only closing in, in emergency situations. Not very speedy, since he doesn't need to move around often, once he has a spot with a good line-of-sight to all enemies. High Coordination and Awareness to boost his hit chance and range of sight to make the most of his turns. Is proficient in weapon smithing and repair.
Attributes:10 Coordination, 1 Luck, 8 Awareness, 2 Strength, 2 Speed, 4 Intelligence, 1 Charisma
Weapon: 3 Sniper Rifle
Talents: 1 Weapon Smith, 1 Mechanical Repair,1 Surgeon
10 AP, 14 Init, 1.5 Distance / AP, 3 Skill / Level, 20 +8 Con / Level +10%(!) Hit chance
Did I miss anything which will let me struggle during the game, apart from having no charisma?