Ughh I have hit a brutal wall. Combat against he robots is waaaaaaaaaay harder than anything else because I have one person with energy weapons and my best squadmember left the team. The skill checks are red way more often than not now as well ;_;
I have to credit inXile for the sheer amount of dialogue they wrote for recruitable NPCs in places you'd never expect. Just tookback toChiselthe cave under Highpool to use my improved computer science on the dead robot I left behind. His response? "I could've taken him."
Na, I got theThis might not apply to you, but others have mentioned that they aren't all in the same spot within the Citadel. For instance, some are in the mess room, while others reside in the museum.
Or it could be a bug.I now await a Brian Fargo post telling me to play the release version.
Are you talking about the California area? Because the robots you face in AZ all die very easily to Assault Rifles. I have an Energy user on my squad, and it makes almost no difference at all. Unless later on there's some kind of "god like" Energy weapons that I don't know of, they function virtually the same as ARs against robots. You can buy unlimited M16s at the Citadel, and they may as well be Sniper Rifles. And ifwas your "best" member, I don't know what to say. That character was indeed good, but they never outperformed or even matched some of my original four once the level gap was shortened.Angela
In system requirements it says 30GB, can someone confirm if this is correct? Thanks.
In system requirements it says 30GB, can someone confirm if this is correct? Thanks.
Ok, fuck Red Baychowski, I tried saving you, but you just run into death no matter what, good riddance.
Screw AI controlled companions.
Ok, fuck Red Baychowski, I tried saving you, but you just run into death no matter what, good riddance.
Screw AI controlled companions.
He mentions the robot just beforehand, so maybe it's triggered when he sees a dead robot.Pretty sure that's just a random trigger. I've had him say that twice now so far and it wasn't at the same location as yours.
Oh, I didn't joke when I said he rushes into combat, in one of the fights he dropped everything and ran at the enemy from like the other side of the map so that wasn't an option.There's a very easy way to keep him alive...
He only follows one person in your party. It seems entirely random which person, but after you find out which one it is, you simply move them waaaaaay far away from where combat would be. Even though he will still keep running towards the fight every turn, by the time he arrives the fight should be almost over anyway.
Also, there are some seriously buggy/nonsensical triggers in this game. I just finished the. Prior to actually finishing it, I spoke to a certain vendor, who had some okay items in stock. After the quest was finished, my reward was to speak to him to see his okay items he had in stock. When I spoke with him after the quest was completed, he tells me that since I helped them out, that I can look at his best items...which are exactly the same as before.Silo 7/Temple/DMB
So how buggy is this game? I was wondering If I should wait till the first patch is released to start playing.
Is it just me or is thea very early difficulty spike?spider in the cave
If all the fights are going to be this hard, I should reroll.
Is it just me or is thea very early difficulty spike?spider in the cave
If all the fights are going to be this hard, I should reroll.
It's not that buggy at all. I had some odd graphical glitches in one building in Highpool and one false plot trigger, but that's it. The game is a little janky, but it's perfectly playable.
What? It's very buggy, but not the point of being unplayable at all. I've encountered at the very least twenty dialogue/inventory bugs far. Most are resolved by reloading the game, but it gets annoying if the save is a ways back.
I just now hit yet another quest bug that set me back 20 minutes because the items I was supposed to have been given for the quest, never actually appeared in my inventory.
You mean the frog?
I missed that battle completely. I feel like I'm missing out, since so many people talk about it.
If you want a surefire way to beat it:Use animal whisperer and it will go neutral and leave.
Bleh. In TitanSo I gotta load a save file that's like an hour escort, "Brother Shapiro" just disappeared.
Heads up to those who don't know: You can use Computer Skill to turn robots to your side during battle! This comes really handy in.Damonta
is this better with giving you directions / telling you what to do than Divinity? I just cant be arsed with Divinity, im too old for this shit as Murtaugh would say![]()
Can anyone recommend the combination of the best starting characters? I haven't played this type of game before and I'd rather not start with a shit party.
is this better with giving you directions / telling you what to do than Divinity? I just cant be arsed with Divinity, im too old for this shit as Murtaugh would say![]()
Wow. That doesn't really matter for the smaller robots, but if it works on Slicers, holy shit!
Can anyone recommend the combination of the best starting characters? I haven't played this type of game before and I'd rather not start with a shit party.
Sadly it does not work on Slicers. Even maxed out, it gives a 0% chance of success. Don't discount the use of Computer Science on the smaller robots - because Slicers will go after them to, as do other enemy robots. You can turn an ugly battle around in a second. I also picked up another companion in this area good at Computer Science so that's two people now that can take down robots with a simple skill. If you "tame" all of the robots in a battle, it ends, without ever firing a shot.
At least two characters with high Awareness and assault rifles or sniper rifles.
Make sure at least three characters have 8+ Intelligence.
Dump luck to 1 for everyone.
Sadly it does not work on Slicers. Even maxed out, it gives a 0% chance of success. Don't discount the use of Computer Science on the smaller robots - because Slicers will go after them to, as do other enemy robots. You can turn an ugly battle around in a second. I also picked up another companion in this area good at Computer Science so that's two people now that can take down robots with a simple skill. If you "tame" all of the robots in a battle, it ends, without ever firing a shot.
I just ended up going Energy Weapons with my 7 Blunt (95% chance to hit before Leadership bonus)/4 Medic/1 Surgeon/7 Demolition/4 Perception brawler. He's now at 8 Energy Weapons with only 4 INT. So far, none of them are making me stop and go "Yeah, these are awesome against robots!" and I've tried everything offered so far. All my AR characters do the same or more thanks to having naturally higher AP and MUCH farther range.
When you get toenergy weapons tend to shine more, since everything starts to get 5+ armor and you aren't able to get the higher penetration weapons of other types quickly. TheCaliforniais also the most broken weapon I've found thus far (energy or otherwise).Gamma Ray Blaster you can get near the end of Arizona
I stand by my choice to make my lead ranger a shotgun-wielder.
I regret everything. Aside from his leadership aura, he's completely useless. I've hit more than one enemy with the shotgun about five times in a hundred battles.
Edit: Question for y'all: have any of you found Heavy Weapons to be useful? The badass factor is there, but they seem to use a lot of ammo and not do much else. Not that I've used them.
Wait, what? So far I've only seen three laser pistol type weapons, the Repeater, Pulse Rifle, Ion Blaster and Meson Cannon. Where is theGamma Ray Blaster? Do you mean Ion Blaster, because that didn't appear until right before I went to CA from Mercaptan's inventory.
Inside of a broken toaster underneath the Temple of Titan you can get depleted uranium (Its in the room with the actual missile). If you turn that into mercaptan she lets you get the gamma ray as a requisition, but you can only access this before Silo 7.. it does like 350 damage in burst mode for 8AP vs pretty much anything since its armor threshold is 2 and its base damage is so high for an energy weapon
I'm in a weird place right now. I just spent some time inAll of the skill checks were really hard, which makes me think I'm pretty underleveled for the area, but all of the fights were super easy. The Uzi and Bullpup Sniper Rifle destroy everything, and my Medic is buried in pocket medic packs.Darwin Village.
I have to head toorThe Prisonnext, hoping the difficulty of the combat picks up. The Ag Center has been the toughest part so far, which is kind of weird because it's the absolute first dungeon.Rail Nomad
I have to head toorThe Prisonnext, hoping the difficulty of the combat picks up. The Ag Center has been the toughest part so far, which is kind of weird because it's the absolute first dungeon.Rail Nomad
Okay, clothes gettingis pretty annoying.burned off by monk suiciders