Shake Appeal
Loving the breadth and depth of the updates. Hope they keep coming.
Patch 4 has just been released.
Fixed wrong NPCs turning hostile in Griffith Park by killing gate guard after undertaking Ascension McDades quest.
Darn, I just beat the game the other day. Oh well, things were only a little bit janky in the final sections.
Glad that this won't be causing anyone else trouble in Griffith park:
This was especially rough on me becausethe gate guards are hostile!
Gotta be honest, everyone being hostile in that place made me rich because of the merchants attacking me and then dropping their entire inventory.
It was one of the reclamation weapons and I think you got it by using the repair toasters skill?That helped me too, although I had plenty of scrap at that point anyway. It did get me enough ammo to consider using miniguns, though!
It felt kind of weirdshooting every person in Griffith Park who wasn't McDade or the leader's wife. Even the radio tower people after the peace events were hostile. Who was still alive to participate in the reformed church?
Oh yeah, could someone let me know where theis? I'm just curious since I missed it - not that I needed it, things were pretty easy aside from the final fight.gamma ray
Hello Backer,
We're happy to inform you that your Collectors Edition of Wasteland 2 has shipped! Thank you for your patience! We hope that you will receive it soon and in good order.
We do not have order tracking on these shipments. Our estimate for order arrival is approximately one to two weeks for North American/European residents (longer for those in other territories). Please note that depending on your shipping address and local mail service, it may take longer to arrive.
If you have not already, we encourage you to visit the Ranger Center and grab a Steam or key to start enjoying the game right now. We just released Patch 4; it brings a ton of changes and improvements. And rest assured, we are committed to improving Wasteland 2 long into the future.
Once again: thanks for all your support and patience! We hope you enjoy Wasteland 2 and your rewards for many years to come.
inXile entertainment
P.S. Signed collectors editions, editions with extra backer boxes, medals, etc. have not started shipping. We will send additional emails to people receiving those rewards.
Any physical backers get their box yet?
Edit: Ruh roh, pics on prior page from a month ago -- guess I need to write inXile.
Edit 2: Looks like CE boxes haven't shipped yet, so I'll wait and see a bit longer.
Wasteland 2 Patch 5 Release Notes (61997)
Aaannd here we go! Patch 5 for Wasteland 2 is out, featuring a bevy of fixes, changes and improvements for your gaming enjoyment!
Added Castilian Spanish community localization to the game. It can be selected by picking "español castellano" from the Gameplay Options menu. Existing Spanish language players will have their language defaulted to the now-renamed "español americano" option.
Large localized text clean up for all languages
Optimized the way random encounter data is stored to reduce loading time and file size.
Added more sound effects throughout the game.
Clean-up of smaller bug fixes throughout the game.
Full change list can be found here:
I wonder if they would consider making an announcement when they're done patching the game and it's actually ready to play. I've thought about jumping in several times, but I always see one of these patches released soon after and I think, nope, not yet.
I kickstarted Wasteland 2 way back when but for whatever reason it has sat in my backlog for months. Would now be a good time to jump in? Looks like there was a pretty sizable patch 2 weeks ago, is the game relatively balanced and stable?
If I take the plunge, can anyone point me to a solid character build guide?
I kickstarted Wasteland 2 way back when but for whatever reason it has sat in my backlog for months. Would now be a good time to jump in? Looks like there was a pretty sizable patch 2 weeks ago, is the game relatively balanced and stable?
If I take the plunge, can anyone point me to a solid character build guide?
Quick question, does the combat ever get more interesting or diverse? I think I've been spoiled by Divinity Original Sin and by a lesser extend X-Com, but the combat is pretty dull right now. None of my characters have any unique combat skills or abilities, and on top of that most of zones I have fought in don't even have much cover or elevation available so it's basically just crouch + shoot every turn with every character.
Is that all there is to the combat? To be fair I am currently super early in the game, but just want to know what to expect.
Yeah, it's kinda fun to have around for a while (especially whenI finally got this game during the steam sale and it has sucked me right in. So damn good. One question with a yes or no type answer please (I've avoided all spoilers so far). I just found, and in the couple of fights with it so far it is damn suicidal. Is it just a cool bonus, or should I concern myself with its health? Babysitting could become frustrating.Vax![]()
OK, I just bought the game and this might sound stupid but I have no idea how to load ammo. Can someone please help?
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but was wondering if some one knows what I'm doing wrong.
At the start
I'm back at highpool, killed the wreckers hideout, sorted out the valves, put the fire out, found the blokes dog etc etc, have just the prisoner to talk to berfore speaking to Kate about the election, Sean is happy with me after killing the wreckers, can't get to the election unless I speak to the prisoner, wether I allow her to come with me or not makes no difference as Kate loses the election by a landslide and sean tells me to fuck off when everything points to kate winning and I then can't get the power onto the radio tower etc, am I doing something wrong or is that what happens?
OK, I just bought the game and this might sound stupid but I have no idea how to load ammo. Can someone please help?
There should be a button for it. Failing that, press space twice to go single person/whole party and press 'r'. You also need the relevant ammo in that character's inventory.
Usesurgery on the patients in the hospital in the back.
In my ~30 hours with the game my shotgunner has killed maybe 10 units with said shotguns. At times when he could hit more enemies, the friendly fire incurred would simply not be worth it. Changing the range or spread on them via mods further worsens the drawbacks to the weapon, namely low damage to AP ratio or friendly fire incidents, and renders them entirely as a "last resort" sort of weapon. I think that character has spent more time skipping a turn or being a meatshield than actually firing the darn thing...
I regret everything about how I specced that character.
The opening sections are pretty much identical with a couple of minor fixes (some portrait mismatches fixed, Leadership accuracy bug fixed).So I bought this at release and tbh it didn't really grab me, I played a few hours and just kinda stopped. I noticed a while back it downloaded a huge patch (like over a GB), so just wondering has the game changed at all since release? Now I'm sure that fundamentally it's the same game but have the patches improved things?
Quick question gaf, so should I let Rickthe AWOL guy go or take him back to the brig? I started to think he was the guy for a second who was going to bring medicine to the sick woman in the prison, I know his names not Elroy..
Anyways what should I do?