Any guess as to why can't I enable VSync?
You need to be set under Display to Full Screen. Borderless window does not let you select Vsync or Refresh rates.
Any guess as to why can't I enable VSync?
Any guess as to why can't I enable VSync?
- My SLI 780Tis are hurting at 1440p, and it's got nothing to to with VRAM usage;
- 3GB isn't enough for the next few years, it seems. I hope the 6GB 780Tis become a reality;
- uPlay continues to be garbage.
i5 3570K @ 4.4Ghz
32GB 2400Mhz DDR3 Ram
GTX 690 +100 boost clock
Windows 8.1
SSD (Tried with Ramdisk as well)
Game hovers around 60 FPS when I turn down LoD and Shadows to High, the rest on max. Textures on High.
But man, this stuttering. Goes away on low settings and medium textures, but ain't nobody got time for that. Tried locking the game to 30 FPS, but the stuttering has no relation to FPS, happens here as well. I think I'll buy this on PS4 as well unless they fix this. Had a look at this video on DF, and maaaaan, that's some smooth 30 FPS.
Ugh, this is basically my setupWhat AA setting are you running?
Tried with Temporal SMAA and TXAAx2, both seems to run fine, FPS wise. It's all in the stutters, man.
How do you guys get SweetFX to actually work? It just won't show up in my game. Not at all.
This is my settings for Ultra settings at 1080p on a single card. You don't need super sampling to make it look good. Super sampling just bogs down the framerate, and it's pointless unless you have SLI.
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 4GB OC (1200/1800)
You need to download Sweet FX 1.5.1 Configuration
Download the Sweet FX Watchdogs preset. There are a few but I chose this.
Load the watchdogs.exe on the Sweet FX configurator. Then load the preset. Some people might have trouble viewing the preset, but close it, and reopen it.
Once you see the preset configuration, simply click add sweet fx on the right column then save config.
Use the Reddit PC tweak guide here
DeferredFXQuality= PC
PostFXquality = off
Resolution= 1920 x 1080
(Adjust to your liking)
After you are done with the settings, this is what you should have.
AA: OFF (Sweet FX has it's own SMAA)
AF: 16x (Through Nvidia Control Panel)
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+ High
Shaders: High
Shadows: High
Everything else Ultra
You'll get at least around 45 AVG fps.
MSAA and TXAA take up all your VRAM so Temp SMAA is the best to use.
3GB is enough if you use post-AA options, like SMAA or Temporal SMAA. Temporal SMAA looks better than MSAA in motion and in many cases static.
MSAA is irrelevant if a game supports SMAA/Temporal SMAA.
TXAA 2x is very forgivable in this game if your GPU supports it, that is why I was shocked that more people are not experimenting with it, I think people should experiment with it and see how many frames they really lose compared to lesser settings.
Thanks; of course I maxed everything out, and that top TXAA selection makes a huge difference here (moreso than with other titles, in my experience).
No stuttering at all? Even driving around fast?
I have an i7 3770k @ 4.4ghz, 16GB of ram, 2x GTX 780s in SLI and I get stuttering when driving around fast on ultra, even w/ the newest nvidia driver.
Wow the TXAA has a huge hit, but it does look beautiful in motion.
You need to be set under Display to Full Screen. Borderless window does not let you select Vsync or Refresh rates.
Zero stuttering so far. It is installed on my SSD and I do have 6GB of VRAM - whereas you are restricted to 3GB of VRAM. Both of those could be limiting factors.
Ya the higher the resolution the more VRAM you need especially for open world games. Better off sticking with 1080p and 144hz.
Is there a way to install the game to my main SSD (Cwhile everything else of Steam (the program and my other games) are on my other HDD? (D
TXAA is blurry garbage. FXAA is definitely the way to go - unless you head down the MSAA route.
TXAA is blurry garbage. FXAA is definitely the way to go
They're both blurry garbage.TXAA is blurry garbage. FXAA is definitely the way to go
Zero stuttering so far. It is installed on my SSD and I do have 6GB of VRAM - whereas you are restricted to 3GB of VRAM. Both of those could be limiting factors.
FXAA blurs the entire image. TXAA has a very similar effect. MSAA is one of the best types of AA outside of super sampling.yeah, I'm really not understanding the hate for TXAA. Isn't the whole point of AA to remove the sharp, jaggy lines? FXAA and MSAA seem to just sharpen them, making them worse imo, unless you go to 8xMSSA. TXAA remove the sharpness AND the jaggies. Win/win for me.
Is there a way to install the game to my main SSD (Cwhile everything else of Steam (the program and my other games) are on my other HDD? (D
They're both blurry garbage.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Watch_Dogs\bin\watch_dogs.exe"- disablepagefilecheck
FXAA blurs the entire image. TXAA has a very similar effect. MSAA is one of the best types of AA outside of super sampling.
I guess soft edges wouldn't be that bad but textures and far off objects are affected by the blurring process.
i5 3570K @ 4.4Ghz
32GB 2400Mhz DDR3 Ram
GTX 690 +100 boost clock
Windows 8.1
SSD (Tried with Ramdisk as well)
Game hovers around 60 FPS when I turn down LoD and Shadows to High, the rest on max. Textures on High.
But man, this stuttering. Goes away on low settings and medium textures, but ain't nobody got time for that. Tried locking the game to 30 FPS, but the stuttering has no relation to FPS, happens here as well. I think I'll buy this on PS4 as well unless they fix this. Had a look at this video on DF, and maaaaan, that's some smooth 30 FPS.
But I already sold my kids' education down the river for this hardware!
The benchmarks in the OP have some.Can anyone with a 3770K or 4770K and 290X chime in? Sorry If i missed it
This does not actually work. I would not be posting otherwise. Thanks though
The SSD is probably helping the most. You would only get stutters and lower performance if you were actually going over your VRAM. With everything on Ultra, 1080p, Temporal SMAA I never go over 3GB of VRAM, but there is the occasional stutter. I however have the game installed on a 7200rpm hard drive.
No doubt the stutters and general performance will improve in later patches.
This there are both horrible.
I am getting around 32 ona 7870 with a 8350, but on my Nvidia set-up with a 760 I get around 45, this is Ultra with SMAA and High Textures.
I have looked at Textures on PC High and they are LOWER than PS4 version which is a surprise
4xTXAA certainly is.isn't TXAA the most demanding form of AA in Watch Dogs, I'm pretty sure that's what the nvidia guide said...
Watch Dogs is a huge outlier, as is modded Skyrim. Guru3D have gone as far to say that there are some major programming issues in the game that needed to be patched.
But Skyrim is a 32bit program... it can only address 4GB of ram... total. That means vram and system. If you're pushing beyond 2GB of vram in skyrim, you're probably crashing every 30-60 minutes as the game hits it's overall limit and crashes.
isn't TXAA the most demanding form of AA in Watch Dogs, I'm pretty sure that's what the nvidia guide said...
I think their V-ram specifications ingame are actually optimistic. Might actually want to turn textures down to medium for 2gb cards and high for 3gb.