WTF GAF. What have we come to.
I see the stutters, but the game is running at a full 60fps in these shots? the stutter is BARELY noticable. how can you not be happy with that? If my game ran like that I'd be THE KING OF THE WORLD.
Most of us with older hardware have FREEZES like that for a whole second at a time while it loads assets. holyshit, if this is what EVERYONE is complaining about I understand why, but seriously, you need to learn to accept it, IT"S NOT AS BAD AS IT COULD BE, trust me.
Stutters are not as apparent in a video as they are when playing the game/making direct input. It's one thing to look for a stutter in a video, it's a whole other story to be controlling the game and dealing with stutters.
Not only that, but to me the biggest issue is this game does not LOOK the part of what it performs like. The game should either a) perform a lot better, or b) look a lot better. The stuttering is a real problem and needs Ubi's attention/to be fixed. There's no excuse. People with Tri-SLi Titans are having these issues.
Anyhow..I seem to have minimized stuttering as much as possible on my system/specs. Part of what seems to have helped is pumping my VRAM frequency way up. I took it from an already overclock 7400 to 8000mhz.
seems to have improved stuttering, along with enabling the -disablepagefilecheck flag and using LargePageUtil. I don't know if the LargePageUtil really matters much, but at least the stutters are less frequent now. I think I noticed a marked difference with increasing the VRAM frequency, though.
Running the game at:
2560x1440 @ 100hz
Textures High
All Ultra
HBAO + High
DoF Disabled
Motion Blur Disabled
Temporal SMAAa
Max Buffered Frames 1
i5 4670K @ 4.2Ghz (watercooled)
16gb DDR3-1600
780 Ti @ 1250/8000mhz (watercooled)
2x256gb Samsung EVO in RAID0
Windows 7
Fraps benchmark reports:
Min: 52 Max: 77 Avg: 65.667
Frame rate isn't the problem here; it's the stuttering that is killing it for me.
I am still hopeful for a patch.