Trucker Sexologist
Actually, I take that back. Some of the comparisons aren't using the same time of day, so they're not valid.
Just discovered the weirdest fix. I was pretty much resigned to playing with vsync off and enduring occasional screen tearing, because I couldn't find any vsync solution that really worked, but I discovered that if you turn the ingame vsync on while playing, switch to borderless mode and then switch back to full screen, you get proper vsync that doesn't shoot down to 30fps when it drops below 60.
I've tried it twice now and it's worked each time. No more screen tearing!
Exactly. TOD and weather makes such a huge difference to the visual quality of Watch Dogs. I see no evidence in any of the daytime shots that this 'mod' does anything at all.Actually, I take that back. Some of the comparisons aren't using the same time of day, so they're not valid.
Did this already get posted? A guy over at guru3D made an XML with over 200 tweakable variables. No idea if anyone cares about making the game look better considering how its current performance issues, but here's a link.
im sure this has been asked before.. but i cant seems to have SweetFX running for watch dogs, i put it in bin folder, tried running it with or without RadeonPro, but still nothing...
am i doing anything wrong ? im using the one with x60dlls,,,
Anyone seen ?
Post 5 has info about pushing the LODs out (hopefully meaning less car pop in).
Edit: I tried it and it clearly is pushing the LODs out (framerate tanking), but it has no effect on the car pop in
Edit2: There is a fuck ton of things to configure in the defaultrenderconfig.xml file, Remember how "medium" textures drop geometry quality? well that is because the "low" option (there is no Ultra setting, so medium = low, high = medium and Ultra = High) has the SkipHighQualityGeometry="1" option.
Edit3: There is an option under Road called "RoadSpawnSacredZoneRadius="13"", I wonder if that has anything to do with car spawning?
Edit4: Nope.
If you remove the high quality geometry from the high textures in the same way it's removed in the low, Will that fix the stutter on the high (ultra) texture setting?
If you are talking about the thread starter, no, it is just bullshit.
The moron breaks a bunch of the game's lighting then cries like a shit when people point it out.
The only thing of worth in that thread is that 5th post (that has a tool to unpack and then make patched versions of the game's files, including the engine config).
P.S: I did post that link just up the page.
Went and got the game on PS4 while they iron out their performance problems. Plenty of friends have it on PS4, so I'll keep the PC version for the pretty graphics. Will come back after the patch.
But man...going from 4k on PC to whatever it is on the PS4 is ... :x
Even in daylight? I've found it looks quite a bit better...maybe it's my imagination but lighting on NPCs, the way cars look and just lighting in general seems better to me :S Will try more week when back from holiday. Or maybe tomorrow morning.
Yeah, not a fan of that XML. I prefer the vanilla settings overall.
It would be great if there was a way to just improve the reflection and shadow quality. Those are the only noticeable differences.
If you are talking about the thread starter, no, it is just bullshit.
The moron breaks a bunch of the game's lighting then cries like a shit when people point it out.
The only thing of worth in that thread is that 5th post (that has a tool to unpack and then make patched versions of the game's files, including the engine config).
P.S: I did post that link just up the page.
About that xml edit discussion above..... it possible to just get the improved reflections that Confidence Man reports without breaking the lighting or anything else?
My post up the page has it (also ups shadow res).
So, still no word on the patch?
Anyone had this happen? Don't think it's my videocard as other games work without issues. It's locked to the checkpoint though so exiting the game and coming back doesn't fix it :/ Hard to finish the chase to see if it'll fix itself.
Anyone had this happen? Don't think it's my videocard as other games work without issues. It's locked to the checkpoint though so exiting the game and coming back doesn't fix it :/ Hard to finish the chase to see if it'll fix itself.
What is your GPU and how hot is it running?
So, still no word on the patch?
The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d:
Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.
The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d:
Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.
The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d:
Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.
Included in this mod(not all features are available yet):
-Changes to the default fog values
-Enabled bokeh DOF for the main cameras
-Stuttering Improvements
-E3 2012 Bloom
-Performance Improvements
-Enabled Headlight Shadows
-LoD Changes
-Reflection changes
-Added 3 new cameras to the game(closer, normal, further)
-Rain changes(High quality rain drops, properly reacting to light, etc)
-Lighting changes(TESTING AND WIP)
-Civilians density changes
And many more things.. SOON.
The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d:
Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.
The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d:
Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.
Dennis will have a field day with this.