did this fix sli issues?
did this fix sli issues?
I think everybody is CPU limited with this game to some degree, but certainly the stuttering issue is coming from GPU/RAM-related issues?Starting to think I'm CPU limited here. Some small stutters.
- i5-3570K @ 4.4Ghz
- Low Settings
- Medium Textures
- No AA
Not much more to squeeze here.
I think I must have some magical PC, because I get no stuttering whatsoever, before or after the patch. Performance seems exactly the same. Borderless windowed, 1080p, ultra, textures high. On 2500k/4ghz, 280x,8GBram.
Wait so the Worse mod doesn't work anymore?
I really wanna get the game, but i'm waiting till PC version is more ironed out, other wise i'll just get ps4.
Managed to get 50fps pretty stable but 1920x1200, shadowplay records it at 60fps though:
A hardlocked 30fps with very occasional slowdown with txaax4 is pretty sweet though, makes it more movie like:
Still stutters horribly with SLI.
Fuck that fucking stuttering.
holy crap they made it worse!!!! my stuttering has got worse and has the LOD been reduced ?
At this point, with Ubisoft's failure to address the main concern of its customers, you can only conclude one of three things:
1. They do not know what causes the problem (highly unlikely).
2. They know the cause(s) of the problem and intend to fix it, but don't have a working solution yet.
3. The problem is inherent to their engine design and to fix it would cost them too much money.
To me it looks like the engine is not really designed to push frames at 16ms or less. As the consoles are the focus, a max 33ms frame time is also the focus. The game behaves itself much more on PC when you limit the frame rate to 30.
Starting to think I'm CPU limited here. Some small stutters.
- i5-3570K @ 4.4Ghz
- Low Settings
- Medium Textures
- No AA
Not much more to squeeze here.
At this point, with Ubisoft's failure to address the main concern of its customers, you can only conclude one of three things:
1. They do not know what causes the problem (highly unlikely).
2. They know the cause(s) of the problem and intend to fix it, but don't have a working solution yet.
3. The problem is inherent to their engine design and to fix it would cost them too much money.
To me it looks like the engine is not really designed to push frames at 16ms or less. As the consoles are the focus, a max 33ms frame time is also the focus. The game behaves itself much more on PC when you limit the frame rate to 30.
It's also possible that fixing the stuttering is possible, but only with close collaboration with GPU vendors, as there could be a need to alter driver behaviour.
This wouldn't surprise me at all, as nowadays PC gaming is not as simple as it once was, and each game (especially those this kind of commercial profile) involves some kind of interaction and testing with the GPU vendors.
All that takes time and planning, so we could be waiting a long time if this is the case. It could also explain Ubisoft's fantastically non-committal attitude on this issue so far.
I think it's 3, based on what Maldo has said about how the texture streaming is set up. Basically double textures loading in on the fly. Idiotic.
Is there any way to stop uplay automatically updating the game?
I don't know, still waiting for that AC IV patch (or driver fix) that actually makes the game run decent, didn't help that nvidia just dropped those physx effects in there on an already bad running game.
I'll be waiting forever with this game too i think.
Sadly, I agree this is very probable based on track record. The only power we have as consumers really is buying power. We can make noise in forums, but it's all too easy for companies to ignore, once the money has changed hands.
I really want to enjoy Far Cry 4, because it's my kind of game, but unless the PC build delivers a certain standard of quality (and I'm not asking too much), I will spend my money elsewhere, because this behaviour has to stop.
It just suprises me that this port is so bad, it runs so bad and now they have released a patch after what felt like an eternity that makes the game run even worse then before and yet no gaming site is reporting on this, probably scared of not getting anymore ubisoft games sent to them.
I've thought many times about writing a blog post about stuttering problems in gaming but I can't find the moment. Stutter was present in one way or another in games like Doom, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Metro Last Light, Bioshock Infinity, Sine Mora, Gears of War, Fly'n, Fez, and a big bunch of other games. Every case with different causes. Some of them patched, but not all of them. Sometimes we can find a workaround.
and so on.
What drives me crazy is everytime developers are surprised to see those problems after launch when these problems are always problems that occur to ALL USERS.
I think one step in the right direction could be to add a new middleware to every game that analizes our computers in the first run that can show to the user something like:
Your connection is being used for those programs: X, Y, Z. Your ping and multiplayer experience will be affected. Best experience in this game requires blahblahblah
The HD where the game is installed has a performance of 000 and access time 0000, the best experience of this game requires blahaa.a.a
Your SO is running those services A,B,C that will affect performance in that way ........ click here to stop them while the game is running.
Your native refreshrate is XXXX and for that reason ......
It might be an Nvidia thing, who knows. Digital Foundry did mention WD performed the best on a 290x during tests... and if you don't mind my asking, what's your operating system and virtual memory/page file configuration?
Come to think of it, AC4 runs perfectly smooth for me as long as PhysX is OFF. When it's enabled it behaves just like WD does. A complete stutter fest. Now, this is just speculation, but I'm wondering whether some form of PhysX is running in the background producing stutters as it does in AC4.
As an i7-4770k/HD7970/Win 8.1 user, I haven't experienced any of the gamebreaking stuttering many are mentioning. I wonder who experiences more stutter: Windows 7 vs Windows 8/8.1 users or Nvidia vs AMD GCN users, or is there some combination of the two?
framerate?Still looking alright after the update
Don't worry, very subtle sweetfx this time.
while the whole thing is uploading and processing:
Full video, 1440p youtube
my game is very stable now, getting a smooth 60 with ultra/2gb textures on a 690 and 2600k, very rare drops.. stuttering is pretty much gone, and i was able to continue my supposedly corrupted save file.
I just moved on to some other game until the issues get sorted out. Last time I ever pre-order a Ubi game, that's for sure.
Is this maldo mod and does it work with the official patch?
no this is just on the update they put out, i havent used any mods yet. im going to try and finish the game before trying that extra stuff out.
Wow! Are you playing at 1920?
I feel like Ubisoft should be on an episode of catfish...
Basically you get all these pictures that promise you some hot looking girl/guy (bullshots) then you find out that what you are really getting is some fat sweaty old man/girl with a 4 year beard that has half eaten oreo's stuffed in it.
He/she cannot run and what makes matters worse, no amount of work will fix him/her, the more you try to fix him/her, the worse he/she becomes.
The best you can do is accept him/her, then realise if you do accept him/her, you will get no foreplay whatsoever, you just a unlubed and uninspired fuck that lied and will probably leave you nothing more than a voicemail every once in a while that fixes nothing and makes you feel worse in the process (patches), he/she will take your money and you will come back for more.
And that's real talk lol.
It might be an Nvidia thing, who knows. Digital Foundry did mention WD performed the best on a 290x during tests... and if you don't mind my asking, what's your operating system and virtual memory/page file configuration?
Come to think of it, AC4 runs perfectly smooth for me as long as PhysX is OFF. When it's enabled it behaves just like WD does. A complete stutter fest. Now, this is just speculation, but I'm wondering whether some form of PhysX is running in the background producing stutters as it does in AC4.