Always great to see embargos on West Coast time when the game is already on sale for over half of the country.
Vice city.
When is the correct time for first published reviews?
A collection of actual 80s music is kind of cheating, if we're looking for something 80s style.Vice city.
So many people still confused. Gonna paste this in every page if someone else doesn't
Vice city.
Eh!? Are you serious. That was the greatest 80's soundtrack I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy while going on crazy rampages and stunt jumping. Just saying.
pretty much for everyone else in the world at this point.
On the footsteps of GTA V, Watch Dogs manages to stand out from its famed predecessor. Missions come one after another with a quick rhythm as you go across a futuristic Chicago, in a game which questions hacking and the protection of personal data. A great game made by a French studio. Cocorico!
- A living city
- A lot of mini-gales
- We're not playing as a bad guy anymore!
- Unrealistic driving
- Bad enemy AI
is that bow wow?
Always great to see embargos on West Coast time when the game is already on sale for over half of the country.
A collection of actual 80s music is kind of cheating, if we're looking for something 80s style.
I think ME gives Hotline Miami a good challenge though. I'd probably got with Hotline Miami for variety's sake but ME really nails that 80s or 70s sci-fi movie feel.
That's a good point, especially the original ME had some pretty great tracks, set such a great atmosphere. Hotline Miami w/ headphones is just unrivaled though
Watch Dogs is a game that has a great concept, but fails to deliver that all-time great experience that will make it a game people talk about for years.
Ultimately, it’s a game that feels like Ubisoft spent more time worrying about the look of it rather than the gameplay. It felt rushed, and it plays like a game that wasn’t truly ready for release. And though I tried to look at the positives this game has, the negatives just put too much of a damper on it to thoroughly enjoy a game that, I feel, has a great story concept just waiting to be utilized by the right people. Right now, it’s simply a game that will wear out its welcome much sooner than many would’ve believed.
Fansided - 5.5
As fun and amazing as it is (and as great as it looks on next-gen, even if its infuriating that a game on these systems still has some pop-up issues) you still cant help but feel like its not different enough to make it stand out. That if a new GTA came swooping down to show people how things are done youd forget this game even existed.
Maybe in the next iteration or two Watch Dogs will find its own personality and become its own unstoppable beast. Theres certainly a ton to like here, and youll spend hours upon hours sucked into it, exploring, collecting, and having fun with the multiplayer. Its an immensely polished experience, it just didnt have enough guts to try its own thing.
Jesus.. 5.5/5.5? Or....
Jesus.. 5.5/5.5? Or....
Gamenguide - No score
thats not a good startFanSided - 5.5
A 5.5 scale would've been kind of goofy anyway. As if you missed the point that "going to 11" is a Spinal Tap reference.yeah. 5.5/10
The main story in Watch Dogs is great and so are the side missions. Theres a lot to do in the side mission and theres a lot of them if you decide to step away from the main story. Where Watch Dogs suffer is in the driving mechanics, which would have made Watch Dogs an almost perfect game. Overall Watch Dogs is a great game and we would definitely recommend you pick it up and add it to your collection. Hopefully over the next few months to come there will be patches to improve the troubles that holds Watch Dogs back from being superb game in the open world genres.
thats not a good start
I wouldn't be surprised if many pre-embargo reviews were rushed, we're not talking about a game that had a grand leak a week or more in advance after all.nor is it a good review
Where Watch Dogs suffer is in the driving mechanics, which would have made Watch Dogs an almost perfect game.
That's a pretty decent review.Gamenguide - No score
I don't think I can trust a website that stretches the aspect ratio of images on their home page.
Theres a lot of things you will notice on foot like characters getting into disputes over a car accident or if Aiden pose a threat to them by pulling a gun on them. One thing we did notice is that you cant physically harm or hit pedestrians.
"The graphics in Watch Dogs is beautiful and reminds us of playing Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag in current times."
lolwtfThat Visual-M review is horseshit lol
That Visual-M review is horseshit lol
Should you buy Watch Dogs? No need to beat around the bush: Watch Dogs is an excellent game, the first great game of the new console generation (PS4 and Xbox One). Thanks to an original, brillantly-handled theme -hacking- combined with a realistic and technically accomplished universe, the game manages to charm. But the lack of balance between shooting and hacking scenes, the sometimes uneven difficulty and the too often repetitive missions prevent the title from joining the greatest ones in video game history such as the previous episodes of GTA.
"The graphics in Watch Dogs is beautiful and reminds us of playing Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag in current times."
They're right, you can't. You have to shoot them or run them over. No melee against pedestrians though.
Honestly I can't really take a review serious when it says that Watchdogs it is the "first real next gen experience".Europe 1 - No score
Jim Sterling said:Fuck it. People are streaming WatchDogs now and I can't post my review. That's silly. Just gonna come out and admit I loved it.